When (not) to use the Galvanized mods | Warframe

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The galvanized mods offer new maximums so long as you can kill enemies. In a game about killing enemies, these are just better, right? Not always - let me show you what you need to consider.

0:00 Introduction
0:24 Mod overview
0:53 Mod stacking
2:43 Multishot
(Galvanized Chamber, Galvanized Diffusion, and Galvanized Hell)
3:16 Range
(Galvanized Acceleration)
4:05 Critical Chance
(Galvanized Scope and Galvanized Crosshairs)
5:35 Status Overload
(Galvanized Aptitude, Galvanized Shot, and Galvanized Savvy)
11:09 Rule of Thumb
15:26 Other mod replacements

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Crit mods stacks going away all at once was a bug that has been fixed just btw


Fyi, nukor has a hidden status called microwave which is what makes limbs big, and it counts towards the mods


in a pve min maxing looter shooter math is soooo crucial and ur in depth charts and tests plus the easy to digest presentation of all ur results are an actual god send
amazing work m8 keep it up


Complicated decisions are a good thing. Maintains healthy build variety between weapons, instead of a "slap these mods and you win" type of situation. The galvanized mods with the arcanes are a breath of fresh air honestly. Along side the buffed corrupted Crit mods and we have a healthier moding climate then before


I don’t see it in the comments, maybe the youtube comments are just being classically unhelpful but they did fix the problem with galv crosshairs and scope now so if they’re your thing they are very good


DE should hire you to make in-game tutorials!


The cedo is an amazing weapon with the status overload mod, as your secondary can apply a ton of status while the primary being hitscan, plus the stack of the innate ability


These new mods have made me realise how infrequently actually get kills with my weapons, its pretty much only elite/ boss type enemies or nullifiers


0:30 ah yes, the infamous Mutishot mods.


The projectile issue with gundition overload is a confirmed bug from the devs, apparently the issue for why it's bugged is complex and not the same for all weapons it is broken on.

For my part, I suspect it has something to do with the projectiles damage being locked in on creation (aka firing) and not being able to dynamically update afterwards, with only damage taken increase debuffs on enemies affecting them at that point.


I don't personally see the galvanized status/CO mods as replacement for hornet strike, i use both lol. So its always just a benefit if i have room. Tysis makes use of the mods well since after the initial hit it starts doing a few extra procs, so by the time you fire another shot you will have extra procs. Once it's fixed i meant lol.


Kengineer sir, you are a Master! Metaphorically speaking, I bow down to you sir. Astute as always, thank you for doing the 'math and percentages' work so we don't have to kill our brains to figure out Galvanized Mod usage. RESPECT!


That indeed was very helpful, as other youtubers already claimed, the status overload mods weren't working at all, which kept me from using them altogether.


I'm big doo doo dumb dumb and I can't figure out how to build wrapons anymore xD

Thank u for ur much needed service


I'm in the camp that ranged weapons should have received 2 or more mod slots to further differentiate and strengthen the weapons so you could still put on the flat damage mod to help get the kills or add more status effects to use the damage for status more mods more effectively.


This video popped up at the perfect time as I just thinking how to use these mods on Ignis Wraith. I felt like something was wrong with the headshot mods, I didn't know status kills (all Ignis kills) don't count with the headshot mods. Thanks for the info 👍


I'd really love an updated version of this guide combined with your updated elements guide... Something like an "Advanced Modding Guide". As a player who understands the basics of multiplicative vs. additive bonuses when it comes to basic modding, I'd really love to understand where to go from there. Typically I'm just copying builds from content creators or Overframe but it's hard to discern which builds are actually "better". With the introduction of primed elemental mods and gun arcanes, it'd be nice to have some more modding rules of thumb that can be applied to weapon modding as a whole like when it's better to add a third element to a build. Which elements to mod for on which type of weapon. If non prime faction mods are worth a slot and what would be similar in damage/better if you don't want to muss around with swapping.

Most of my knowledge comes from a time in warframe when there were elemental combos that were best to run per faction like Magnetic + Toxin for Corpus. Nowadays Viral + Heat seems to be the go to. While I understand that this is best for the highly armored Grineer units, what I don't understand is when it's better to use other alternatives. Ideally I'd love just a loadout of weapons that's specifically geared for high level targets of each faction that I could just set and forget,


I think the only galvinized mods that are a must to me are the multishot ones. The damage reduction without buffs is minimal compared to the normal multishot mods and it can fit easily in every build.
Surprised, as I thought these would be pretty underwhelming before the update hitted.


