Tips for First Year Medical Students (resources, supplies, mental health)

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Hi guys! This video is for my first year medical students! AH! So excited for you guys. In this video, I share HIGH YIELD RESOURCES that I used during my first year, supplies, electronics, and I also discuss mental health during medical school.


Resources Mentioned:

Boards & Beyond
Costazno - Physiology

Anatomy Resources
Complete Anatomy App

Supplies Mentioned
MacBook Pro 13”
iPad mini
Noise Cancelling Headphones - I have Beats (do not recommend)

Ergonomic Things Mentioned

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A lot of you are starting medical school this year and I'm SOOOO proud of you for your accomplishments. I want you to do well both academically AND MENTALLY!
On a scale of 1 to nervous, how excited are you for starting medical school?! ;) Comment down below.

edit: anyone that dislikes=dis-i-like (we know that's what you meant)


“All I want in life is for you to do well..” can a person literally get more wholesome? This is why she is going to be a great doctor


I just finished orientation today and this is definitely what I needed! You seem to know my needs all the time


i watched this video when it first came out almost 4 years ago. and here i am today, starting med school next thursday, rewatching this video and so many more of yours. you have a huge impact on so many peoples lives, i love your videos so much.


I am a second year medical student and Rachel you rock! I go to school on the complete other side of the country and every feeling and emotion you had during your journey I felt the exact same (so first years you are literally not alone). Your advice is spot on for everyone entering into this journey. As far as resources I would also add in SketchyMedical. It is more boards focused but its really the only resources I used for micro and some parts of pharm (anti-microbials mostly for first year). Its amazing how much it allows you to remember and how enjoyable it makes micro. To all first years reading this comment... Enjoy the journey your about to be on. If you constantly resent having to study or keep reflecting on how hard it is you will be miserable and it will reflect in your performance as a student and physician. You are about to chase your dreams and its not something many people can say they have the privilege to do. So reflect on that each day and it will keep you humble and motivated. So work hard and remember to take the time for yourself, whether its video games, a hike, painting, planting etc. take the time to do it because it will make your more productive in the long run.


Anyone else keeping themselves entertained during quarantine by watching Rachel? :) And Dr Mike?


I really didn’t expect to feel such a bond with a person I have never met but the kindness I saw in you made me feel some type of way


I really enjoy Rachel's videos, but I swear it seems like she's always close to bursting out into tears.


Definitely agree with this, don't let anyone belittle you into thinking that you don't belong. You are where you are meant to be. Everyone is an expert in something it may be in a different field/subject but that does not make you less then. Love you Rachel and your inspiration for many of us so keep up the great work❤️


“All I want in life is for you to do well” is really what I wanted to hear. Thank you Rachel, being in healthcare we are taught to keep taking care of people, it takes so much effort and mental capacity, it gets overwhelming. Someone has to remind us to take care of ourselves too. Thank you again.


When you said, "It was not a mistake" that hit close to home because I was already feeling that imposter syndrome, I teared up! I am super excited to start med school but so nervous, thank you for making this video :)


even though I am not going to medical school the end of the video helped a lot!


the “okay byeee!” from rachel always makes me feel better lol


I'm feeling emotional for the last words from her heart 💫


I'm not doing medicine, but I still lovee you're content. You're such a loveable person!


My first day of med school was 3 days ago and nothing could have prepared me for everything that’s been thrown at me in a few short days. This made me feel a little better, so thank you :)


I start med school next week and all I needed to hear was your bit about imposter syndrome because some days I’m still like DID I FOOL THE ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE so thank u


Not a med student, but a nursing student who is starting a BSN program in the fall. This was still helpful and I can even share this with my pre-med friends thank you!


I’m brazilian and student of first year of medicine and even if i’m not american, i love your tips and your videos. God bless you !


Hi! First year med student here at a DO school! Stumbled across your YouTube and have been binge watching all of your videos over winter break! So happy to have found your channel because you have amazing advice to give and I’ve made similar changes to my learning style like the tracker you mentioned in this video! We start our renal block tomorrow and I was lacking motivation to study😅but you were exactly what I needed to get me up and started! Love your videos and hope your mental, physical, and emotional health is high starting off the new year!! Good luck with rotations and keep up the awesome work😊🎉
