The $1495 Workout Mirror: What to Know Before Buying

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What is that giant futuristic fitness device that keeps popping up in your Instagram feed? It’s MIRROR, part of a growing world of products providing at-home workout classes. We’ve been trying out MIRROR, and fitness writer Ingrid Skjong is here to tell you what to expect before you buy.

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Or you can watch exercise videos on YouTube for free.


very cool idea. probably will do very well with commercial contracts. Monthly fee probably flies in NY and California. Nowhere else though. Should come with a standard base of non-live workouts at no cost and permanently available as a memory stick/card plug in to the screen. Save the monthly fee for live instructors. At that point, you can profit away for a $120 40 inch LCD monitor plus $100 for the custom inards at the $1495 price. Otherwise, IPad plus larger mirror wins here.


Mirror mirror, on the wall, who's the fittest of them all.


"The voice came from an oblong metal plaque like a dulled mirror which formed part of the surface of the right-hand wall."
George Orwell, 1984.


Yay, Hay!!!!
That plant, though! I hope you all let it know you are grateful for it's contribution as well. It is so beautiful!


So many cynical comments. We get it, you think you're clever. If someone wants to, and can afford to, pay $1500 to exercise, then that's better than not exercising. The idea of saving the gym commute time, and not having to find, think about, or curate work out videos...instead all provided in a single package - is attractive. If you cant afford the price, or want to do all that prep yourself, go for it. You can buy a burner flip phone for lots less than an can look up all that smart phone info on your laptop and still make calls with a burner phone. But i'd bet most the cynics here use a smart phone that cost them $700+ Convenience in one package, via technology, is what you're paying for.


I have the mirror (got it at Christmas time for less than 1000.00) got it installed in February. I LOVE it. I have increased my workout time by a LOT. I have almost no free time (so going to the gym was never an option available to me) and I was doing youtube videos before this. It's motivating to see how many calories I've burned, it tells me when to push harder (if I'm wearing the heart rate monitor) and I can find a workout in seconds (compared to the time I used to spend on youtube searching - though I did love the tabata workouts). Music also plays and it tracks your progress for the week. Because it is interactive (even when the class is not live) and because there are so so so many choices of workouts (from type (strength/kickboxing/yoga etc), to level (beginner to expert) and time 5 min to 45 min) - I've found it to be invaluable. I love that I can come home after a long day and want to get just 15 min in of xyz work out and I can just quickly select type of workout, length and level and boom I have a workout). I can also pick the instructors. Totally worth the investment.


For that price to get in, you’d think they could get away with $20 a month for the subscription...It’s nice...I’d like one, but think I’ll hold off for Mirror 2.


I've got a question? What happens if the company goes belly up? Will you be left with a $1500 dollar mirror? It's not like buying a treadmill and the company goes belly up. You can still use the treadmill.


I understand why some people think this is a waste of money and it probably is for everyone middle-class and below. But, as we know, rich people and fitness fanatics love nothing more than attention and given money is a non-issue for them this would be a no brainer for that market, especially with a pandemic making people scared about going to gyms and group fitness classes. I can see why lululemon bought it.


Great idea but the average person isn't going to spend that much. It would be better marketing if the price wasnt so high in these things and youd probably get more people in on it cause the cost wouldn't be so high. It is a great idea for those who cant afford the time to go to a gym and get a personal trainer.


I just want to know if it can be hard to see the trainers movement because of your reflection or outside lighting coming into the room


Samsung or Google should buy Mirror and integrate it with their Fitness services/products


Wow expensive. I will stay with the free YouTube videos. Good review.


These are available on aliexpress for a 30-300 dollars depending on size. It's as she said, a bit of a set up "interactive foil film". In aliexpress you can find the full ceiling to floor under the search "interactive foil film" or "smart glass" and for ready to use "Obeycrop". I thought the subscription provided personal analysis like, are you lifting your legs high enough analytics. I would love to see a mirror analyze your skin and tell you if your dehydrated and so on.


To actually interested in this product because it looks cool / future style. Just search making a magic mirror. You can easily make your own type thing to this for cheap, if you want to get creative.


Wow $1500 plus a monthly subscription no thanks!


Reminds me of the monitors in all the homes in George Orwell’s “1984”....


I'd wait till it comes down in price. It's about 1k overpriced that is for sure. I would be willing to pay 500 but not 1500. considering the 40$/month sub anything higher than that is ridiculous and it should be even less.


Really good review! That was so much information and answered my questions