I would also add that primers require holstering, unlike Condition Overload. So basically adds a dimension of Fire Rate/Multishot. If in 0.3~0.5 seconds, my bullet hose can apply 3 status on a trigger pull. Tl;dr: weapons with good fire rate, multishot and status chance are weapons which can self prime. Primary Weapons need to optimise (as below), Shotguns do not fire fast enough to do so and secondaries are primers for a reason. Also Primer + Overload is meta for a reason.

Primary Senarios:
Vanilla Soma spooled with a FR of 15 and 90% MS I would be effectively firing 4~7 times in that window, with 8~14 bullets being fired. It with it's pitiful 7% status chance will not benefit much as a self-primer, as it will only get up to 12.6% status chance from the mod. This means we can safely expect to only get about 1 procs in this time window (assuming HM), making swapping to a primer more effective to just hosing with a Soma.

Amprex with a FR of 12 with 90% MS, we would get an effective 3~6 ticks in that time, with 6~11 "status ticks". With a decent status chance of 22%, we get a status chance of 39.6%. This means we will get 2 status procs in this time period, with 2 'procs' on average with 100% base electric and slash from HM. This however is still not great.
But having a more decent status chance does mean the adding viral or any other element which doesn't combine with electricity has opened the possibility to apply 3 status procs by itself in this time window, but just barely. This I think puts Amprex as a good "gateway" into self-priming weapons, being a weapon of high fire rate with just enough status chance for the possibility to pop up with it's distrubution of stats (crit for HM, few damage types for procing 2 unique elements).

Jumping all the way up to Tenora Prime, with a FR of 12.67 will have 7~12 bullets being fired. 24% status chance being bumped up to 43.2% means we can expect to have 3~5 procs in this window. With an IPS of 30/40/30, we have a decent chance of having all 3 status types being applied, with a reasonable expectation of at least 2 different procs applied in this window. Adding elementals such as viral to the build also will change the distribution, but having 3~5 procs in this window means that having a 4th element isn't going to harm weightings too poorly (viral+slash). Being a bullet hose weapon, adding Fire Rate to the weapon itself such as Vile Acceleration will increase not only it's DPS, but also it's StatusPS. This allows the Tenora P to reliably self prime (ha. ha.) instead of holstering, and is only enhanced further by external means of applying status (e.g. chernobyl grass, spores, etc).

Shottys imo actually do the worst despite having high pellet counts due to the low status per pellet and comparitively low fire rate. They are great if you have other means to increase pellet count or fire rate.

As most secondaries tend to have decent fire rate and status chance as well as ready access to multishot in the form of Barrel Diffusion and Lethal Torrent, they nearly all will benefit from Galvanised Shot over Hornet Strike. They make up for it kinda for not having the same one shot capability as the other weapons.


I always thought Condition Overload was the coolest thing when it was OP, especially cause it wasn't just an OP melee mod, it didn't require me to spam melee, let alone sliding attacks.
Instead, it incentivized the opposite, combining several things to greater effect, it was always so welcome to see a frame spread some more statuses.
I'm really glad they kept this, the upfront vs. scaling dmg is a pretty cool way to create some variety too, it's essentially just uninspiring number crunching, but it feels satisfying to capitalize on anyway.

Sort of unrelated, but I remember watching a tactical potato video when I first started, and when he described blast dmg, I misunderstood it would essentially turn any machine gun into a Mausolon/Acceltra etc., it's fun to imagine a world where the elements are that transformative in their properties. They could really lean into it with tight design, gas could counter slower enemies that linger in the buildup of DoT AoE, viral could be something that spreads in a network, more quickly if closer together. Magnetic, well, it'd actually magnetize enemies and have the expected (exaggerated) result. I really love super simple and organic toolbelts like that, it's elegant to intuit and put it to good use if the game is built around it.

Which, yes, that means this isn't so much a suggestion for DE. It'll probably end up like Eclipse, really cool layer, but not really accomodated properly by the context it exists in.
Great ability if you know the tile, of course.
