When were 'hot drinks' in the Word of Wisdom defined as tea and coffee? Ep. 172

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You’ll notice that Doctrine and Covenants Section 89 does not specifically mention the words “tea,” or “coffee.” Instead, the revelation uses the phrase, “hot drinks.” Many people understandably wonder why Latter-day Saints (sometimes referred to as “Mormons”) view this as a reference to tea and coffee, but not also a reference to hot chocolate, hot apple cider, etc. That’s the question that David Snell digs into in this episode.


— During the temperance movement going on in the broader culture at the time (in the 1830s), tea and coffee were often used as substitutes for alcohol. Many temperance reformers thus looked upon tea and coffee favorably, while D&C 89 did not. For more, see “Revelations in Context: Word of Wisdom.”

— While I was researching this subject I was curious about how the wider culture in the 1830s was using the term “hot drinks.” So I did a few Google Book searches, and found that when specific examples of “hot drinks” are given, far and away the most common examples that I saw were coffee and tea. For example (links embedded on website):
“Hot drinks, as tea and coffee” 1831
“Avoid likewise the excessive use of hot drinks, such as coffee, chocolate, and tea” 1833
“Coffee, tea, and other hot drinks…” 1838
“Hot drinks, especially tea and coffee…” 1838
“What is here said of hot drinks will apply with equal force, to strong tea, coffee, and spirituous liquors…” 1839
“Hot drinks, especially coffee and tea…” 1836
“Very much opposed to giving children hot drinks of any kind. If they are to drink substances which are injurious, as tea or coffee, let them be cool.” 1839


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Great video, as a new member the word of wisdom is a great anchor ⚓ for me, I just wish I had the wisdom earlier in life, and avoided a lot of things but I have it now 😀 and I'm happy, well done Saints Unscripted 👍👍


Cardon Ellis said that the Faith and Beliefs series is some of the best produced Latter-day Saint content on the internet. I would agree.

Look forward to the next video. The word of wisdom is an interesting subject. Thanks for tackling it David.


Love this topic. As someone who drinks mate everyday I’ve always wrestled with how that fits with the word of wisdom. Another thought is, shouldn’t we only be eating meat in times of famine? Why doesn’t the church talk about the benefits to eating less meat as often as we talk about tea or coffee? To me there’s a lot of gray area here and a lot of it depends on our personal relationship with Heavenly Father. Also, there are much more important things for us to focus on that’ll help us stay on the covenant path. Let’s not judge each other but lift each other and seek to understand. Thank you for the great content!


Serious question: why is there such a focus on the prohibitions laid out in the Word of Wisdom, and not so much on the dietary recommendations listed in the rest of Section 89? There's some good health habits listed out as well.


When the Lord gave the revelation, I believe he meant us to follow it as directed. Not to be changed with culture. We certainly shouldn’t deny baptism or other ordinances based on any interpretation of it. Especially since it was explicitly stated by the Lord that is not a commandment. We love rules, making ourselves righteous, just like the Pharisees did. The coffee and tea debate of “hot drinks” has been going on since the revelation was received. It wouldn’t be a big debate if we followed the revelation as directed, as divine counsel, moderation, not by commandment.


Thanks for letting me know! I have asked this question to missionaries and have never got a good answer.


The WOW was always my biggest problem with the church, it’s weird to me that they emphasize so much the importance of not drinking coffee or tea but they never say anything about other highly caffeinated drinks such as bang, reign, monster, redbull, etc. My theory is that the members have turned to these beverages as alternate ways to get caffiene and if the first presidency were to ban those drinks there would be a lot of backlash


The issue I've always had with this interpretation is that you have to basically ignore the logic that comes from most of the reccomendations from the Word of Wisdom for it to make any sense, and it makes me wonder whether or not the tea and coffee prohibition is simply there to distuinguish the LDS faith from other forms of Christianity. Eating meat spareingly for example is in the word of wisdom, and yet if you ate meat for every meal nobody would care. Drink coffee or tea once, and people will be all over you for it.


Serious question: Why not drink cold, decaffeinated, tea? Healthy, cold, caffeine free.


Thanks alot for the resources in the descriptions!


I'm from Brazil and also a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter days saints. When the word of wisdom is or was taught back in the day tea was never prohibited. However, we were instructed to not drink coffee and BLACK TEA only. When on a mission, my American companions got really surprised how we (Brazilians) we're allowed to drink tea. The American missionaries, especially one of my companions, was living a dream by been "allowed" to drink tea while on his mission but never at his home country. That's really weird how the church allows "tea" or herbal tea in some countries but not in the Joseph Smith home country.
I could also add here that in southern Brazil people dink Chimarrão, wich is almost boiling water temperature and the church never said anything about it. I guess if it is something that the church police may interfere with people culture its better off just to fun fun of fun and move on.
I understand that the word of wisdom is something very particular and each individual should know what's best for your own good. But when answering the Temple recommend question it may be faulty depending where part of the world you are from.

In my opinion now, I don't know what happened when Joseph Smith received this revelation. I know that he inquired the lord after Emma complains about the dirty floor covered with tobacco in the room but I think there was something else, something POLITICAL between Joseph Smith or the church and the coffee companies or something like that to avoid drinking coffee. In nowadays it would be a lot more clear if the church came out saying that we should avoid Coke-cola, or any oder sodas that only destroys our bodies even worse that coffee or beer.
Anyways, a member of the church can not attend the temple if consuming coffee and tea. But on the other hand there is that guy tha weighs over 300lbs, don't exercises, and keep buying his diet Coke from the grocery store due to his diabetes...
Now I ask you, which one is striving to keep the world of wisdom and can have a temple recommend?


I think this video may be causing some confusion because you don’t differentiate tea from herbal tea. There has always been a huge difference between these in LDS church culture and without understanding that people don’t understand how the doctrine is interpreted by a huge portion of the church


Hi Saints Unscripted, Im excited on the next episode about from moderation to total abstention


I’ve had missionaries in Edmonton, Canada say coffee is okay to drink while others say it isn’t. I think some say it’s okay in order to help people ease into membership.


I've never heard anyone talk about the fact that D&C 89:12-13 says to eat meat "sparingly." Do Latter Day Saints eat less meat than most Americans?


For me coffee seems to be in the word of wisdom because it can be more addictive than other caffeine drinks, we have all met someone who’s says something like don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee for example, also staying away from something that otherwise looks delicious proves you can and are willing to listen to lord even if you don’t understand why


Then can you drink iced tea or iced coffee?


If the expectation is changed then the canonized scripture must be changed and it has not been.


As JWs tobacco is forbidden and illicit drugs.
But alcohol is permitted in moderation and tea and coffee are permitted.
I hardly ever drink alcohol and rarely drink either tea or coffee anyway, so for me the word of wisdom wouldn’t seem like much of a difference.
I’d be surprised if their aren’t some sneaky Mormons that drink coffee on the sly.


David, my brother, I hate to be the guy that nitpicks at individual verses, but what are your thoughts on modern revelation and D&C 89 : 6? It seems the lord is saying wine is OK as long as members make it?
