Listen to this warning from Paul Washer. It's deadly.

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I remember someone saying that sexual sin is one of the most dangerous and horrible sins not because its hard for Him to forgive but because its one of the sins that is the hardest to recover from. I've come out of sexual sin from porn addiction and masturbation, and I still experience its side effects to this day--thoughts, unwanted feelings of arousal. But please do not lose heart, God sees you and He is slowly and faithfully working it out of your flesh. Be strong, brothers and sisters. He that overcomes the world is in us. ❤


Female past sufferer here.
The REASON that I KNOW with my entire heart and mind that Jesus is real, is because once I read the Bible for the first time entirely, my extreme addictions to lust faded and died.
I am actually free. I know that he looses chains, because an inescapable prison cell in my life that ruined my heart and soul, and hurt my friends and loved ones, that took my dignity... was removed.
It was impossible. I tried. I beat myself, I cried, I hurt myself and it never ended, not until the impossible became possible..through Jesus Christ.
My lord, and truly, my Savior. <3


So true, it almost killed me and messed up most of my life, but God had compassion on me and I am saved. Praise God.


I lived a promiscuous lifestyle for many years. It's extremely harmful to your sense of self-worth, your value, and it is an addiction. I'm so, so thankful that Jesus saved me. I've been married nearly seven years now and we both have given our lives to Christ after nearly divorcing earlier this year, and Jesus saved our marriage 💙


Never heard it explained this way, my sexual sins have destroyed lives, and almost took mine. But only God gets the glory for me being saved.


I had a guy friend back in high school and he was known for being a body builder and womanizer. He would sleep around like crazy. He had crazy stories about s3xual escapades with his guy friends (having s3x in the same room) and having multiple partners. I tried to mention God to him and he stopped me. He said “You know how I feel about that, let’s drop it.” And so I did like 2 years later he was in the hospital with testicular cancer. I messaged him and he was strong but the cancer metastasized and entered his vital organs and he passed away. That’s when I realized s3xual sin is a dangerous game.


I was sexually assaulted and introduced to porn as child of 8. It was a part of me for 40 years. I am still in therapy and have rare lapses. I am working hard to eliminate it with Gods help. I know what you are saying is true however in one sermon you said you were tired of men making excuses for being addicted to it. I make no excuses because I love Jesus and want to do what He wants me too.


this is very true, i became deranged and psychotic with the wrong person, nearly became homicidal, filled with revenge and a strong desire to kill, was completely possessed with rage, it got so bad where my body was starting to give out on me, felt like i was going to get a heart attack based on how deeply disturbed my soul had become, sleep paralysis, incubus and succubus attacks, visions of my family being brutally murdered, i was entirely crazy, until i had enough and received deliverance at a local pentecostal church. my mother never stopped praying for me. i am so thankful for her. but it’s scary, i would have never chose to come to the lord until i was forced to by the weight of my sin, that’s how stubborn and hard my heart was


😭 lord help me please turn from my lustful desires


This man is 100% correct. I was very involved with sexual sin. Even getting married it never left me then I begged for it to be removed from my life. One thing that popped in my head is keep fighting and don't give up when you get that urge fight it with prayer. It is so hard but life is hard. The older I get the closer I get to God. Keep the faith!!


I decide to quit and one night, maybe 4 or 5 days after quitter everything related to sex, i was in my bed, crying in pain, asking God to help me . I wanted to die . And then God help me and never leave me since, but i still a pain sometimes, one day it will leave me in Jesus Names AMEN !


Celibacy suits me fine. I’ve been there and it was like a prison. I feel like knowing Jesus needs to make a difference to your life. If you have ever experienced the unconditional love of God and his forgiveness, then turning back to screwing around like every other lost soul on Saturday night, is to diminish the gift God gave you and the love He showed you and it’s freedom. And I learnt that the hard way. And I got hurt. And society has just got more lost since then. You don’t know who you are until you know Gods love. When you’ve got that as a guide, your life has a meaning. I love how Paul wrote that he was still striving toward the goal.


As someone who has been consumed by sexual sin and knows the hardship of overcoming it, I pray for you reader I pray that God helps you as he has helped me, I pray that you stand firm in your faith and deep in Gods word. I pray that you call out to God for help whenever you feel as if you've hit a wall or Temptation strikes you fierce and lastly I pray that if you do fall then help is only a prayer away. For I say these things in the name of my Lord and God Jesus Christ amen.


I am in the boat as one that was once enslaved to sexual sin. I am still sometimes weak but God is stronger than my flesh. Thank you Jesus for rescuing me!


I was drug addicted and God saved me from that but after a year in a Church i had a backslip and it was with woman i've started to go away from Jesus bought myself a sport motorcycle had such a crash that i had two ribs in my lungs ive lost 2 liter blood the first night i remember very clear in my last moments (cause i though i was going to die) i prayed and i said Lord, just please forgive me my sins in the name of Jesus Christ, he did it again and he let me live cause five days nobody knew if im going to make it i had 3 surgeries. Now one and half year later im in Christ but i know how bad this is with the sexual sin i was just dropped in my old life again so quickly but God had mercy on me. I bless u all in the Name of Jesus Christ!


I repented and rebuked my sexual sin and my adultery, i changed my ways and turned to God and have been immersed in Jesus Christ but the intrusive thoughts and the memories and guilt haunt me and hurt me so much, to the point i wish i would die so i never ever have to see those images of my past sexual sin one more time… please pray for me and for a renewal of my mind. God Bless Yall


This struck my soul... I was introduced to sexual content from the age of 10... I got addicted to masturbation through watching porn and then I graduated to having sex with prostitutes... I'm 30 years old now and I still recovering from it... I know God is still working on me...


Please my brother's & sister's!!!
Pray for me!!!! PLEASE!!!!


I was a male stripper. With Chippendale in European tours did all the sexual sin before JESUS .WHAT PASTOR WASHER SAYS IS INFINITTLYEY TRUE ....THIS SIN WILL TAKE YOUR SOUL WITH IT BE VERY CARFULL .HE COULDNT BE MORE CORRECT


Tough! I quit porn 2 years ago and do not cheat on my wife. The desire is gone to be immoral sexually but I just moved to LA and I am praying the Holy Spirit guides my steps, thoughts and behavior. Pray for me 🙏🏿💕
