Reverse Engineering from a 3D Scan with Fusion360... for FREE!

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For clarity, I am part of the Autodesk Creator program however I have received no direct payment, instruction or help to make this video, it is entirely my own work.

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00:00 - Intro
01:10 - Scanning
01:50 - What's the goal and simplifying
04:00 - GOM Inspect and aligning to a coordinate system
06:06 - Import into Fusion360
07:56 - Setting an axis - "the process"
12:20 - Revolving the drive flange
15:49 - Using constraints and measurements in the sketch
18:26 - Modeling the steering arm
26:11 - Modelling everything else
27:30 - Summary
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If you want any of this process in greater detail then drop a comment!

Edit - If you want to try giving this a go yourself, you'll find the original, as scanned and unmodified.


You've just taught me in 29 minutes what would have taken me a week to work out by myself. Thanks!


Mate you're a LEGEND! I've struggled with meshes for a few years in fusion and discovered the mesh section sketch, but what I was missing was the fit curves to mesh section function.

Thank you so much for this. You've utterly transformed my workflow


can you make a tutorial on how to tell your wife that you bought another 80's French s**t box for a racecar project ?


You can export the features generated in GOM as a separate IGS file with the same alignment as the exported mesh. That way, you can use the averaging functions to make planes and feature references in GOM and use them in fusion.


Not only is the technique impressive, but the teaching as well! Having a nice professor/instructor is so important for the development of the reverse engineering workflow


Love your straight-to-the-point no BS approach to YouTube. Most underrated channel in my feed 🙂


This content is chronically underrated. Thank you


This is an awesome video at just the right time where I was explaining to a client that 3D scanning isn't what the media portrays it as. They always leave out the last...80% of this video, and people expect that you just point a camera at a thing and poof, you've got a 3D model that's perfect to use in an engineering application.


I simply love fusion360. Its so incredibly intuitive and clean. My dream is to one day get myself a 3D scanner to scan pipework-projects in industrial environments. I've been using tape-measures, levels, plumbobs and lasers for years and in my opinion that's really old fashioned, slow, tedious and imprecise. Loads of measuring errors and you need to go take new measures over and over and still you may miss some minor details, like weird angles or other small deviation. Scanning the whole thing would make it Super Simple to take all the measurements and design your own pipe right in the middle of the old mess you find in old factories, that I usually work in.


Nice one! Here from YouTube recommended. I work with Solidworks on a daily basis and have used Geomagic for doing stuff like this. Didn't know Fusion had this function to fit sketches on a mesh section. Thats amazing and a gamechanger for people that don't have the money for software like Geomagic, etc. Crazy what you can do with free soft nowadays.


The final product looks really excellent.
I did the same project over two years ago, For a MR2 to 4 piston skyline caliper conversion.
I used photogrammetry, Zbrush and Fusion360.
Taking all the measurements as datum points is the most important stage.

Id love to own a 3d scanner, but photogrammetry done right is crazy accurate.

I always look forward to your videos.

: )


very helpful tutorial, the complexity of that part was a bit intimidating but the way that you broke it down made sense to my 2D AutoCAD brain


I also have a CR Scan Lizard. It's pretty amazing for the price. The key is to coat your scan surface to reduce reflectivity. I found that kids washable paint also works.


That mesh section tool is brilliant, thanks!


The first like and subscribe I dropped in a long time. I appreciate how you care about your viewers' time (and attention), and "fast forward" over the repetitive parts yet still provide a reasonably detailed summary.


We run a budget endurance race car in the US and this channel is excellent! Thank you!


Greetings While still a student, I participated in a scientific conference, where my work was just about 3D models and car parts.I wrote a paper on how you can use 3D models for teaching, designing and making models, now looking at such videos I just admire.


Great hands-on and full of context why and how showcase of how to remodel the 3d scanned part! Thank you :)


Thank you so much for the shout out!!! Love your content and always happy to help. If you ever need anything please let me know!
