How Long Can You Take Hormone Therapy?

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How Long Can You Take Hormone Therapy?// If you have been taking hormone therapy and you are feeling good the next question is for how long can I take it? In this video, I am going to break down how you can safely take hormone therapy and how to best discuss this with your doctor.

#menopause #hormonetherapy #heatherhirschmd

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Where you ever told that you had to come off your hormone therapy "JUST BECAUSE?" Let us know below what change you took away from this!


I don’t even wait to watch the video anymore before giving it a thumbs up because I know I’m going to learn something truly valuable. Thank you for all you do for women. You are a gift.


It is SOOO difficult to get proper, informed care. I'm 51 and it's hard to say if I truly am in menopause as I have an IUD but my Gyn said that exact thing to me just a couple of months ago - the lowest dose possible to keep hot flashes at bay and for no more than 5 years. They are so misinformed. Half the population spends 30% of it's life in menopause yet proper care is nearly impossible to get.


Went through surgical menopause 2 years ago at 46. Started HRT with estradiol patch and progesterone . My Dr told me I can only take HRT for 5 years. I will be looking for a new doctor if she hasn’t updated her menopause treatment philosophy by then.


My last period was Jan 2022 and I am almost 58. I recently asked my doctor that I want HRT as I can’t take the mood swings and anxiety anymore (they are extreme)! I will start on a low dose of progesterone and estrogen tonight. I am hoping they work as my mental health is just awful and it is impacting my life so much. I can take the hot flashes and all but not my moods. I’m glad I found your channel to learn more about this journey.


My goodness, thank you for this. I moved back to PR and one gynecologist got scandalous because I’m still using HRT. He said that US doctors don’t know nothing. I got really worried. I changed to another doctor in PR and he was just FINE for me to keep using HRT. Just prescribed me to do a Sonogram Mamogram to make sure I’m okay.


Dr. H, Now I am worried. I am 70, and have just started the Estradiol cream. Twice a week. Because of vaginal atrophy and severe
Pain in the urethra and bladder. Just like a very bad bladder infection. I had menopause in my late 40’s. I am so confused. There are so many of us older woman who now are having these problems. I and my friend are active physically and mentally we always say we still fell like were in our 30’s. Except for this problem. Now I am worried about using this cream. Thanks for your fantastic channel. I am learning a lot.


Thank you Dr Hirsch! I had to fight for months to start HRT and then was told but you have to get off of it in a maximum of 5 yrs. (I am 52 and not yet technically in menopause.) Now I have hope that that may not be the case if I feel that I still need the hormones to thrive:)))


Im 60 and just started Premarin for atrophy. Im hopeful that I'll sta et feeling benefits soon. I also have LS and would love to see a podcast on it.


Wow annual menopause visit?!?!? That is the very first time I have even heard of such a thing. What else am I missing out on?


20 years hrt suddenly the prescription was written incorrectly and I’m still waiting for new script. Suffering Clammy cold skin shivering headaches muscle cramps drenching sweating nausea no appetite flu type symptoms with mental confusion. Omg why why go from being active, cognitively clear normal blood pressure to this disabling crisis.


I'll be one that will be grasping my box of patches when I die....


Dr. Heather, I would love it if you would talk more about those of us that have had our uterus removed but kept our ovaries and how we are to calculate these things. I had my uterus removed, kept ovaries, at age 37 and did not start having meno symptoms until early to mid 50s. So when it's said to calculate from your last period how do myself and others in my position do this? Thank you for all the super informative content you put out, truly appreciate it.


How do you measure the 10 year window of opportunity to start hormone therapy for women that have had their uterus removed but kept their ovaries? I had my uterus removed in my early 40's but didn't get the common symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, brain fog) until my mid 50's. Thanks for your help to clarify this


I'm going to miss you!!!! But I hope you will continue with the videos so I can still get your words of wisdom❤️


Had a complete hysterectomy at age 35 due to endometriosis. I am 61 now. Back then in 1996 the doctors gave you a hormone shot of Premarin then put you on the Premarin pill. I almost had a stroke, it messed up my thyroid so I was out in thyroid meds in 1998. It didn’t help. I felt awful was told to take a baby aspirin every night which I’ve done for all these years. I did take myself off the Premarin in 2000 (cause I didn’t know what else to do back then) and I started feeling some better for about 18 months then I started having emotional outburst of crying. I found a doctor that put me on a low dose estradiol patch in 2002 and it helped for about 10 years..then I decided to try the bio identical hormone creams but those doctors that prescribe say you have to have progesterone also.. that’s when my troubles started.. my testosterone levels were always high according to every lab test I would have done plus I had weight gain during that time. so once again after trying that for about 4 years I stopped tte identical estrogen and progesterone… for another aprx. 18 months till I couldn’t take the fatigue, vaginal dryness, dry skin etc.. found another functional med doctor who offered me “just” progesterone.. didn’t work for almost two years the vaginal dryness was awful, I had heat intolerance and could not bare to be outdoors where before 2018 I was an outdoors person.. I ask for bi-est and they gave me a small dose and my body lapped it up like it was parched… still not enough after another year.. night sweats, heat intolerance.. anxiety was through the roof, fatigued terribly etc.. I took myself off the progesterone a month ago and cut my thyroid t4 dose in half from 200 mcg to 100 mcg. My energy is much better, able to exercise, and be more productive I just talked with my doctor this morning at my appointment and he’s willing to continue with my decision since I’m feeling better… but I’m tired of trying to figure all this out for the last 26 years.. I would like for the rest if my life to be the best of my life in health and happiness..


I’m 61. I’ve never been given HRT. My main symptoms are anxiety, insomnia and noticeable changes in my skin. Can I start HRT at my age? Or maybe the bioidentical hormones? HELP! I am very healthy. I have no other health issues and no family history of cancer or heart disease. Is it too late to start hormone therapy now?


Hi I am 64 years old 54 I was still bleeding heavy so I had an ablation done then at 62 I had a hysterectomy is it too late for me to start with bioidentical hormone replacement in my area doctors are non-existent in knowledge that's why I'm so grateful for you. Is there be a way to get in touch with you directly thank you


These videos are truly informative but since we can't write Rx's for ourselves, it a doctor is simply unwilling to give HRT, the patient has little recourse.


The BEST HRT information!!!! Thank you 😘
