How Did Opioid Addiction Begin?

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What's the worst pain this doctor has been in? I can tell you not a lot. My torso was opened up, so my stomach could be reconstructed, three months I was in the hospital and the pain was indescribable. Every four hours I was given the maximum does of oxy, for three months. I walked away with no addiction. But I thank God for opioids. This doc can take his opinion and shove it. I've had many pains since and its been almost impossible to get oxy, I am done with pain because I've felt the absolute worst of it.


As an opiod addict for over 50 years...This addiction takes time to end.


Most everything we do in life would be considered unnatural. We drive cars instead of walk, we use phones and computers to communicate instead of using our hands or mouths or we cook food using a microwave or eat processed foods and take medication for varying issues. Example: You go to the doctor for high blood pressure and they prescribe you a pill to help with that issue, yet you cannot take a pill to be out of pain so you can live your life, you have to alleviate pain the natural way.

So, we have the ability to help people get and stay out of pain, yet all the people in power don't feel we should be able to use it.... What a time to be alive.


Short term pain therapy is what people complaining aren’t understanding.
If you are taking medication for years you’re an addict and there’s nothing to be ashamed for but we need to understand that.


Oxycodone has saved my life. Taking them for 20 years, I've never asked for a higher dose and I've never taken more than prescribed. Yet because of people who abuse them, I have to worry about my Dr retiring. I can't move to a warmer safer climate because I'm worried I won't find another Dr willing to prescribe them.
I'm ok with government dealing with the " opiate crisis". But there has to be a way to handle it without media scare tactics and handcuffing doctors


Got into grandmas medicine cabinet one day. She had the good dilaudids. Ate one fell in love w opioids which led me to H


To anyone going through addiction, here's how I got clean. I was prescribed an SSRI and started taking it the same day I stoped use opiates. This was my 5th time goin through hell, but I have been able to stay clean and havent had a thought about drugs since I wasnt clean. Hang in there, there is hope! U just need the right tools.
I didnt believe in nonsense like this when I were using, but the same day I started taking my SSRI I didnt suffer the hell after not taking my opiates


If your talking about heroin” known as a opioid” people became heroin addicts due to many reasons” Forced tapering, untreated pain, alcohol abuse, Government overreach and idiot psychiatrist” writing barbaric opioid guidelines.

Addiction is the last thing a CPP has to worry about.


If possible, alternative treatment & doctors should be carefully sought out. "Treat disease through diet by preference, refraining from the use of drugs; and if you find what is required in a single herb, do not resort to a compounded medicament." ~ Baha'i Faith


Cognition and Opioids
As an adjunct to this video on opioids, it is important to understand that increasing opioid levels in the brain can be achieved through simple cognitive protocols. This by no means is a ‘cure’ for addiction, but it can help ameliorate cravings when opioid levels are low. The proof is in the pudding or in the procedure of course, and I ask the readers forbearance with this observation, explanation, and the more detailed procedure presented here and linked below.

An Observation and Modest Proposal
Individuals who engage in tasks that have a consistent and high degree of ‘meaning’ (e.g. sporting events, creative activity) commonly report a feeling of high alertness and arousal (but not pleasure) that may be construed to be due to the activation of mid-brain dopamine systems as a result of moment to moment perception of positive act/outcome discrepancy. However, a significant subset of these individuals also report a feeling of pleasure or bliss, but these reports are characteristic only in non-stressed situations when the musculature is relaxed. Since relaxation engages opioid systems in the brain (and covert neuro-muscular activity inhibits them), and because opioid and dopamine systems can co-stimulate each other (with dopaminergic activity scaling with the salience of the outcome, as well as attendant pleasure), blissful states require the simultaneous engagement of resting protocols and meaningful cognitive states, behaviors that can be very easily replicated in day to day life.

A more detailed explanation (pp.47-52 and 82-86) of this position in the following open source book on the neuro-psychology of resting states. It is based on the work of the distinguished affective neuro-scientist Kent Berridge of the University of Michigan, who was kind to vet the work for accuracy.


To save certain patients frm their abuse there needs to be universal sharing of patient med history, Rx's, etc. It goes against patient privacy law though the distinction of what matters more—health v. privacy—becomes paramount.


I am addicted to opioids They help with my cancer pain It would be very easy to misuse them but I am very careful.


In the past I met many young people that never was prescribed to and they just wanted to get high. Stop the bs.


The over correction in the opiate of it all has killed some and completely stolen what was left of some lives.


"Aw man thats hard to hear, alexa play perkys calling by future"


Well Drs never said anything about what happens down


Pain is a bad thing! If you have terminal cancer or life threatening traumatic injuries you'd be on your ass screaming for morphine!


Our politicians make SO much money from pharmaceutical lobbyists that who's more to blame.... the pharmaceutical companies or our own government?


Yes, forced tapering, which the whole country is undergoing (at least some are- others are just being thrown to the curb) is not as easy as they want you to believe. I have been tapered down to the point where I couldn't make it to my Dr.s appt. so I could get my refill in 2 days. He had reached that dose that made it impossible for me to take care of myself, and put me in pain 24/7. I was on an " acceptable" dose, by the gov't 's standards, but this pain clinic was/is cutting everyone down to zero pain meds. I must find another Dr. who will not only be O.K.with prescribing Opiates, but will bring me back up to where my pain was best managed and I had been on for more than 2 yrs. Or else what am I going to do? Go to an assisted living arrangement ? I'm almost 62, but why go there when if I was able to manage my pain I wouldn't have to? It's sadly crazy.😣😵😭😠💔👎💀


