Docker Tutorial for Beginners #31 Docker and compose is not updating file changes Nodejs

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Docker and compose is not updating file changes
In Docker Windows, nodemon does not detect file changes
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Docker Compose not synchronising file changes in volume
Nodemon not reloading on volume - Docker Community Forums
Docker-Compose + Volume + NodeJs - changes not reflected
Docker container changes not reflected in the web browser
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Introduction to Docker:
Understanding Containers and Containerization
Docker Overview and Architecture

Installing Docker:
Installing Docker on Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS/Windows/Mac

Docker Basics:
Docker Images and Containers
Working with Docker Hub
Building Docker Images using Dockerfile
Docker Volumes and Data Persistence

Docker Commands:
Docker CLI Basics
Managing Docker Containers (start, stop, restart, remove)
Docker Networking

Docker Compose:
Introduction to Docker Compose
Writing Docker Compose YAML Files
Running Multi-Container Applications with Docker Compose
Docker tutorial
Docker basics
Docker containerization
Docker for beginners
Docker images
Docker containers
Docker commands
Dockerfile tutorial
Docker networking
Docker compose tutorial
Docker swarm tutorial
Docker volume tutorial
Docker best practices
Docker security
Docker orchestration
Docker deployment
Docker troubleshooting
Docker CI/CD
Docker Kubernetes tutorial
Docker for DevOps

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Рекомендации по теме

In docker file my working directory is /app and in docker compose file volume is ./:/app

But still changes are not reflecting. However, my react application is working perfectly on docker container.

Actually, my files are mounted and changes are reflected in conatiner but not on webpage
