Advanced Conversion Tracking in AdWords

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Do you use forms to capture leads in Google AdWords?

Forms are a great way to collect information from the people that engage with your PPC campaigns.

Collecting email addresses, phone numbers, and other contact information can help you turn a lead into a long-term customer.

Lead form submissions are valuable conversions that we need to track in AdWords.

But tracking form submissions can cause some pain for AdWords managers, depending on how your site is set-up.

Often, as an AdWords account manager, you don’t have control of your company or client’s website. So, you have to use some advanced techniques to track conversions.

In this video and post, we’ll look at how to track form submission in AdWords.

I’ll also show you how to test your conversion tracking using free tools from Google.

Finally, we’ll look at some advanced strategies you can use to track conversions when you don’t have access to your client’s website. These advanced conversion tracking strategies are particularly useful for AdWords managers that have to track e-commerce conversions to third-party sites, like Shopify or Samcart.

Conversion tracking is an essential part of AdWords success
Conversion tracking is a fundamental part of online advertising success. If you don’t track conversions, you shouldn’t advertise online. Why? Because you’ll never know the ROI of your ad spend.

We’ve shared a couple of tutorials about specific aspects of conversion tracking over the past six months.

In October, we looked at latest AdWords conversion tracking updates. And we reviewed how to use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to get your conversion tracking in place.

Conversion tracking with Google Tag Manager

conversion tackin in GTM

Last month, we looked at the steps you need to follow to make sure you’re tracking you AdWords conversions the right way.

The right way to track conversions

conversion tracking in AdWrods

But sometimes, we have to go beyond the basics. Sometimes we come across advanced scenarios where the standard tracking doesn’t work. Or we are unsure of how to test the tracking we have in place.

PPC Course student Question
One of PPC Course students sent us great questions about testing conversion tracking.

I created a tag to track conversions when a user fills in a form. I put the code on the thank you page. To test, I filled in the form, and received the landing page with the pixel as I expected.

Shelly is trying to make sure the tracking she has in place for her lead form is working.

Essentially, Shelly wants to know if her conversion tracking tag is setup correctly. She also wants to know why she can’t see a conversion in her AdWords account when she tests her lead form.

Let’s answer Shelly’s question using a live website. Going hands-on will allow us to see how Adwords conversion tracking works in GTM.

Here’s an example of the GTM conversion tag for PPC Course. The trigger for this tag is a pageview. When a visitor lands on our “thank your page,” after filling our lead form, the tag fires. When the tag fires a conversion is recorded in AdWords. You can also see, I’ve given every lead from submission a conversion value of $5.00.
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Yes. Please do create the tutorial on writing the code as mentioned towards the end. Would be very helpful


Cheers Jeff. Really helped with my anal goal value.
