Will we have free will in Heaven?

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Frank Turek addresses an internal question within Christianity regarding free will in heaven and its relation to Divine Providence.

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If Satan and one third of the angels got cast out for rebelling, there is obviously free will in Heaven.


I can’t WAIT to get to Heaven, relax into His arms and never, ever, ever have to battle my hideous fallen self again.
No more gossiping, wishing schadenfreude on people, being judgy and arrogant, being self-pitying and spiteful, proud and gruesome...
I know deep down I have some lovely qualities, but they drown regularly in the sea of my sinful nature. I must drive my Father crazy most days....
Tired of the battle...but still walking....Amen!


I totally understand this guys question and it's a good one. But dang! Will he let Frank answer?!


We will have freewill in heaven — in our redeemed state we could sin if we wanted to, but we will be so satisfied and so complete in him that there will be no desire to sin. This would be how our fallen nature is redeemed back into a holy nature


The best thing to do with your free will:
Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. Believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead and you will be saved!
(Romans 10:9)

Christ makes life INCREDIBLE!!!


Maybe there won't be any evil in Heaven to be tempted...


ANOTHER answer to this question (that I've heard someone say), is that after this life, we will be the way WE FREELY CHOSE to be - people who's will is in harmony with GOD'S will. In other words, in THIS life, when we truly give our lives to our Lord Jesus, we can look forward to eternal life with the freedom FROM our formerly rebellious will. So, yes, we WILL have free will - we will be ACTUALIZED in the choice we had freely made while we were in this life: the choice to live in harmony with God's will. Anyway, that's part of how *I* see it. I can always learn MORE though, on this subject...


Good question, and one I've not thought about much until recently.
My thoughts are these:
1) Will we have free will in heaven? Yes, but our will at that point will be totally in line with God's will.
2) Why didn't God make our will totally in line with his will to begin with? God didn't want robots.
3) Is all the suffering and chaos of the world throughout history "worth" the cost of a person's will becoming naturally, freely, in line with God's will? Yes, because otherwise God is unjust.
I think our friend in this video is wise to think about things like this because at the core he's really asking, "Why did God create people in the first place?" I believe the answer is, "To glorify God and to be an object of his love." That's a tough thought for modern audiences to swallow though, because it totally subjects us to God as his creation.
The closest analogy I can think of is a child asking his parents, "Why did you have me?" The best answer I have is that we want children to show love toward. But we don't want them to be unquestioning robots. We want them to be free to choose to love us. Love freely given is the most precious thing there is! Even though I know some day my child may make terrible choices and suffer greatly because of those choices, that doesn't mean I don't want to have a child. Just so with God. Even though he knew we would sin and suffer, he wanted to create us nonetheless show he could show us his incomparable love. The redeemed person is the one who has freely submitted to God out of love, and once that redemption is completed at the end of time, we will be what we were always meant to be from the beginning.
In short, this "trial thru fire" that we call the Fall and the Redemption (aka "life") is necessary to make us who we were meant to be: free beings who want nothing more than to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. That couldn't happen if God created us as robots from the start.
Not a perfect analogy, but those are my thoughts on the matter for now. Always interested to hear what others think.


God clearly chose you Frank, to help us all better understand. Your videos are quite simply excellent.


If God so decides to take away my ability to choose against him im heaven, I'm fine with that given the utter destruction that we've caused as a result of our selfish choices. Otherwise, we would all end up like the 1/3 of angels, eternally damned.


This guy interrupts so much, including himself.


I love what Frank said, "When you have children you're creating the possibility for them to do evil". God essentially did the same with us. Your child can grow up to murder thousands of people. Will it be your, the parent's, fault? Did you force him to do it? No. Free will.
God had his purposes for starting this whole ordeal, and we will find out why one day, when we die and go to Heaven (if we believe).


Geez dude...yeah, yeah, yeah. Learn to listen. Yeah, yeah, yeah...


Yeah, yeah, yeah = “I didn’t process anything that you just said, but I want to say something else to further emphasize that I’m not listening”.


Good job Frank...Very patient and gracious as always.


Bible scripture says that we will be in our Glorified and Uncorruptable Body.... We won't want nothing but...


1/3 angels took their free will to follow Lucifer.


Legend has it, that guy is still asking questions.


Wow. So I just had same question literally 1 day ago and an answer appeared few moments after prayer

My question was : if God is all powerful why He couldn't have created a world where love and freewill exist without the penalty of sin and death?

As such the answer was, the creation process was only done on the cross, when Jesus paid for our sins and He said "it is finished" (we are only the 7th day), if you notice in Genesis the 7th day is not closed with morning and night.

So yes, God do perfectly create that final sinless state where love and freewill can still exist. Finalized by the attoning sacrifice of Jesus

You have to notice when the scripture wrote 1 Peter 1:19-21 "according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient and to be sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ. May grace and peace be multiplied to you. but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of an unblemished and spotless lamb. He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was revealed in these last times for you."
1 Peter 1:2‭, ‬19‭-‬20


Please let the man answer the question.
