A Wits Choir Tribute to the late Chris Lesapo (by choir director, Dalene Hoogenhout)

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Dear Chris
The first time I met you was when you were a new Grade 8 at St Stithians Boys’ College. That was 1999.
At the beginning of every year, I would audition every new boy in the grade for the Boys’ College Choir. When I heard you sing, I knew I wanted you in the Choir. You were a bit sceptical, though, as you had come to Saints on a rugby scholarship. This audition proved to be a loss for the sports department and a gain for the music department!
As is typical of your character, you enthusiastically threw yourself into this new direction and went on to become an integral part of the choir, and later also the Dukes. You were one of the founder members of the Gembe Jitaz; decided to take music as one of your matric subjects and participated in every musical activity in the school. You flourished, Chris, and you swept everyone around you along on this tide of exuberance and joy!

Our lives have been entwined since your school days.

You went on to study music at Wits where you joined the Wits Choir and where you left an enormous legacy. Every tour we went on, be it to Grahamstown or the Czech Republic, you were a beacon of good humour and jollification! Whenever I hear Buya Nomathemba, I can see you leading the song and adding your own special flavour!
As an intern at Saints during the time of your studies at Wits, you also made a huge contribution to the Music Department. Who will ever forget the musical ‘Reperform’ which we rehearsed during the College Choir tour to Mpumalanga? So many laughs and pranks and good times!! Or our end of term cleaning-up operations when you, Kev and I had to sort out the Music Department classrooms and storeroom. We would all be dreading these mundane tasks, but having you there made it into a hilarious and fun time. I do think that the pizzas and the wine helped!!

This is who you are, Chris.
You brought joy to all of us. You made us smile, you made us laugh. Your abundance of talent astounded us, and your humility and humanness left us all speechless.

Emile, Liesje and Anya have lost a brother and I have lost a son.
You lived your short life to the brim and for all these memories we were privileged to make together, we will always be grateful, but we will miss you terribly.

With all our love
Mrs Hoogenfliezelbosom and all the other Hoogenfliezels
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