Best Orc vs Best Undead in WC3 - Lyn Takes First Map vs Happy! - Bo7 continues!

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In the previous video, Lyn managed to finally pull off a victory, keeping him alive in the series, but keep in mind, it is now match point for Happy, Lyn cannot lose a single game if he wants the prize money!

Best Orc vs Best Undead in WC3 - Lyn Takes First Map vs Happy! (Game played on 23-May-2023)

#Grubby #Games #Strategy #Multiplayer #Competitive
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Grubby, than you, thank you, THANK YOU for taking my request of reviewing this series! I watched it all on Twitch. Neo and Remo are good guys - despite their oppressive policy when it comeds to balance discussions - but none of them were ever top players so their commentaries come from a place of "knowledge" but not "experience". What an honor to have one of the two Orc G.O.A.Ts commenting on the performance and play of the other. I think Lyn himself would be a little flustered if he knew that you were commenting on his games since by his own admission you are the guy that he looked up to when he was an up-and-coming pro from 2004 to 2007 and he said that he copied your builds. Imagine one of the two best players of the Orc race EVER commenting on the games of the other and explaining what he is doing and why. This is epicness overdose. What a privilege to have you, Grubby. 😢🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Please do more of these! Love hearing you open the books


Your casting is so much better than anyone elses its incredible srsly! If only b2w had your knowledge.


Lyn's micro is pretty insane. I know people are used to Orc micro from Grubby but some of these moments are so tense and demanding, with things happening so fast, especially those final moments in game 7, where stakes were incredibly high. Both players made some mistakes, but it's part of a long series like this, and mental fortitude is a big part at that point. Real champions are those who can best handle the pressure, and Lyn certainly came out on top by being vastly more resilient.


Thank you for the great commentary, Grubby! All the best from Bulgaria.


I dont even play wc3 for years but i love watching these


This series was incredible, lyn started off 0-3 against happy and reverse sweeped happy going 4-0. It was the tupe of comeback only lyn could do.


I think you could be a great E-sport Commentator Grub, you have a clear voice, excellent insight and knowledge, also a slice touch of emotional hyping.


Great adoptations by Lyn, much more fun to watch a player that can play different openings and army compositions imho. Such a fun series to watch and very nice commentary as always Grub ❤


Grubby: When you are so good at casting a game, that you even cast the players emotional and mental state.


Love to hear you casting! So satisfying and it really shows how much you know about the game! Thank you for this type of content!


legendary series. what an amazing commentary from grubby. as always. and you get to hear grubby talk even more on his stream. you are the best!


Amazing, I'm speechless! Thank you for this Grubby, I don't follow the WC3 leagues really and your casts truly are a treat!


When Grubby casts a game I always watch it. It's a favorite type of video for me.


Thanks for this coverage Grubby! Really good job 👌

Right, Lyn was way more creative in this cup, specially with his opening variations. I find Happy very streamlined in his openings and hero choices but very efficient in creeping and micro. I think he started struggling mentally and made no adjusment unlike Lyn did.

Happy is almost exclusively choosing the DK, Lich and Dark Ranger combo every single game which makes it easy for a creative player like Lyn to make small corrections. I'm not a WC3 pro but from experience, I find Pit Lord plus DK an absolute menace to deal with. Like yesterday I faced a Pit Lord fully geared with Ankh of Reincarnation aided by a limpet of a DK with potion of invulnerability that was impossible to beat. The Pit Lord was cleaving through the whole thing and the coils kept bringing him back.

Like you said, DK is not really great as a frontliner and both Lich and Dark Ranger are vulnerable. When you are facing human or night elves, which have lower hp units and require more attack-move rotations, having frost nova coil nuke to pick low units is a good choice. But Orc have the strongest melee heroes and units in the game. I honesly think Happy forcing dk/lich/dark ranger versus a fully geared BM/TC/SH was a poor choice. If you noticed, Lyn was pinning down the BM on Lich at every opportunity. In my opinion, he should have tried the Pit lord/DK combo to face BM + TC after the 1st defeat since Lyn was not using Far Seer at all or any caster hero besides SH.


Dude that last game was incredible— they both really fought for the dub and I was happy that… Happy… put up a strong showing in game 7! Incredible series, would love to see Happy use some Banshee and mix up comp a little more.


The best part of the whole hour is at 38:05 when the peon scout who survived the attack of a gang of undead, a whole knoll camp, made a ghoul get killed by the creeps, crossed all the map and passed near a DK lvl 3 with Coil lvl 2, arrived to town feeling like Chuck Norris, dropped his sack of gold at the hall and instantly went workwork-Lumberjack mode.

10kk worth value little peon.

That's why the LK picked a whole level up when he killed the little peon at 45:19, peon had more XP combined than the whole orc army.


Thnx Grubby for these vids. I always loved watching your WC3 vids. This series made me re-subscribe. Also got to see u against kevin which was fun. I hope to see more WC3 vids coming up in the future.


Absolutely love your commentaries, please do more - this is great content! Reminds me of your old series where you added commentary to some of your biggest games from back in the day fighting for championships. Loved those too. I'm 35 now and watching commentaries like this and following B2W really brings me back to fighting on the RoC ladder and watching MadFrog replays :P Thanks!


That 0-3 to 4-3 must have felt good. Congrats to the man and thanks for the cast, Grubster! <3
