Adhesives for Leatherwork

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We've had many questions about what kind of adhesive to use for specific projects, so Liz and Clayton are here to share and display their knowledge so that you know exactly what you need to get the job done just sticky enough! ***Items in Video Below***
Contact Cement: 7:30
17:25 Leathercraft Cement
25:00 Glue Application
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Great tips on glue! I really like the small cans because they are so handy.


Hey, good stuff. I've used E600 for the athletic shoe sole repair discussed. I've also had good luck using a 20 oz. plastic pop bottle to hold my contact cement and drill a 1/8" hole in the cap. Close the hole with a piece of leather between uses and spread cement with a popsicle stick.


thank you, I really apreciete the detail of the simple things you explain. Like just what contact glue means.


Don Gonzales's glue pot looks like an alien. It must have 3 inches of glue on the sides.


You guys did not get as detailed with the adhesives as you did with finishes, but thank you for the overview.


I use Weldwood Contact Cement, it is already thinned and Weldwood says not to thin it. It doesn't leave ropes of glue when you pull the brush out of it. I never knew Barge was supposed to be thinned, I ruined some suede with the ropes off of Barge and I never used it again. Oh I use Weldwood to glue a fabric liner into my wallets, just put it on thin and it doesn't soak through is what I learned.
I use a fan at the side to blow the fumes from the glue away from me. A box fan aimed away from you if you have the room will pull the fumes away from you.
