AncestryDNA | Sisters Search for Their Long Lost Brother | Ancestry

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For their entire lives, sisters, Lauren and Paige have been searching for their missing half-brother. This is the emotional moment their search finally comes to an end thanks to family history research and AncestryDNA.

Sisters, Lauren and Paige come from a loving and close-knit family. But they’ve always known there was one family member missing - their half-brother Jack. After leaving their mother, their father began another relationship which ended shortly before his girlfriend gave birth to their half-brother. For twenty years, the sisters have been searching for their half-brother with limited and potentially inaccurate information.

Find out how AncestryDNA and family history research were able to help Lauren and Paige put together the broken pieces, and reunite with their family.

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AncestryDNA | Sisters Search for Their Long Lost Brother | Ancestry
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they had a dippy father who abandoned his son but he has 3 children who are nothing like him and they are clearly a blessing in this world with love and emotion. The best of luck to you all.


After years of searching I finally found my younger sister through Ancestry DNA and we are still looking for our younger brother but I believe that we will find him. We are so excited to have finally found each other ❤️


Thanks to Ancestry I found my half brother and half sister after 56 years. I knew the brother existed but not the sister. They didn’t know I existed.


The mother has to appreciate her son has some great big sisters


I just sent in my DNA kit and am hoping to find an older half sister. I really hope I get back some good news.


What a ride. My half-sister from another continent. whom I never knew about, found me!! I have the story in Spanish in my channel. This really works!


Aww people find each other faster now and they have many more years ahead of them to get to know each other.


Nice to see someone have a happy ending.


An off topic comment, but 1:18 that is an epic mug at the bottom left.


How would someone go about starting trying to find there lost siblings?


i’ve been adopted since 3 years old and never knew my family neither have seen pictures. how do i find my family?


I did find my maternal birth family and had a good relationship with them for some years or so I thought. But a terrible lie that was being repeated to hide the real truth about my father got revealed and destroyed the relationship. It’s about trust on both sides, destroy that trust and it will stop relationships cold. The lie stopped me from meeting my father as I was told he had died just before I was born when in fact he died only a few years ago. Never given the chance to meet him because of that lie.


I’m sorry but their father is a pretty lousy individual...bailed on his daughters and then later his son


Hello I have been w my wife for now 9 years marines for 3 and she has never met or even have known of her dad there’s not a lot of info on him cause her mom passed at 6 abused by family she never found out the truth. I want her to find him. How?


When my dad was 16 ish he was seeing a girl called Maria. They stopped seeing each other and rumour had it she was pregnant, her parents moved her to the midlands / north of the UK somewhere. I only found out after my dad was dead about this so I cannot ask him. This child would now be about 40 ish. I don’t know if Maria was even pregnant, or if the child was even my dads. I’ve just sent my dna off yesterday, it’s the biggest long shot in the world, but if there was a child, and if they have done a test, I want to find them. My dad and Maria would have known each other in north Devon of the uk. And I have no idea where Maria moved. If you’re age is around 40, and your mum is called Maria, and you’re unsure who your real dad is then please do an ancestry test I want to find you 😘 x


i have a missing sister dawn mary glazier, could be glasier, not sure, i am going to be 57 in june i am aware if we do not find her soon we may never find her, the rest of us are found, just her, i know their pain


I’m trying to find 3 of my sisters on my dads side I need help !!


It's geneAlogist, not geneOlogist.


How close-knit can the family be, if the father took off when they were toddlers?


Why does he’s mum have to be there she looks annoying.
