How America is Causing a Famine in Afghanistan

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America is creating a massive famine in Afghanistan. Millions of lives are at risk. And the U.S. is unwilling to do what Afghans are asking to end it. Masuda Sultan explains.

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Imagine using the tragedy of 9/11 to justify committing over two hundred 9/11s against a defenseless country


One of the countries that never seems to get a break. Afghan people are among the strongest and most resilient, but they never seem to catch a break.


Just called both Senators and 2 congressmen in California to lift these sadistic, murderous sanctions. My father fought in Afghanistan to not only protect us but to protect these innocent people. He helped build schools, hospitals and critical infrastructure for these people. This is so incredibly shameful on our behalf.


My heart goes out to the people of Afghanistan, who've got to deal with the fallout & Incompetence of The United States Government. Thank you Gravel Institute for bringing this issue to everyone's attention.


Capitalism and neocolonialism at its worst. So heartbreaking, it was hard to watch the whole video.


CNN, BBC, Vox, Guardian Gang be like - *I'm gonna pretend I can't see this*


This is exactly why I struggle to contain my rage when I hear people complaining about refugees and immigrants from this region. First we destabilize the area deliberately for no discernible reason other than greed then we demonize the people fleeing the area. I hope that some day we will all come to understand these decisions as atrocities that are at heart deeply unAmerican.


You can't claim to be a good person when you stand by and do nothing while people suffer. The US needs to get its shit together and fast. Thank you Gravel for continuing to educate.


“Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions”
– Frantz Fanon


It's devastating to see the effect of our governments policies on regular Afghanis. Something MUST be done


I can tell you that US policies even in India which the US considers it’s ally, hatred towards USA is increasing day by day because of these policies.


We point fingers at Russia and China and accuse them of human rights violations yet isn't this exactly what the US is doing to Afghani babies, children, and others? Sanctions cause human suffering and should be seen as a human rights violation. After twenty years the US has little to show in terms of eliminating hunger and poverty in Afghanistan. The sanctions and freeze on 10 billion in Afghani money is cruel and unusual punishment and should be seen as a crime against humanity.


Blessings to the people working at the Gravel Institute. You are all heroes. ❤️


"For revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy America reigns without a rival."
-Frederick Douglass


If the Taliban want more aid, they must allow women to return to work in Afghanistan’s aid agencies. Taliban funded their war with Opium, but now have opposed opium production. I respect an opinion that US do more, but many Islamic nations are extremely wealthy, have assisted Afghanistan before and can assist now. The “reserves” frozen are actually western aid, mostly from US, and half this aid was given to Afghan agencies. Stop expecting US to support the nation and go to the Saudis, Emirates. Iran can stop terrorism, atomic bombs, Yemeni war, and put that money into Afghanistan.


Afghanistan's population has nearly doubled since the US invaded.
The US propped up a modern-ish economy in Afghanistan for 20 years, with all of the growth and development which that entails, and then went "Ok, now go back to your pre-2000's era economy."
We basically Puerto Rico'd them without bothering to make them a territory.

That said, if you're a foreign policy ghoul, it's an excellent means of controlling a country which would otherwise be antagonistic towards you. Turn off the tap, remind them what a pre-2000's era Afghan economy looks like, then swoop in later with very strict, conditional support.
But that'll probably be more on the IMF side of things. I don't know that the US will be directly involved beyond pithy humanitarian aid gestures.
Let's be real, the US has its own starving population who regularly freeze to death over winter. If the US can't be bothered with its own citizens, what chance do Afghans have?


They will never do that and they are selfish. We need socialist institutions and governments who care about people around the world to save the world.


Thank you for raising awareness about the situation in Afghanistan


We need more coverage of this; all of Europe, Canada, and the US are all "poor Ukrainians" (not to take away from that tragedy) and then completely ignore the Middle East. A British reporter even said that "Ukrainians are civilized" in implication that the Middle East isnt


American economic policy in destabilized nations is like how people say "dont give money to homeless people, they'll just use it for drugs" They assume the mental instability of addiction justifies not supporting them, just like the US assumes the corrupt leadership of unstable countries justifies not supporting the citizens. But just like the ruthlessness and exploitation of the US's economy causes the conditions of addiction, it also caused the instability in the country that lead to these crises. We use the problems we create to benefit from them, but we use the consequences to justify not helping them.
