Education is Liberation

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It's not about examination and regulation,
It's illumination and liberation.
It's the preparation of a foundation
that can set you for a life of exploration.
Science isn't about test tubes and atomic measures,
it's the art of defiance and explosive adventures.

Some confuse mathematics with the obtuse, acute, or the ninety-degree right,
but really, it's about flight.
I'm not talking trajectories and distance, speed, and air resistance,
I mean wings - like Reb Bull
Living your unique life to it's unprecedented full.

This is not the perpetuation of an unrepresentative law of meritocracy,
This is a FIGHT for a fairer DEMOCRACY.
Education is a fundamental human right.
Over that, there is no fight.
So how in a world of extraordinary excess,
Are there children who are forced to settle for something less?

What if we held in our hand,
the power to help children make a stand.
Would you share it with Martha?
Her father died when she was three,
Now her potential's capped by her financial insecurity.
Her tuition fees would be just £3.75 a week!
That's what she needs to pursue what it is that makes her unique.

So we came up with a plan,
For you to test your power
To see what your salary can do in just one hour.

We'll post a link under this video,
and after watching it's where you should go.

Please. Take the test.
And share it with everyone you know.
Because together we can be a life-giving dynamo

But we need your power,
we need your donation.

Remember, this is about a fundamental human right - Education.

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