The Girl You Really Like Has a Boyfriend. Should You Tell Her You Like Her

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Man i just love how this dude got straight to the point


this guy really is logical in his opinions ... great


Not the advice I wanted to hear but it's the truth and it really hurts


A guy who was dating the girl I liked once asked me who I had a crush on. He managed to find out, and said he would dump her if I wanted. I didn't want him leaving her just because of me, so I refused. Their relationship went through a bit of turbulence over the next year, but by the time they broke up I had already moved on and am in a relationship with someone different. I'm glad I never told her I liked her or him to dump her, because I slowly realized I didn't like her add much as I thought.


I don't believe there is a black and white answer to this. The advice in this video is excellent and i would argue for the 70% of situations this would be the right way to go. On the other hand you can't help feeling what you're feeling, and you're entitled to express yourself to her. As long as you're not expressing your feelings in the hope of trying to change something but you're doing it for yourself to be able to move on. This to me is emotional intelligence and you are simply being transparent and honest.


Keep your options open so that you don't fall down. It hurts but it is the sad truth.


This is honestly some of the best advice I've ever heard.


Move on and keep her as an OPTION. Think of women as pots on a stove And cook many dishes at once. Keep your options open!


The best way to avoid this sort of thing is not to open up to any girl at all. I know I keep saying this on a lot of videos, but not getting romantically involved with girls is the best way to keep your feelings intact and not have any drama or heartache. Staying single and keeping girls as friends and only friends is the safest and most secure way to know you'll never be hurt or jealous. As far as I'm concerned, romance is just complete nonsense and fairy-tale rubbish that needs to be avoided like the plague. What will happen to you if you stay single? Nothing. You can enjoy life, do what you want when you want and just be your own boss. So stay happy by staying single.


I told her so I could get the rejection I needed to get over her


Dude u have totally cleared everything up. You have earned a sub


Good point, I was in the askers position a few years ago and now looking back at it I cringe at the fact that I was really thinking that she would leave her boyfriend for me and in the meantime I missed multiple chances for a girlfriend just by waiting for her. Move on she’s not worth it buddy you’ll find someone better for you


I feel like telling her though would give me closure, not that she might begin to like me


i have to reluctantly agree with this. the best solution is to just cut off the girl all together and move on. don't ever go back to her no matter what! even if she did leave her current bf for you and/or cheated on him with you, in the end you'll still lose because what if she does the same 2 timing bullshit on you that you used to get her in the first place? i have had to learn the hard way that i can't be "just friends" with a girl. i refuse to be in the friend zone with any girl period! it's one thing if a guy starts off in the friend zone when he meets a girl and she's single to begin with and then slowly work into a trying build a relationship with her.


What do you do if you dont just like LOVE her. You feel like you could be amazing for her. She is in a relationship with someone who you have heard is a jerk to her. I just want to tell her that if she ever breaks up with him I would love to take her out. Bad idea as well? Probably...what do i do?


But life is short (unlike this comment) and you can't wait around for her to break up with her current bf. There will be another guy after him, and if it's not you it's somebody else.
I say as long as she is 100% interested, she might just be looking for another guy even though she is currently in a relationship. It's called "overlapping" and is when one person in the relationship starts a new relationship before ending the other. This may be cheating either physically or emotionally, however girls are never going to make the first move. It's up to you to go up to her, see where her heads at and act accordingly.
I can understand why a woman would stay with her bf while she is looking for other better matches as she's not sure if they'll approach her or not.
finally, you're not the one breaking her bf heart, she is. Imagine if you let your dream girl get away because she was in a relationship just to find out she was overlapping with another guy.
I say fuck it, hit on the chicks with boyfriends who give you fuck me eyes.


Gotta disagree with this one. But only if she is attracted to you more and has been contemplating you two together already. If not emotionally cheating or courting you. When it feels like you have been dating all along. I've had this happen 4 different times, and the girl wanted to leave the guy for me, after I suggested it. But I backed down because that nagging feeling in my gut kept saying that a decent person (her) wouldn't do that. Wasted time. Most of those girls were serial cheaters with shallow emotions.

What I don't understand is why girls do this so often. They have a boyfriend, aren't that into him. Find someone they like more, court him while with another. When they find out it's a good deal, they wait for the guy to make the move then jump to him and ditch the boyfriend. I've had this happen to me as well, with different girls I was with. The girls always set this up and act like they're doing nothing.


I just would feel better if she knew that would be my only reason


Guys believe him .he's talking the truth because i've been there it was the most dangerous things i've ever did in my life .


Most likely you dont even have to tell her! Its ok to let be known but back off and let things naturally flow so nobody's getting screwed over.
