3 Powerful Ways to Love Yourself INSTANTLY (100% Self Love)

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This video will show you 3 powerful ways to love yourself unconditionally. I'm going to share with you ways that you can apply in your own life today to start to see yourself as somebody that is worthy of love and actually being yourself.
This video will show you three powerful ways to love yourself unconditionally. I'm going to share with you ways that you can apply in your own life today to start to see yourself as somebody that is worthy of love and actually being yourself.
Welcome back to the video. My name is Aaron and I hope people expand their consciousness on this video. I'm going to be sharing with you those three ways that you can apply in your life that can really allow you to love yourself 100 percent. Now understand that when you love yourself 100 percent you then give the opportunity for other people to love you as well. Now there may be some people that love you no matter what. That are unconditional with it. But many times we get a reflection of who we are being. So if we don't appreciate who we are and we're not focused on we know what we're grateful for for ourselves and many times people will kind of be blind to it. Understand that when you go out into public you are projecting your self image out and the emotions you feel about yourself are contagious to other people. So to have magnetic energy and to really have you know the ability for people to love you you must first love yourself. Now normally it's kind of counterintuitive you would think that in order to love yourself it's more about taking on these new perspectives of Pioline on you know these things that are good about yourself and that can be powerful.
But the key is not so much on the piling on it's more about the letting go. You see the reason I say this is because love and unconditional love is actually our natural state of being when we are born. Now I know that sounds kind of weird because you know it seems so unnatural for us to love ourselves but understand that that's based on conditioning. We've been conditioned to not love ourselves. We've been conditioned to have all these rules as to how we can love ourselves and why we should or why we should and we've had all these magazine companies and all these advertisements that show the perfect models of how we're supposed to be and if we're not you know we need some type of pills. We need some type of weight loss formula in order to look exactly like them you see but that's just conditioning.
That's not really true. We think it's true. We might think it's true we might buy into it and that's where some of the pain might come from. But love is our natural state of being. I believe that love is everyone's natural state of being that when we put labels in our mind when we're focused on other perspectives we create barriers between ourselves and that causes a lot of the problems we have in the world. But get back to the core of who you are and the reason I say this is because when you realize that your natural state of love it's less about shrine and it's more about just letting go letting go of perspectives that no longer serve. Letting go of all the baggage that we may have been carrying around imagine you've been walking around with other people's baggage other people's beliefs of when we grew up we were picking up these baggage as we were walking around with other people's beliefs and we're lugging them around on our back.
And it's so tiresome to bring them everywhere we go. But now what we're learning is that we can let them go that they're not really even our beliefs. They were just things that we picked up that we thought we identified with we thought oh I'm supposed to pick this up and to carry this around. This is what everyone else is doing. Everyone else is carrying luggage around looking to hire some armfuls to do the same thing. What I'm encouraging you in this video is that you can let that luggage go. You can realize self-love is your natural state of being and that as you start to understand this you can let go of everything that is answer.
Now the first powerful way to really love yourself is to forgive yourself. Now of course you can forgive other people for everything they've done. But let me tell and share with you the most powerful way I've found to forgive other people and to forgive even myself is having the perspective that wherever I was in my life when I made a certain decision that was where I was at. And that was the decision I needed to make in...
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
This video is about 3 Powerful Ways to Love Yourself INSTANTLY
This video will show you 3 powerful ways to love yourself unconditionally. I'm going to share with you ways that you can apply in your own life today to start to see yourself as somebody that is worthy of love and actually being yourself.
This video will show you three powerful ways to love yourself unconditionally. I'm going to share with you ways that you can apply in your own life today to start to see yourself as somebody that is worthy of love and actually being yourself.
Welcome back to the video. My name is Aaron and I hope people expand their consciousness on this video. I'm going to be sharing with you those three ways that you can apply in your life that can really allow you to love yourself 100 percent. Now understand that when you love yourself 100 percent you then give the opportunity for other people to love you as well. Now there may be some people that love you no matter what. That are unconditional with it. But many times we get a reflection of who we are being. So if we don't appreciate who we are and we're not focused on we know what we're grateful for for ourselves and many times people will kind of be blind to it. Understand that when you go out into public you are projecting your self image out and the emotions you feel about yourself are contagious to other people. So to have magnetic energy and to really have you know the ability for people to love you you must first love yourself. Now normally it's kind of counterintuitive you would think that in order to love yourself it's more about taking on these new perspectives of Pioline on you know these things that are good about yourself and that can be powerful.
But the key is not so much on the piling on it's more about the letting go. You see the reason I say this is because love and unconditional love is actually our natural state of being when we are born. Now I know that sounds kind of weird because you know it seems so unnatural for us to love ourselves but understand that that's based on conditioning. We've been conditioned to not love ourselves. We've been conditioned to have all these rules as to how we can love ourselves and why we should or why we should and we've had all these magazine companies and all these advertisements that show the perfect models of how we're supposed to be and if we're not you know we need some type of pills. We need some type of weight loss formula in order to look exactly like them you see but that's just conditioning.
That's not really true. We think it's true. We might think it's true we might buy into it and that's where some of the pain might come from. But love is our natural state of being. I believe that love is everyone's natural state of being that when we put labels in our mind when we're focused on other perspectives we create barriers between ourselves and that causes a lot of the problems we have in the world. But get back to the core of who you are and the reason I say this is because when you realize that your natural state of love it's less about shrine and it's more about just letting go letting go of perspectives that no longer serve. Letting go of all the baggage that we may have been carrying around imagine you've been walking around with other people's baggage other people's beliefs of when we grew up we were picking up these baggage as we were walking around with other people's beliefs and we're lugging them around on our back.
And it's so tiresome to bring them everywhere we go. But now what we're learning is that we can let them go that they're not really even our beliefs. They were just things that we picked up that we thought we identified with we thought oh I'm supposed to pick this up and to carry this around. This is what everyone else is doing. Everyone else is carrying luggage around looking to hire some armfuls to do the same thing. What I'm encouraging you in this video is that you can let that luggage go. You can realize self-love is your natural state of being and that as you start to understand this you can let go of everything that is answer.
Now the first powerful way to really love yourself is to forgive yourself. Now of course you can forgive other people for everything they've done. But let me tell and share with you the most powerful way I've found to forgive other people and to forgive even myself is having the perspective that wherever I was in my life when I made a certain decision that was where I was at. And that was the decision I needed to make in...
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
This video is about 3 Powerful Ways to Love Yourself INSTANTLY