20 Akali Tips & Tricks 🧐 - (S12 Akali Guide)

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Here's 20 Akali Tips & Tricks to help guide your Akali play in Season 12.

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4:03 for the most part yea, but one trick i just found out a couple days ago is flash R'ing. no not the typical flash r1 for extra range.

let's say that you have a kill or two, or you know you can kill your laner, but you are getting ganked. sure, you could just try to normally out play them by dancing in shroud, dodging skill shots with r and e, ect. but let's say it's a situation where they don't have super super high cc, but they have a good amount of aoes, and a shit loud of damage for the second you come out of shroud, so it's difficult to just dance around them, something like zed mid and graves jungle. again, assuming you know you have the damage to kill one of them, and you are within flashing distance of one of them (preferably not zed since he can just r you, messing up your plans) you can put your curser right on the back of them, and press flash and instantly after/at the same time press r, you will do a 180 and dash back a bit further away than you were before. pair this with your e and you can easily just recast e, and kill them as you r2 out back to tower. but this is really only useful if you know you want to go back in for a kill, since the extra range toward the tower you get is about as much as just pressing e. This definitely is a VERY situational combo, but i think it could catch some people off guard if the circumstances are perfect

another thing is that this can be used to bait people into your jungler. the only real difference is putting your curser to the left or right at an angle, and you will travel in the opposite direction of your curser. So, for instance, if you're on blue side, and your jungler is coming from top river, and you are right near your tower, you can flash r, putting your curser at the bottom right of the enemy, doing more of a 110 degree dash in the direction of your jungler. ANYWAY im rambling at this point.


2:19 is just a flash over the wall, shake my head


For some reason most people don't talk about 1 tip that is very useful: you can use your passive twice while using your E. You hit an enemy with E1 - you use passive and then you use E2 and hit the enemy with the passive again. It works really well against tanky enemies when you need to deal as much damage as possible rather than doing your combo fast.


As an Akali One Trick I know most of them but the one I didn't know are actually quite helpful.
Thx bud :)


Dude you are underrated. You deserve far more views and subs!!! Video is well made, in depth but still simple.


as a akali mian ngl, i knew them all but the shroud through walls got me. that was a helpfull tip thanks buddy :) great vid.


I've decided to pick up Akali recently and this combined with Prof Akali's guide is such a good resource, thank you for putting in the work!


the shroud through walls got me - thats a great tip ! will be using it for bot lane ganks ! thanks man


yoo dude this song in background makes it so relaxing and good to watch nice job, great video


"you can do this on Baron too"

proceeds to flash the wall


Great video my friend, i love your tutorials ❤❤


q + flash towards enemy/passive + aa + ignite + e1/e2 + w + aa/q to passive ( in shroud) + r1 in shroud to passive ( in shroud ) + r2 out. my favorite combo <3


One tip i wanted to monetion
You can e and then zonya to take to for ur team to follow up
Also 9 times out of 10 you can its better to learn how to q and move backwards to get passive


i rlly liked this c: thank you very much!!! <3


7:24 there is 1 more wall that's even harder and 1 that you didn't show which might be important,
Baronpit -> tri-bush(toplane)
Dragonpit -> tri-botlane
are the hardest I think and

Raptorcamps -> next to midlane tower might be good to know


The instant akali q is actually Dependant on which side you are, iirc u can't do it if you're too side but u can bot side of mid


Very specific tip that I never actually did in game : let’s say you q ed the enemy and ur standing in the circle, you can actually auto flash very quickly outside the circle to proc the passive auto and getting out


Really good Video, exactly what i need thank you very much! I will for sure subscribe you


how do you only have 500 subs this video is so simple yet such high quality


The E Zhonyas I can't wait to try!
