W.I.P #32 RPG Metanoia Chronicles (November Updates) UE4

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Hello Guys! I'm here again to upload my latest progress video for my fun project and learning.
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Newly Added Features
-Horse Equipment System-
New Horse Tab
New Horse Mesh Live Preview
New Equipment Item Mesh Live Preview
New Horse Type Statistic Display, MBD,MGS,MFS,ACC,DECC
Added Tab Animation on switch between Horse and Player
New Automatic Equipment Selection for both Horse and Player
Added Animation/Button for switching
Update Key (H) Input for Switching Player and Horse Equipment
-Horse Summon System-
Update & Fixed Horse Equipment Item during Summon
New Horse follow the player after it summon from the level
New Horse will Dis-spawn when the player is out of range
Update Horse Sound behavior
New Horse Call (H) it can be only used if the horse is already summoned from the level
New Horse Call Movement it will automatically take a smooth on start follow movement and increase the speed when the player is too far to follow and when the horse is near to the player the movement will start to slow and smooth way
Added Horse VFX Dissolve when out of range
Added Horse VFX Dissolve when it spawned
New Horse Rider Feet I.K(Inverse Kinematic) for Saddle the rider feet will be accurately fit to saddle when moving
-Horse/Rider Ability & Updates-
New Horse Charge Ability
Added Charge that can impact the Enemy that hit by the charge
New Horse Charge Function (Uses Timer)
New Horse Charge Cooldown Indicator to show how much time left before it use
Update Condition for the Horse Charge 3 Boost Dash point will consume every Horse Charge
Added Cancelation Horse Charge while it running
Added Horse Charge Channeling Indicator to show how much time left before the Charge end
Added Horse Charge VFX
Update Horse Rider Combat Left Attack (LMB) and Right Attack (RMB)
-Ability and Ability Bar Updates-
Update the ability casting type: Ground, Air, and Both Air & Ground
New Casting type Non-Targeted and Targeted
Update Ultimate Skill Dual Sword now is Non-Targeted Type. You can cast it anytime
Update Some skill that have a broken structure
Update Dual Sword Ultimate skill VFX & Function
Update Range Spell Indicator now using a Spline Path
Update & Fixed bug to avoid spamming key input from the ability bar
New Ability Channeling control by Data table & New Customize Function
New Data Table Variables Channeling Type Bool & Value for channeling
Update Channeling if the CH time is already reached the spell will automatically released
Update Channeling when you released the spell while CH it will be automatically end the channeling
New Function called "Add Channeling Visual" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to add channeling
New Function called "Add Spline Tick Spline" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to add channeling
New Function called "Add Spline Show Path" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to add channeling
New Function called "Add Spline Hide Path" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to remove channeling
New Function called "Add Spline Reference" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to add channeling
New Function called "Remove Channeling" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to remove channeling
New Ability Cooldown
New Data Table Variables Cooldown Integer
New Visualize Cooldown Materials
New Visualize Cooldown Text
New Visualize Cooldown Texture
Update in some channeling spell cooldown will only be trigger when the spell is already released
-Mobility Platformer-
Update Dash VFX
Update Double Jump VFX
Update Back flip VFX
New Back Flip Base on Movement Direction (You can only use once but it can reset the Air dash)
New Double Jump Base on Movement Direction (You can only use once but it can reset the Air dash)
New Air Dash base on Movement Direction (Air Dash can only be reset once when you use Double jump, Back Flip, In short You can use x3 Air Dash at the same time while in the air)
Update Air Dash for Automatic Wall running direct to the Wall running Object
Update While Wall running Only the Air Dash can be used at this time
Updates Condition Use can use any attack like, Plunge Attack, Air Bow Attack while using this New Mobility Platformer
Update & Fixed Double and Glider Button Conflict
-Combat Updates Air & Ground-
Update the Blueprint for Airborne Follow on not Falling
New Enemy Launched Hit base on Tap Key
New Enemy Launched Hit base on Hold Key
