Apni izzat karo!

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Do you love and respect yourself enough?
Khudki izzat karte ho ki nahi?
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"Koi nahi hai life mein tumhara koi nahi, tum khud ho bas"ye lines har pal zehan mein rahein to 75% problems to yahin solve ho jati hain, am grateful for your consistency and efforts Sir, Thank you so much 🙏


At the age of 37, finally I found my mentor...huge respect sir🙏


Lessons from this video:
- If I work hard I deserve to get what I want.
- If a table has three legs, then the legs are career, health and relationships.
- Respecting yourself means the world will respect you.
- If someone treats you badly, walk away.
- You are all you have.
- Respect yourself.


A girl ditched me . I took the weed path, depression, prescription pills.. felt shit..
One day i decided its enough.. gave up weed after smoking for 5 years.. got my life together. Going to join a google next month as a software developer


Sir I am preparing for GATE exam, everyday I study 8 Hours, but as I get a time to relax myself and add value to my life I do just one thing that is I watch your videos everyday at night


मैं आपको बहुत पहले से जानता हूं आपके विचार धारा बहुत ही सकारात्मक है जो आप प्रेक्टिकल नॉलेज बता रहे हो जीवन के प्रति वह किसी भी स्कूल कॉलेज में नहीं बताया जाता मेरा मानना है कि सिलेबस से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण आपकी बाते है क्योंकि थ्योरी पढ़ कर हमलोग पास kr जाते हैं और वह थ्योरी हम लोग भूल जाते वैसे
जो आप बता रहे हो बहुत लोग गर्त में चले जाते हैं अगर उनको प्रैक्टिकल जानकारी नहीं है की जीवन में क्या सही क्या गलत है और जीवन को कैसे जिया जाता है मैं भगवान से प्रार्थना करूंगा कि आपका सेशन हर संडे को भारत के हर स्कूल और कॉलेज में बच्चों को दिखाया जाए कम से कम वह जीना तो सीख जाएंगे
वैसे भी हमारी शिक्षा प्रणाली तो रट रट kr hai टैंकर फुल 😀😀🙏🙏


"हमको मनकी शक्ति देना, मन विजय करें
दूसरों की जय से पहले खुद की जय करें"
Beautiful message


"I'm" should stand for "I Matter" in everyone's life. We are so programmed from a young age to be modest and humble that we confuse self-importance with arrogance.


Yes .. I respect myself !! I will walk away from people who somewhere put me down and disrespected me despite knowing my Magnanimous character. !!


Simply, terrific video sir.
Yes, there was a phase in my life, I didn't respect myself, and begged for Love. I was treated like a stray dog, but still, I was back of her and been addicted to her. Slowly I realised what I'm losing, I'd come out of that crab. And started living my life. And more importantly, It all started when I've started RESPECTING myself.


I am currently studying studying at one of the top IIMs in the And I have screwed so many of my placement interviews because of the stigma and the baggage of hardships I have been carrying with myself.... and I am having a hard time surving in the cut throat competition over have decided to work on my personality and mindset and achieve my fullest potential.


Being too humble also gives a wrong signal to others. This much and no further... that message should go to every encroacher in others' zone. Great talk, Chetan


It really hurts when we self sabotage our respect..
Power to everyone who are struggling with this issue..
You will one day defeat the loser in you.. 💖



Career 6.5/10
Relationships 3/10
Health 8.5/10

I would not like to invest in relationships...I'm tired of bad experiences from people. I set them priority and they start taking me taken for granted and I walk away insted of getting hurted! I tolerate 3-5 times and then I walk away...

I'm very thankful to my one friend who taught me solitude and I enjoy that state of mind rather than being alone choose to be alone.


People have literally walked all over me in my life. Was too shocked and insulted to react. I respected myself yet I was insulted. Can't explain why.. but sir your words have encouraged me to respect myself for who Iam. Iam sure I will gain my self-respect again and stand up on my feet once again . Thank you.


Thankyou Chetan sir🙏 hum house wife ki jindgi asi hi hoti hi...apke video help ful hote hai..bahut bhut khub 👏👏👏


The more you engage in behaviors consistent with your beliefs and values, the more you'll feel fulfilled and confident😊


Ur words are happened with me when i was mentally strong...was living disciplined life, was focused, was believeing in myself, was respecting myself friends in my girl circle want to talk to me...was very eager and when i felt low due to some personal reason and i found myself falling then their reaction was truth about life..When u dint respect urself other will not respect u


Career: 6/10 (still a student and working on building skills)
Health: 7.5/10 (started hitting the gym recently after the lockdown)
Relationships: 4.5/10 (not that great with maintaining relationships but working on that)


Most underrated channel..Chetan sir u are great.. your advice is very practical. Mujhe ni lagta YouTube per apka comparison ka koi channel ho..
