STOP HELPING EVERYONE - Ancient Teachings in English

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"Kindness makes us better human beings, yet in this world, both good and bad people exist. It's crucial to remain cautious, as some may exploit our kindness for their own gain."

#ancientteachings #KindnessMatters #SpreadLove #BeKindAlways
#GoodDeeds #Positivity #LoveWins #ChooseKindness
#RandomActsOfKindness #SpreadKindness #BeTheChange
#MakeADifference #Compassion #KindnessIsContagious #PayItForward
#ActsOfKindness #LoveAndKindness #Generosity #Empathy #SpreadPositivity #InspireKindness #stopbeingsoft #innerpeace #lifelessons
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I spent my young adult life putting aside things that I needed to do for myself to help others every time they needed it. When I got older, I realized how unfulfilled I was in my own life because I had done so much for others and so little for myself. I started to say no to people and found that people had gotten so used to me just dropping what I was doing to help them, that they hated me for saying no. Now I have no friends or family who will talk to me anymore because they say I'm selfish. In reality, they're the selfish ones because they never once helped me or cared about my needs.They tell me they can't even remember me helping them or what I ever did for them. I sure was important to them when they needed my help but as soon as their needs were met, they soon forgot how important of a part I played in making their wishes come true. Nowadays I feel like a fool for having given up so much of my time to ungrateful people but thankful that I'm now living a more fulfilling life for myself.


Crazy how the Whispers of Manifestation book on Borlest isn’t all over the place. People are seriously missing out.


The only thing that we often need after giving is appreciation ✅💯💙!!


This is happening to me right now...some people really do take advantage of kind hearted people. I appreciate the clip.


Dear unkhown person whoever reads this we don't know each other yet I wish you all the luck afterward from this moment 💫❤️ you are a blessing you don't know that yet, don't blame your self or else loose yourself in the dessert of uncertainty, ur smile is precious keep that up🥰


Because of kind heart I was always being hurt by my old friend


I raise my hat👒 for people like Tim I wish there were more of him in this world🌍


I am so glad you've made this video. It's good to teach children kindness as this will bring joy in their lives too, but teach them to be protective of themselves too. I've Liked this video, hoping it will help the algorithm to spread this message.
Thank you again.


I am 58 and. I spent my life helping me people but no one was there to help me.


Kindness is very important but it is right be careful to help each other becuase not everyone around is kind. And same your good heart.


It's unfortunate that there are many users in this world who only want their needs met but aren't available to reciprocate.


Tim's lucky he learned this lesson so young! Took me till my early 30's!


I spent my 30 years of life helping friends and unknown persons so many times but I lost so many things like money and time some people cheated me different times I didn't realise at that point
So kindness and love make us blind sometimes Be cautious about how the things going on !!


To Donald in the comments a very, very similar thing happened to my husband and myself. I understand your situation completely and on top of that I went through a spiritual awakening through Covid. I basically speak to about three people in my life right now and I’ve never been happier, people are just so oblivious to what you do and mean to them it is just unbelievable to me and exported almost drove us into poverty actually sent us an invitation to his snotty son‘s wedding today. I cannot wait to send it back ASAP. Of course we’re not going but the audacity of this family to even think that we would want to even go to this wedding is just so unbelievable to me. It just shows the narcissism of people, yes it took me also a very long time to realize this. All of a sudden I realized I was not very happy but everybody else around me was go figure what was I doing wrong? Exactly what you were doing wrong but don’t worry because God is a comeback God he will make up for everything that you fail you lost. He truly will just keep the faith that’s what I’m doing slowly but surely my husband and I are regaining everything that we gave away. Amen. Everyone have a blessed day.


I literally just asked for a sign with a situation and this video popped up 🥰


Wisdom to the creater for this super content


The first fight to win is within yourself. But when you’re strong enough, you can defy those who take advantage of other’s weakness. This, is the way for the strong.


Love your neighbor AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF it is said. First INWARD JOURNEY and then only outward journey ❤


God thank you for the people that were truly there for me when they could not be in person. Even if I don’t seem to fit this scenario, it has been me at times. And it sucks. But God I send gratitude to the one’s who have defended me. So I’d like to think.


My life, my story as long as I keep my limits.Thanks ❤
