James White vs. Bob Enyart: Open Theism Debate

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Man, Bob Enyart straight up destroyed James White! James White could not even answer Bob Enyart's question...yet when it was the other way round Bob Enyart was very confident in his answers! Great debate Mr Enyart


Did Calvinist James White really say in his close that it’s dangerous when a group prioritizes certain scriptures as paradigmatic and downplay others? And with indignation? Wow.


Why would God "sigh deeply" over what he has decreed? Does he decree things He himself doesn't desire?? How would that work??


every single debate ... James White tries to beat around every bush on every question, then complains when he's called to the carptet about just answering plainly the question asked. He is so annoying


When was the last time Bob Enyart read the Bible?

"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:" (Isaiah 46.10)


Regarding Mormonism, there are Mormons teachers who teach the settled rather than the open view. Additionally, as pointed out by Thomas Healey: James White kept accusing Bob Enyart of having Mormon beliefs but like James White and unlike open theists, Mormons believe that God knows a person BEFORE he is conconceived, something the Bible does not teach. Thanks Thomas!


Just rewatch this debate. The irony here is that the Calvinist who is all about power, actually sees God as powerless without there imaginary decree.
Calvinist has something in common with the Sadducees of Christ day. They do not know the power of God.


Thanks for posting this debate, Bob! Watching through, I noticed how similar James White's approach is similar to Matt Slick's - both arrogantly dodge and avoid answering direct questions.

Any future debates planned, Bob?


This wasn't even close. James White utterly humiliated Open Theism's pretensions to exegetical responsibility.


Almost every debate I have seen with James white begins in response to his opponent, " So and So has misrepresented my position on such and such" It is a common debating tactic.


How difficult is to debate with a predetermined mind like JW.


Boy I sure am glad God's decree had me stay up till 5 am this morning watching this ;)


I don't know why open theists would even think that rape is a "gotcha" example against Calvinists, unless they also don't believe in God's omnipotence and/or omnipresence? I feel like open theists gave up to much about God for absolutely nothing ultimately.


This is a great debate, I watched it several times. I enjoy good, deep theology.


Someone with username Blood and Fire wrote "I loved Bob’s arguments and answers" but then was critical of, at points, my genteel manner, to which I say to B&F, you're right. Sorry about that.


In the run up to Will Duffy's Open Theism and Calvinism debates with CARM's Matt Slick (DBC, 12/1 & 12/2), Will and I were talking about my cross examination question to White: Do you agree or disagree with Jesus in Matthew 26:53, when He asked Peter, "Do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?" James White denied that there in Gethsemane, at that time, that Jesus could actually have done that! (Wow, God the Son can't do that?) White said that the only way the Lord could have successfully made that request would have been if God had decreed such. And so, since God had not decreed such, the Calvinist James White maintains that Jesus did not have the ability to ask and receive such help. Like so many examples, this shows that not Calvinism nor even Arminianism but only open theism represents the God of the Bible. For the Lord wanted Peter to know that both Jesus and the Father could change the course of events if he wanted them to. Of the first two big follow-ups to White's reply, the first is that Jesus said, "now". (The word "now" from the Greek "arti" either modifies "pray" or "provide" depending upon placement but either way makes the same point that Jesus has the ability to immediately change the course of events.) Can I not "now" pray for and receive these legions? (Or, can I not pray and "now" receive these legions?) Jesus expected His followers to understand the answer: Yes! Of course Lord! Of course I know that your Father could save Your from this hour, even right now, if you asked Him to.


I’d like to encourage people that are watching. If you haven’t seen a point in the person’s perspective by trying to understand what they’re saying, you won’t have the full truth opened up to you. Ever. I’ve experienced open theism, Calvinism, and Armenian beliefs. And from experiencing those, I can come to an honest, open conclusion. Please guys, Don’t strive to back up your beliefs, because your beliefs might be wrong due to presuppositions(like I’ve experienced), but instead seek the honest truth for yourselves. Slow down on getting angry and saying something about God that you might regret. I’ve made the same mistake. God bless. I’m praying for all of you (and myself) to have our hearts opened to God’s truth.


I am seeing that a common tactic among Calvinists is to shame people and belittle others and use emotional manipulation instead of effectively arguing their positions.


Bob Enyart crushed Dr. White. Dr. White likes to skirt around things by bringing up separate subjects and then boasts about himself. Dr. White also likes to call names and group people with others. Even during questions Dr. White refuses to answer questions and when he does can barely believe what he says and almost feels embarrassed to answer it. Smh. He should just give up.


I've heard of open theism but never actually heard it articulated in depth before watching this debate.
It is no wonder that it is widely regarded as heresy.
Such a low view of God, a poor Christology and complete misunderstanding of the incarnation.
I'd have to agree with the late RC Sproul when he indicated that if the open theists are correct..."I'm sleeping in tomorrow"
