Work Item templates explained | create work items with prepopulated values

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With work item templates, you can quickly create work items with prepopulated values for your team's commonly used fields. You can use work item templates to create work items or make bulk updates to several work items.
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Azure DevOps playlist
1.What is Azure DevOps ? Introduction | Account creation | Walk through for beginners
2.Azure DevOps Boards process template selection | Agile | Basic | CMMI | Scrum
3.What is Epic features in Azure DevOps | Agile | Priority | Time criticality | Business value | Risk
4.User story and Task explained | Story points | orginal estimation | Acceptance criteria
5.Area path and Team Explained | Azure DevOps Tutorial for Beginners
6.Bugs and Issue explained | Azure DevOps
7.Kanban Boards explained in detail along with customization | Azure DevOps
8.Add Custom columns to Kanban boards | Set WIP limit | rename columns
9.Swim lanes Explained in Detail
10.Backlogs mapping Explained | Parents | Keep Hierarchy | InProgress | Azure DevOps boards
11.Iteration Path Explained | Add sprint to your team | Azure DevOps
12.How to do Sprint Planning in Azure DevOps | Capacity planning | reorder | Team days off
13.Velocity Forecast in sprint planning | Average velocity calculation
14.How to conduct daily stand-up call with Azure DevOps boards
15.Retrospective meeting setup in azure DevOps boards
16.Query explained in Detail | Azure DevOps for beginners
17.Delivery plans in Azure DevOps boards | Explained | dependencies | successor | Processor | access
18.Azure DevOps Demo Generator | copy prebuild project for practice
19.Add team member and access
20.Work Item templates explained | create work items with prepopulated values
21. GitHub Integration with Azure DevOps | Add link to GitHub commit | Update state from GitHub
22.Customize Azure Boards processes | Create an inherited process | add new work item type | New field
23.Customize state of Work item | custom Agile template
24.Add a rule to a work item type | Templates
25.Change Work Item Type in Azure DevOps
26.Set Boards Permission | Azure DevOps Boards
27.Getting started with Azure Repos | commands
28.Create new branch and push the changes from local via Git commands
29.Pull Request explained in detail
30.Import GitHub repos into Azure DevOps repos
Azure tutorial :
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Azure Logic Apps
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Join the community to download all supporting files.
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Azure DevOps playlist
1.What is Azure DevOps ? Introduction | Account creation | Walk through for beginners
2.Azure DevOps Boards process template selection | Agile | Basic | CMMI | Scrum
3.What is Epic features in Azure DevOps | Agile | Priority | Time criticality | Business value | Risk
4.User story and Task explained | Story points | orginal estimation | Acceptance criteria
5.Area path and Team Explained | Azure DevOps Tutorial for Beginners
6.Bugs and Issue explained | Azure DevOps
7.Kanban Boards explained in detail along with customization | Azure DevOps
8.Add Custom columns to Kanban boards | Set WIP limit | rename columns
9.Swim lanes Explained in Detail
10.Backlogs mapping Explained | Parents | Keep Hierarchy | InProgress | Azure DevOps boards
11.Iteration Path Explained | Add sprint to your team | Azure DevOps
12.How to do Sprint Planning in Azure DevOps | Capacity planning | reorder | Team days off
13.Velocity Forecast in sprint planning | Average velocity calculation
14.How to conduct daily stand-up call with Azure DevOps boards
15.Retrospective meeting setup in azure DevOps boards
16.Query explained in Detail | Azure DevOps for beginners
17.Delivery plans in Azure DevOps boards | Explained | dependencies | successor | Processor | access
18.Azure DevOps Demo Generator | copy prebuild project for practice
19.Add team member and access
20.Work Item templates explained | create work items with prepopulated values
21. GitHub Integration with Azure DevOps | Add link to GitHub commit | Update state from GitHub
22.Customize Azure Boards processes | Create an inherited process | add new work item type | New field
23.Customize state of Work item | custom Agile template
24.Add a rule to a work item type | Templates
25.Change Work Item Type in Azure DevOps
26.Set Boards Permission | Azure DevOps Boards
27.Getting started with Azure Repos | commands
28.Create new branch and push the changes from local via Git commands
29.Pull Request explained in detail
30.Import GitHub repos into Azure DevOps repos
Azure tutorial :
AzureData factory Tutorial :
Azure Logic Apps
Git and Git Hub Tutorial :
Azure DevOps tutorial :