Higher general cognitive ability is linked to reduced emotional responding, study finds

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People with higher general cognitive ability display distinctive emotional response patterns, according to new research.
General cognitive ability, often referred to as "g-factor" or simply "intelligence," encompasses a range of cognitive skills like reasoning, problem-solving, abstract thinking, and logical deduction.
The authors behind the study were interested in understanding how differences in cognitive ability might extend to emotional responses and regulation.
The researchers conducted two different studies to explore this. The studies included 631 college students in total.
General cognitive ability, often referred to as "g-factor" or simply "intelligence," encompasses a range of cognitive skills like reasoning, problem-solving, abstract thinking, and logical deduction.
The authors behind the study were interested in understanding how differences in cognitive ability might extend to emotional responses and regulation.
The researchers conducted two different studies to explore this. The studies included 631 college students in total.
Higher general cognitive ability is linked to reduced emotional responding, study finds
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