Time is VALUABLE - Motivational Video

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Time is VALUABLE - Motivational Video by FreedomKingdom

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From the moment we are born, our time starts counting down. Assuming we live 80 years, we have 960 months - that’s 29,200 days or 700,800 hours. Time only runs forward, it never goes back. As soon as we understand that we’re running out of time, we participate in a race. We run after time. We want to do as much as we can.

When we were children or teenagers, we wanted to be grown up already. We couldn’t wait till we reach the mysterious world of the adults, where everything is possible and we can do whatever we want. As we’re getting older, we feel nervous - our time is slipping away, we want to go back and be younger. When we are young, we want to stop the clock, we want to stay young forever. We are fighting time, trying to make it fast forward or move back or stay still.

We are trying to collect as many experiences as we can, check things off our to-do list... Fast! Time is running out. Make our dreams come true, make as much money as we can, spend as much as we can, take every opportunity, do more and more and more…

Wait, stop! Whether you like it or not, time keeps passing by, so why would you chase after it? Use the gift that has been given to you. Use your time wisely. Time is valuable, it’s a precious thing - but fighting it or running after it is pointless. When you chase time, you are actually wasting it. You spend your time by running after it, ironically, but time is not something you can run after, it’s just there, right now, and you have the choice whether you capture this moment or let it go to waste.

Do you often kill your time? Looking for the next thing that will get you out of your boredom? Do you flood your mind with unnecessary information while scrolling through social media, distracting yourself with posts that catch your attention and waste your time? Looking at the meal she had for lunch and which place he went today and what kind of event they had and this cute puppy and those new clothes and the new couple in Hollywood and these people you don’t even care about and this piece of information that is not really interesting but I’m already killing my time so…what?

Do you spend a large part of you day like that? Come on, what’s wrong with you? Think to yourself - is it really important to me? Or I’d rather investing my time in those things I really care about? When you’re attending an event or going through experiences or just right now, are you fully here? Or are you busy thinking about what happened yesterday or what you need to do tomorrow or taking the perfect shot from the perfect position that will get you as many likes as possible? Are you focusing on what other people should think you’re doing, or are you present in the moment, with the people that are here, with everything that is happening right now?

Time. A present you cannot buy with money. Don’t be stressed about it, time is passing anyway so there’s no need to feel bad about it, just be aware of your choices. Reduce those time killers, do something better instead. Try to think what could replace those time killers, something you can dedicate your time to that will pay off. If each day, instead of wasting those 2 hours or 1 hour or 15 minutes you did something else, you could improve, you could reach your goals. Don’t fall to this mental laziness, push yourself, don’t give up.

Stop fighting against time, you will lose. Live in peace with it, it’s here for you. Every period of your life, every experience, every moment is precious. You only have this moment, never the past nor the future, but the now. Now is the only time that has ever existed. Be present, bring your attention fully to this moment.

Life is too short to spend it on things you don’t really want or need. Time is too valuable to kill it, to let it go to waste, to care about things that are none of your business. Life is too short to not achieve your goals, to not make your dreams come true. Time is a gift that has been given to you, what you do with it is your decision - use it wisely.

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoyed :)

Music used:

Crystal Waters


Рекомендации по теме

I found this video by mindlessly scrolling through
