Guest lecture by Robert D. Kaplan: Europe in a new age of power politics

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At the invitation of VUB professor Jonathan Holslag, Robert D. Kaplan gave a guest lecture in the city hall of Brussels about Europe as a besieged continent.

As an urban engaged university, VUB wants to be a driver for change in the world. And that change begins with us. Questioning our own knowledge leads us to new insights and solutions. We challenge everyone to join us. Do you agree that things can – no, must – change? Are you bold enough to make a pact with yourself to subject your own thinking to critical examination? Do you want to better understand how the world turns? Then you’re sure to find what you’re looking for at our Caroline Pauwels Academy of Critical Thinking (PACT).

About this guest lecture:
In the East, Europe grapples with the War in Ukraine, other assertive regional powers, and the fallout of China’s rise. In the South, it faces growing instability in Africa, unprecedented numbers of refugees, and a persistent advance of various armed groups. In the West, it sees its main strategic partner increasingly determined to rebuild its economic prowess, event at Europe’s detriment, and increasingly outspoken about its expectations towards Europe in light of rivalry with China. In this city hall lecture, Robert D. Kaplan shared his ideas about how Europe can more consistently address these different geopolitical frontlines.
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Very good as always. Thanks for further insight into the state of the world.


Listening this in 2024. None of his gloomy scenarios have materialized. I don’t why people pay money to listen to him.


Thank you Robert. Please just say PERSIAN GULF and do not change historic names


Kaplan is living in 1999.... completely in the last Century


The guy that asked the China question sounds like Yanis Varoufakis to me.


Безопасность Европы и мира в целом это развал Golden Horde (орды 🇷🇺 🌴) ...


It would be less subjective to address the reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine.


it's only been a year and this guys has been wrong on so many points lol
