Ex: Determine the Domain of an Absolute Value Function

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This video provides an example of how to determine the domain of an absolute value function.

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This video actually helped me to remember what I had already known, but forgotten. Thank you for the memory jog! It's been years since I was in school and am just now taking my first college algebra class and struggling.


Awesome! Better then my teacher! It always seems like teachers do worse when they have a class then over the internet. It's probably because their more relaxed or something.


Anyone who says that this video was "bad" or "stupid" needs to, in my opinion, keep their mouths shut. Not everyone can look at a math problem and learn how to do it in a mere moment. For some, it takes "Oh, right! Now I remember!" to actually get a new lesson. It is VERY rude to insult people on the way, or pace, at which they learn. If you can remember it and don't need any reminding or pointers, good for you, as for making the assumption that everyone else who needs a little reminding is "bad at math", well, that is strictly impossible to prove true, and it is a very not-well-thought-out remark. Keep your opinion-based, rude comments to yourself.


Well, the reason I feel this video is bad is because it took "bullcleo1" 3:45 to go over perhaps the easiest example of an absolute value function. The only person this would help is someone who didn't know the definition of the domain and/or range or perhaps someone who doesn't know how to graph an absolute value function. I think the person who this video helps is bad at math. :P


This video is bad and you should feel bad.
