Faith & Love in Martin Luther: Self-centered Justification

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An explanation of the traditional scriptural understanding of how God grants salvation vs. Martin Luther's novel theory of faith.

Chapter markers:
00:00 - The Priority of Love
01:19 - Luther & his Motivations
04:14 - What are Justification & Faith?
07:32 - Luther’s Understanding of Scripture
13:46 - The Catholic View on Merit & Grace
16:18 - The Hermeneutic Problem


The version cited in the video is the standard Denzinger book of ecclesiastical texts (#1525-1532), but as that’s printed I’ve linked the one above.

(Martin Luther’s definition of faith - Hacker 21)

Luther says that a deadly sin is expiated through faith:

Verses on work:

I used a machine translation so people can see that Luther really says this in the original text, and that Hacker isn’t taking him out of context when he quotes him on page 106.

Note that in this video I wrote “same spirit” while the Vatican English translation writes “sacred spirit”. This is a typo, which you can confirm by looking at the Latin and using Google translate if desired.
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I had to use a URL shortner to include these sources in the video description (to get under the character limit), but in case those links break at some point - here is the full resource list as a comment.


The version cited in the video is the standard Denzinger book of ecclesiastical texts (#1525-1532), but as that’s printed I’ve linked the one above.

(Martin Luther’s definition of faith - Hacker 21)

Luther says that a deadly sin is expiated through faith:

Verses on work:

A Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature: Aar-Hys edited by John Kitto Page 556 (Reference to Luther’s removal of the deuterocanon):

I used a machine translation so people can see that Luther really says this in the original text, and that Hacker isn’t taking him out of context when he quotes him on page 106.

Note that in this video I wrote “same spirit” while the Vatican English translation writes “sacred spirit”. This is a typo, which you can confirm by looking at the Latin and using Google translate if desired.


bro i am so tired of videos more high quality than like 90% of youtube getting 3 veiws. God bless you and your channel


This belongs in the YouTube hall of fame.


fantastic work sir, may we all pray the Lord graces our protestant brothers and sisters with the fullness of truth found in the Church🙏🏽


The emphasis on, or distortion of faith to the exclusion of love has inadvertently made the protestant branch of Christianity produce some of the most heinous cults known to man.

Classical protestantism used to be a liberating movement due to the rise of the printing press allowing for the facilitation of literacy rates. But in the modern era, it has devolved to "whoever is literate enough to read the bible has authority to start his own infallible teaching tradition" hence the dozen of sects flowing from the branch.


Hey i found it! Your wife recommended your channel, she teaches my Theology class.


Best video I have seen.. excellent work!
You just out performed every Catholic apologist I have watched...


Private discernment also plagued Calvin's French Confession in par. 4, WCF in par. 5 and the 1689 LBCF par. 5.

Whether Protestants trace back to Luther or Calvin, "all roads lead to Rome" and I wish they'd see it.


Utter papist propaganda that shifts blame from poorly catechized and selfish bishops and priests onto the big name Protestants swing around.. and honestly kinda effective, keep posting


What novel idea is your pope claiming all religions are path to God. Good job. Educate your pope too before buying your way to heaven with money or pray to your saints.
