Who Are Star Rail's Aeon Emanators? | Honkai Star Rail Lore

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The Aeons are godlike beings who are granted tremendous powers by the paths that they follow and occasionally they would impart some of their powers to their emanators. While we have heard this terms a few times in the story who are star rail aeon emanators

Put simply the emanators are those that have gained access to a path and has been given a blessing by their specific aeons. The Emanators are extremely powerful individuals who have a small portion of the powers of their aeons and are considered semi god-like. In this video we will talk about Star Rails Aeon Emanators and list down the emanators who we have met throughout the story

Some part of this video comes from the actual lore while others may be speculation on my part as we currently do not know the full story. As such take it with a grain of salt as the point of this video is just a deeper dive into Honkai Star Rail lore.

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The opening of the game with kafka and silver wolf in the space station confirms that herta is an emanator. I wonder if she will get a 5 star version since we only meet her puppets


I have a feeling that one worm that receives the entire blessing of Aha might become a boss fight in the future.


Herta was said in game to have gotten a gaze twice, I definitely would like a more indepth video about her.


I just noticed the owl that does the commentary for all the version highlights is in Aha's art. No wonder he can break fourth wall and talk to the viewers as if it were a... version livestream.


Cant wait to see what the fuck Clara did to walk the path of destuction.


MC wasn't a pathstrider of Destruction nor Preservation, but he drew a sight from both Nanook and Qlipoth, so MC is an Emanator of Destruction and Preservation, right? And it also shows that anyone can become an Emanator, not only pathstriders of that Aeon.


Herta has been confirmed by silver wolf in tutorial if you interact with her portrait.
The entirety of genius society should be nous emanator as stated in the lore they directly recieved nous blessing via signal personally sent to them by nous itself. Thanks to that sserkal a spider manage to join as emanator and create one of the genius star body relic.


Dan Feng (Danheng's former incarnation), is an Emanator of Long, the Permanence.


Jing Yuan is not an emanator. His power is tied to his position as General of the Luofu. If he steps down from his position he will lose his power. The spirit he wields is the personification of Lan - Aeon of The Hunt and it is only accessible by whoever has the rank "General". As a funny sidenote, in the story, Fu Xuan is a strong candidate for taking Jing Yuan's position as general; imagine a Fu Xuan wielding Lightning Lord :)


A similarity ive noticed between herta and the aeon of erudution is the fact that they are both 'robots' created by other people we have yet to see, and shes been noticed more than once so i highly think she is an emanator


Well, you were kinda right about sampo

He is one of the masked fools


So when Acheron comes out, we can cross check March 7th and Sampo being emanators by checking Acheron on the rating pistol. Emanators are thought to get a "rating invalid" from it, it would definitely track. In the case of Herta's rating, she's always just a puppet and the pistol does rate nonliving objects and Svarog. And Black Swan probably just lied somewhere along the line.


I think Trailblazers/ Nameless path is a path that allows people to recieve blessings from different paths


For a video uploaded a year ago, the information is very accurate


First, Lore path and Gameplay path are different, like the whole belobog is following preservation.

And there is Emanator we have already seen/playable so far
Herta - Nous
Acheron - Finality(?)
Phantylia - destruction
And we haven't seen
Zandar - Nous (erudition)
Worm - aha (elation)
Shuhu - abundance
And many more

Jingyuan is not Emanator of Lan, he got the lightning lord from the previous general not directly from lan
Loucha is not Emanator of yaoshi, his power indeed from abundance


The one who thrown into the battle the one who share with the others memories
The one not fall back and stand to defense each others.
The one who risk his life above at all.
It will be choosen by paths and his name is akivili

The defender of the universe.

Emanator is from the Word
Emanate which means spilit or share with somebody.

So herta dolls are future proof they are emanator, because they hold the power different person which doesnt show us her identity but we know her name is Herta.
Or maybe she just told you she has like that name but in reality she is called different:)


Id say that to be called an eminator it would take more then to just been gazed upon by an aeon.

Like Achron, is an actual eminator. Dont understand how she is one, but her powers far exceed any of the others mentioned.

So i really doibt that to become an aknoleged eminator takes far more then ti just be gazed upon by an aeon.


