God with Us 1 EC | Isaiah | Wonder Ink Sunday School Curriculum

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Lesson Title: Isaiah - The prophet Isaiah has a vision of God’s throne room. Isaiah recognizes God’s holiness and his own sinfulness, but God cleanses him and calls Isaiah to be His messenger.

Scripture: Isaiah 6

Wonder Truth: God Calls People to Be His Messengers


Foundational Building Block

Isaiah means “Yahweh is salvation.” The prophet was probably born and educated in Jerusalem. There is some indication he was related to King Uzziah since he had access to the court and was deeply concerned with leadership.

King Uzziah died at a difficult time in Israel’s history as they were under threat from foreign invaders. God intervenes and provides His people with a messenger through a vision. He calls Isaiah to speak on behalf of God, and Isaiah becomes God’s prophet.

In Isaiah 6:1, we are told that Isaiah’s vision takes place in the “temple.” This may refer to the physical temple in Jerusalem, but it could also refer to Isaiah being transported in his vision to the temple of God in heaven.

Isaiah lived during the eighth century BC. The death of King Uzziah was around 740 BC, and shortly after, Assyria began its assault on the Northern Kingdom of Israel. By 722 BC, the capital city of Israel, Samaria, was conquered by Assyria.

Isaiah couldn’t cleanse himself of his sin, so God cleansed him and made him able to stand in the presence of the Holy God. Jesus gives of Himself on the cross to cleanse all who trust in Him so they too can be with God.


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