Signs That You Harbor Resentment

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One of the biggest killers of a relationship is resentment. When you repress anger, it keeps bubbling beneath the surface where it turns into resentment. Over time, it will overflow and bleed into all areas of your life. Know the signs and take action now!

Mary Jo Rapini, MEd, LPC is a psychotherapist, specializing in intimacy, parenting, body image, and relationships.

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Thank you. I resented my husband for years simply because he could not have a mature conversation with me about anything ever. He was always in competition with me. After realizing he was an angry narcissist I don't take it personally anymore. I have set boundaries and won't allow him to rope me into his "stuff". This has helped me tremendously in my anger towards him.


I’m struggling with resentment so bad right now with my partner it’s overwhelming. This helps


No resentment is also when you get mad and remember the hurt from the pass I'd when they don't change and they keep doing it over and over .


A great video there is one thing you touched that helped me get over years of resentment I didn't know i carried. I forgave my partner( your love) is #1. When you finally forgive your healing starts immediatly from the inside then your heart will grow once again. Your mind will clear and shake you what am I doing? You will think about love ones once again. loved ones around you will start to feel your love once again. Resentment is a killer it will send men or women to walk away from family or men and women to run to other persons arms for comfort. Forgive and you will heal. Forgivness will break you but the reward is price less. God be with you and your family and God Bless all of you who is reading this.


I so needed this. I struggle with resentment because I bottle my emotions. I’ve never been in a relationship where I could express my feelings without getting lashed out at. When I try abd fix things so that I don’t feel this way I somehow always makes things worse. And now I’m pretty sure he resents me be I feel constantly cut down when he used to ge relatively nice to me. But we seem to constantly be on each other’s nerves and it hurts. I don’t like being mad either. And im afraid to let things go because I feel like I’ll get walked over and be seen as weak. I feel like if I let things go im not being heard :(


Can't let go cuz the same thing happens over amd over again!


I've got resentment towards him. Hoping I push him far away from me. Really not trying to make things work because I don't love him. I never will. He knows who he is


This is beautiful, thank you for sharing in such detail yet in such a quick snippet, I love it! I definitely needed to be reminded of this.


Thank you. I needed this after a fight with my husband.


Resentment is a overrrrstatement I just realized that today I would be a lot nicer to my wife if I just move on from what she has said or what she has done good find, new mission I’m on


I resent my partner for freeloading for 15yrs and having every excuse in the world not to help out. And I am so disgusted with myself for putting up with it and missing out on oppurtunities. He's done a complete 180 now but I can't forgive. I resent him so much for being such a shit.


I'm Stuck, I need to get unstuck and It will never change, and it hasn't in 23 He has no respect for me or anyone....


expectations ruin everything not just in relationships


Thank you very much, your words were needed. Wish I had found that before.


I tried but this last time i expressed my feelings (not even related to him) i was disappointed, im just so done my resentment has turned into hate I DON'T CARE ANYMORE 😊


So my cousin and I fell out. I guess we both hurt each other. We both at one point tried to make amends but it seems as though none of us were ready to forgive. At one point I was reached out attempting to make amends, but she became so negative: making fun of my clothes, my job and being very condescending. After that I stopped trying. I didn't want to put myself through that pain. I'm at a point where I don't seek revenge. I just don't believe that we can ever reconcile. And it's for the best. I guess I want to know if I truly have forgiven her.


I resent my partner so bad it hurts. I don't know why is stay in this relationship. Going on 6 yrs now and it's killing me inside


I discuss it, after 25 years, feels ignored… and I say hurtful words and will not apologize for it … and I want a fight … but can’t get that hurt recognized … I let go long while ago …. Since she doesn’t care, I found new partners..


I'm struggling with resentment and our first couple's counseling session has been rescheduled twice now ( by the center, not me) so that that our new session date is now 2 months from our original session date. This is not helping the resentment issues!!


Ima ashamed to say I feel resentment towards my parents idk why but it's been like this for years I love my parents but for some reason when I get a phone call or even when I'm around them I just get so annoyed I don't know when these feelings started but maybe it was something during my childhood that I was never able to sort out with them.