I think that the Trailblazer forcefully taking Aeon's blessings would be very badass. But I don't think that they take it by force, and I don't think that he became an emanator of Qlipoth either. I think that he's an emanator of Akivili, the Aeon of the Trailblaze path, and maybe my reasons are too insane and I'm looking too much into it, but here it goes.

As far as I know, there are only 3 things that we know about the MC related to their character, motivations, and attitude:

1. He wants to navigate his own path. One of the main plots of the story is about the MC not wanting to be categorized, experimented on, or even retained in a single place for a long period, they want to be free, and they want to understand themselves by traveling around the galaxy, observing multiple people and cultures to better grasp the contents of the whole universe.

2. He likes trash. Ok, here is where I'll admit that maybe this is looking too much into a joke, but it's worth the try. Trash, conceptually speaking, is something that's constantly moving and reshaping itself. First materials are extracted, then products are made, and when they no longer fullfil a purpose, they are thrown away and they transform into trash. Trash itself then regains a purpose, it can be by recycling but it's more than that, as the famous saying goes "One man's trash is another one's treasure". You could say that travelers share a lot with... trash, and I don't mean it as an insult. If we think about the crew of the Astral Express, as far as we know all of them "no longer serve their original purpose" as a person, and have joined the train to become something else, to regain purpose. March 7th was litterally "thrown away", in this case into space, which you could think of as a giant infinite trashcan where you can throw whatever and you would never see it again, and she's now trying to regain purpose by finding out who she was before she became "trash". Dan Heng was also forced to abandon his original purpose as a Cloud Knight, and went into the giant trashcan we call space to find a new purpose by fleeing from his old purpose. Welt quite literally abandoned his original world, and with it his original purpose, to fullfil a new one. About Himeko and PomPom we know too little to include them in this analysis. My point is that conceptually, trash may resonate a lot with the path of Trailblaze.

3. Dialogue options. I don't know which point is more crazy, the one about the conceptual importance of trash, or this one, so let's start by remembering one of the only things we know about the path of Trailblaze. "There are three directions on the compass of destiny — the Unknown, the Known, and the Unknowable" -Data Bank, Aeons. The Unknown, the Known, and the Unknowable are, in total, three different directions, which often align with the number of dialogue options that our character has, and in a crucial point in the story Kafka reveals that Elio's script predicted three possible questions that the MC could make, which I know it's a weak point to make, but a point worth making nontheless. Also, it's interesting how there seems to be a couple of recurring themes through the dialogue options of the MC. There are two achievements related to these options. We unlock one of them when we chose multiple times a dialogue option that "repeats" what other character said, and this makes me think of the direction on the compass of destiny called "The Known", since we are saying something that quite literally everyone there knows because it was said moments ago. The other achievement consists of choosing multiple times the dialogue option that consists in just staying quiet, which could be the direction on the compass of destiny named "The Unknown", because, well, if you don't know anything about a certain topic, you would stay silent, because you can't contribute anything. That lets us with the direction called "The Unkowable", and I'm going to shamelessly asign that to the "regular" dialogue options related to Stelarons, because the MC is the first living being with a Stelaron inside of them, thus making their knowledge and insight "unkowable" to anyone but them.

So, with all of this said, I conclude that the MC strongly resonates with the path of Trailblaze, but does this have anything to do with the fact that he can change between the paths of Destruction and Preservation (and eventually more) willingly? Yes. I believe that the concepts of constant travel and learning about multiple cultures are the core source of power for the path of Trailblaze, and the "powers" that said path give are not of his own Aeon, if that makes sense. It's all about being a sponge that learns from others, someone without a home, without a homeland, without a fixed religion centered around one single Aeon. The Astral Express travels and connects not only worlds, but people, and subsequently, religions and Aeons, so it would be logical to assume that the powers of a Trailblaze resonator would revolve around other Aeons lending them their powers.

So yeah, that was my way too long essay, thanks for reading, I'm interested in knowing your thoughts and if I missed something, feel free to let me know, I love the lore of this game.


Herta could definitely be an emanator. The one that joins us in game is just her puppet. I suspect there will be a 5 star version of the real Herta down the line.


I suspect Dan as an emanator of Long... tho well Long is dead so he's no longer one I guess
