Moments of Instant Regret Caught On Camera

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Tune in for some moments of instant regret caught on camera!

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*My instant regret moment happened when I was 11 years old. My little brother and I snuck off from our backyard to go to our school so I could show him my new acrobatic trick I could do on the monkeybars.This was the 70's so it was less about safety back then, lol. Very high up and no mat or padding underneath! I would hang upside down from the monkeybars by my legs, get some motion going, and then do a perfect flip over. It's known as a "cherry-drop". I did this particular trick hundreds of times, but this time my luck ran out. When I went to hang upside down, the monkeybars were slick from humdity and I ended up falling head and hands first right into the gravel. I instantly broke both my wrists at the same time and got a bunch of pieces of gravel stuck in my chin, resulting in lots of blood running down my neck. It scared the $h!t out of my poor little brother who was only 5 at the time. I ended up with two casts on and some stitches but it could've been alot worse!*


Love the creative way the jet-skiers dealt with the loud music!


At 14:34, I think I have seen that clip before. That wasn't a door they dropped - it was an expensive painting that was being moved. One worker is even wearing white gloves that are usually used by people who handle delicate paintings. Makes this accident even more tragic.


@10:55, my delivery people did that with my fridge too, dropping it down concrete steps. They had the nerve to still attempt delivery and ask "You don't want the fridge, man?"


11:05 I thought that guy (the one who didn't break the fridge) was about to slap his coworker.


10:08 😂😂😂 Glad the guy's teeth didn't break when the cork fire straight on his mouth


That kid who shaved a bald spot in his hair was the cutest clip out of all of them 🤩🤘


"I busted the wall." He sounded so proud of himself- 😭😭😭😭


Bro dropped a refrigerator worth 4k and the partner hits the griddy 💀 11:00


The dude that ate the peppers just had everything go wrong at once! 😂


That girl didn't drop her award, it fell apart in her hand.
She's still holding the base of it.


8:40 he couldnt stop his laugh by seeing her expression


Had to laugh at the last one. Way back in my High School 'Spanish' class, one day we were all asked to bring in various hispanic foods, and someone decided to bring in some very hot chilis. No-body would touch them, so me calmly munching on some chips & guacamole finally just said 'okay, I'll try one'. Grabbed one and ate the whole thing, then just shrugged, said it wasn't hot at all, and went back to my guacamole. So being a thin girl, 5 buff guys all decided obviously if I could eat it, they could too. Well, what none of then knew was I intentionally had not swallowed my last bite of guac before eating the pepper, so my tongue was coated in it. The fatty avocado oils completely prevented the capsicum from reacting on my tongue, so it didn't burn at all. All the guys who ate the peppers though? Instant regret! They were all chugging down water/chewing ice (which of course made it worse) while our Spanish teacher was doing her best not to crack up laughing at the whole thing.


2:58 little Be Amazed dude laughing is just too adorable


I LOVE the way the jet skier took care of the loud music, and didn’t hurt any people-himself or the people blasting the music! So epic! Also, At least the people whose refrigerator was ruined had footage of who was responsible for the damage. And, what makes beer worse than water after eating hot peppers is the carbonation, which, just like soda, has carbonation and acid in it…making the heat of the peppers that much worse than if he drank water, or even nothing!


My worst decision was listening to my sister's idea to strap myself to a plastic, hollow sled around my neck, and get in the pool so that I could float on it. Well, I flipped over in the center of the pool, and couldn't get my head out of the water for long at all. My mom was watching us because we weren't allowed to swim unsupervised, but it still took a significant amount of time to realize what was going on. I don't remember her saving me, which she did do. It's so traumatic, that I have a fear of water now.


The thing I regret most is when someone waves to me and I find out the person was waving to someone else near me


11:40 I think most kitchens use safety words. Like "Behind" when you are approaching someone from behind. Just for instances like this.


As someone who works as a cart attendant, I can confirm that the one guy with the carts hitting the cars is a terrifying reality that even I nearly faced.


Concerning the guy who ate the hot peppers, I've only got one thing to say, " That's going to burn him twice!"