New (Left ctrl) Air Combat Follow Type that player will smoothly teleport to the target that is already been marked as air born target
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Newly Added Features
-Horse Equipment System-
New Horse Tab
New Horse Mesh Live Preview
New Equipment Item Mesh Live Preview
New Horse Type Statistic Display, MBD,MGS,MFS,ACC,DECC
Added Tab Animation on switch between Horse and Player
New Automatic Equipment Selection for both Horse and Player
Added Animation/Button for switching
Update Key (H) Input for Switching Player and Horse Equipment
-Horse Summon System-
Update & Fixed Horse Equipment Item during Summon
New Horse follow the player after it summon from the level
New Horse will Dis-spawn when the player is out of range
Update Horse Sound behavior
New Horse Call (H) it can be only used if the horse is already summoned from the level
New Horse Call Movement it will automatically take a smooth on start follow movement and increase the speed when the player is too far to follow and when the horse is near to the player the movement will start to slow and smooth way
Added Horse VFX Dissolve when out of range
Added Horse VFX Dissolve when it spawned
New Horse Rider Feet I.K(Inverse Kinematic) for Saddle the rider feet will be accurately fit to saddle when moving
-Horse/Rider Ability & Updates-
New Horse Charge Ability
Added Charge that can impact the Enemy that hit by the charge
New Horse Charge Function (Uses Timer)
New Horse Charge Cooldown Indicator to show how much time left before it use
Update Condition for the Horse Charge 3 Boost Dash point will consume every Horse Charge
Added Cancelation Horse Charge while it running
Added Horse Charge Channeling Indicator to show how much time left before the Charge end
Added Horse Charge VFX
Update Horse Rider Combat Left Attack (LMB) and Right Attack (RMB)
-Ability and Ability Bar Updates-
Update the ability casting type: Ground, Air, and Both Air & Ground
New Casting type Non-Targeted and Targeted
Update Ultimate Skill Dual Sword now is Non-Targeted Type. You can cast it anytime
Update Some skill that have a broken structure
Update Dual Sword Ultimate skill VFX & Function
Update Range Spell Indicator now using a Spline Path
Update & Fixed bug to avoid spamming key input from the ability bar
New Ability Channeling control by Data table & New Customize Function
New Data Table Variables Channeling Type Bool & Value for channeling
Update Channeling if the CH time is already reached the spell will automatically released
Update Channeling when you released the spell while CH it will be automatically end the channeling
New Function called "Add Channeling Visual" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to add channeling
New Function called "Add Spline Tick Spline" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to add channeling
New Function called "Add Spline Show Path" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to add channeling
New Function called "Add Spline Hide Path" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to remove channeling
New Function called "Add Spline Reference" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to add channeling
New Function called "Remove Channeling" You can add this new function to your existing spell blueprint if you want to remove channeling
New Ability Cooldown
New Data Table Variables Cooldown Integer
New Visualize Cooldown Materials
New Visualize Cooldown Text
New Visualize Cooldown Texture
Update in some channeling spell cooldown will only be trigger when the spell is already released
-Mobility Platformer-
Update Dash VFX
Update Double Jump VFX
Update Back flip VFX
New Back Flip Base on Movement Direction (You can only use once but it can reset the Air dash)
New Double Jump Base on Movement Direction (You can only use once but it can reset the Air dash)
New Air Dash base on Movement Direction (Air Dash can only be reset once when you use Double jump, Back Flip, In short You can use x3 Air Dash at the same time while in the air)
Update Air Dash for Automatic Wall running direct to the Wall running Object
Update While Wall running Only the Air Dash can be used at this time
Updates Condition Use can use any attack like, Plunge Attack, Air Bow Attack while using this New Mobility Platformer
Update & Fixed Double and Glider Button Conflict
-Combat Updates Air & Ground-
Update the Blueprint for Airborne Follow on not Falling
New Enemy Launched Hit base on Tap Key
New Enemy Launched Hit base on Hold Key
New (Left ctrl) Air Combat Follow Type that player will smoothly teleport to the target that is already been marked as air born target
Youtube have limit with 5000 letters