Review - Manjaro GNOME

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I've ran Manjaro Gnome on my main machine for almost 6 months and never had a single issue. I use this computer in my business so it's absolutely critical that it works. It has proven to be extremely reliable and the AUR is just a dream, so easy to install applications. Great stuff, kudos to the Manjaro team.


tried manjaro when i first switched to linux 6 years ago, it was too big learning curve for a 70 year old so i went with mint, now i am much more experienced on linux i thought i would give manjaro another go, now my conclusion is, it is still too big a learning curve for a 76 year old


Regarding the night light thing, you can set your timezone etc at the grub menu. You actually HAVE to visit the grub menu to even boot the live image so you kinda only have yourself to blame.

Also, I don't know when Manjaro has ever touted themselves as being for beginners or only for beginners. Plus it really doesn't matter what they have in the dock/panel by default cause anyone is gonna customize it anyway.

Been happily running Manjaro Gnome for around a month and a half and had no major issues. The one issue I did have on my backup machine (while my main laptop was in for repairs), an init issue, was quickly solved by removing the auto-generate feature. Essentially making the fallback the default. My main machine has not had a single issue. It has an Nvidia 980m and I was able to boot with the nonfree drivers and then didn't once have to worry about installing anything driver related. It was all there waiting for me after install.

Also, Ubuntu customizes just about as heavily and make it far harder to remove. On Manjaro the panel is just the dash to dock extension. Ubuntu uses it's own and it can't be removed without removing EVERY Ubuntu customization. Plus as someone as mentioned they do include a little applet to drop back to a vanilla Gnome experience. Just run that, reboot and you have plain old Gnome with zero bells and whistles. Really though, it's easy to disable the extensions. Litterally everything can be customized with ease.


Both Manjaro and Ubuntu did some built-in tweaks/extensions to the standard GNOME interface. This was a good decision, because standard GNOME 3 is horrible from the standpoint of new user. (Put a non-Linux person in front of a blank GNOME 3 screen, and tell them to open a web browser and a word processor — they might struggle to figure it out, and even after doing it won’t want to come back.)

The kinds of changes that Manjaro and Ubuntu have made should be incorporated back upstream to become the new standard GNOME, and something like this should’ve been done years ago.


I am on 5.6.19-2-MANJARO and so far I am just loving it. I have nvidia gtx 1050 setup perfectly on my machine and it works just smooth!!


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Good review and all, but what are you doing in Green Arrow's lair?


Its not high memory usage at all. Unused memory is wasted memory. You opened a bunch of applications and Linux is caching data in free memory so that they open faster next time you use them.


I really like Manjaro gnome version but the only thing that bothers me is that it has a lot of pre-installed applications that i don't think i will use. seems like there are quite a few that are similar or something because they have the same icons. coming from Pop! os, pop does a really nice job on creating folders for utilities and office. i know you can easily create folders in Gnome version now but is nice if is done out of the box. I also tried the "Minimal" version of Manjaro Gnome but is literally the same with all the application except no Libre office. is there another open to get Manjaro but without all those application just the essentials?


There is an option in Manjaro GNOME to remove all the Manjaro customization to GNOME


I've been meaning to ask you for a while but haven't done it lol. Where did you get your stickers?


Not a Gnome fan myself. I would prefer the XFCE or KDE edition.


So far the best linux visually and performance wise, firewall and few other apps by default. Some apps look a bit weird, like font is not right, easily fixed or use different app, at least they are available. Gnome tweaks installed already confused me, i installed and uninstalled it few times before i realised (never used gnome 3 before).
You cannot uninstall some apps as they are part of a group. Install konsole to have see thru experience...


OS's tend to use more memory if you have plenty of it so that it's utilised hence more usage on this machine.


Someone knows why opacity dont work with alacrity?


The installer updates its self when you first open it up. Thats why you have to wait for a while.


Just installed this a couple days ago...


Почему нельзя установить прогу без обновления системы? А если разрабы прекратили поддержку обнов системы (32 битная манджара)? "Снимать трусы и бегать"? Почему нет библиотеки libpng12? Без неё PortWot-137 не хочет стартовать с dxvk... Я бы хотел пользоваться manjaro, но мне не оставили выбора...


very nice vid, pls sometime do Ubuntu vs pop


KDE Manjaro better than gnome, sorry gnomers
