Song of Solomon 1-8 - The Bible from 30,000 Feet - Skip Heitzig - Flight SON01

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The Song of Solomon portrays a moving love story between King Solomon and a shepherdess. The story reveals the intimacy, love, and passion that a bridegroom and his bride share in a marriage relationship. Even more than the fulfillment found in the love between a husband and wife, we'll discover that the spiritual life finds its greatest joy in the love God has for His people and Christ has for His church.

This teaching is from our series The Bible from 30,000 Feet - 2018 with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Church.
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Iam south African from Khayelitsha I always listen this pastor actually I consider him my teacher


I'm totally blown away by the deep and impactful lessons in this book. Skip is such an effective communicator of biblical truths and I thank God for this ministry.


I met my wife at a Bible Study at my house. She was visiting the study. I was late to the Study because I had to finish my 2 racquetball matches. I had scheduled 2 w/o knowing so I had to play 1 after the other. So glad I did not miss that study. I am writing this 37 years later.
She had just lost her husband and mother!
So I prayed for her til I could get to know her.
This was God's blessing to me. I had just made a turn in my life.
I am the least of .
I still love her so much today in 2023.


Thank you so much, Pastor Skip! This was wonderful!!! God bless you, your congregation and all of the viewers on here and their families and loved ones in Jesus’s Holy Name, Amen! 🙏🙏


Thanks alot pastor the description of this beautiful book the song of songs.before it was very hard to understand.God bless you abundantly.


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌏✝️Isaiah 61:1 Thank God I will always honor my marriage and family. Kim Walker Matthew 1:18-24 Isaiah 53 Throne Room Rooftops Fearless


Praise Yahweh He is Precious..Thank you Pastor.


Glory to God. Thank you Pastor. God bless you always and to your family.


Thank you for wonderful sermon. Helped me very much.


Confess the Lord Jesus Christ with your mouth and believe in your heart that He died for your sins on the cross and God raised Him from the dead on the third day; repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit!


For anyone who disagrees and says this can't be true, explain Hosea 2, Psalm 45 or Ephesians 5:31-32 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church....

And all the places That God calls Himself the Husband to His people. Or all the places Jesus is called the Bridegroom to the church. Every book of the Bible points to Jesus Christ, and if human marriage isn't eternal, like Jesus taught in Matthew 22:30, then why would this book be in God's eternal word... unless it speaks of an eternal marriage?

People tend to forget that God very often, dare I say more often spoke in symbolism and metaphors. Jesus did too, teaching in parables. So it's not farfetched or unbiblical to see allegory/metaphor here when it's literally everywhere in the bible.

Men often hate this metaphorical interpretation because to them this book is the go ahead to their sexual desires (sexual desires are good, but there is more to it than that end). Forgetting that our bodies will one day die.. but our souls will live on. We have the Spirit of God INSIDE of us. THAT is more intimate than the physical.

“Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food”—and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 1 Corinthians 6:13


Every pastor I know said she was a black woman except Skip. I will cotinue to read for myself. God bless you all.


So how does this book edify someone single and committed to celibacy?


From the book of song of Solomon 3: 1a, it says : By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth:
By night MEN( HUMANITY) sleep in order to WAKE up tomorrow the NEXT day by the GRACE OF GOD. But the man said that by night on his bed he sought whom ( CHRIST) his SOUL loves. In the night, the man slept( HOLY DEATH) in the LORD in order to continue an everlasting EXISTENCE with his LOVE( CHRIST- Matthew 22: 37, 1 John 4:9, 1 John 4: 16). The night of HOLY MEN is a night of JOY maybe on earth BUT MOST especially in the KINGDOM of Heaven because a SOUL( BRIDE) is coming to SEEK his BRIDE GROOM( CHRIST). By night HOLYMEN and WOMEN are always clothed on a GLORIOUS HOLY ROBE( overcomers garment- Revelation 3 : 5) in order to MEET their BRIDEGROOM( CHRIST). When HOLY MEN and WOMEN sleep on their bed ( GRAVE), the corruptible bodies are covered up and by the POWER of the HOLY GHOST they put on an incorruptible bodies. The body that cannot fall sick again FOREVER and EVER, the body that cannot feel pains again FOREVER and EVER, the body that cannot taste death again FOREVER and EVER, the body that radiate like the SUN( Daniel 12: 2-3). For the former things shall pass away. There shall be no need of sun because God Almighty shall be their ( overcomers) everlasting light . There shall be no more seas for God shall be their LIVING WATER. Men shall never grow OLD because their strengths which used to grow old with time shall be no more BUT they shall put on a celestial body. Men shall ONCE AGAIN eat MANNA although now it will be the HIDDEN MANNA which the LORD shall FEED his LOVE ( BRIDE-OVERCOMERS-Revelation 2: 17) . They shall eat this MANNA in the incorruptible BODIES UNLIKE the children of Israel that ate the MANNA in the corruptible BODIES. There is a white flying horse the HOLY GHOST opened my EYES to see and the horse was radiating LIGHT all round its BODY. They that will overcome shall be GIVEN POWER to ride upon this WHITE FLYING HORSE. HOLY MEN that sleep at night ( HOLY DEATH) shall be GIVEN POWER to eat again from the TREE of LIFE that will make them LIVE FOR EVER and EVER. HOLY MEN that shall sleep at night ( HOLY DEATH) shall meet their LOVE( CHRIST) at the BEAUTIFUL GATE where he shall LOVELY welcome them with the saying ‘ GOOD and FAITHFUL servant come into the joy of the LORD( PARADISE-Matthew 25: 21). HOLY MEN that sleep at night are a LOSS to the kingdom of Darkness( HELL) and a GAIN to the kingdom of Light. The prayers of saints in the kingdom of God is put inside a golden vial which is an ODOUR( Revelation 5: 8). If the prayers of overcomers is an ODOUR before THE MOST HOLY GOD, how much less is the prayers of BELIEVERS on EARTH that are still LIVING. BUT because of the LOVE of GOD, the HOLY GHOST purifies our PRAYERS and when it comes before the THRONE of GOD, it will be like a SWEET SAVOUR unto the FATHER. Can you now see that GOD so love HUMANITY that he GAVE his ONLY son ( CHRIST) as a PROPITIATION ( APPEASE -1 John 2: 2) for our SINS.
3: 1b, it says : I sought him,
From the scripture above, the Bible says that the MAN seek him( CHRIST). The man sought his LOVE( CHRIST ) because when he was ALIVE on earth, he was always going to CHURCH, attending different prayer meetings, going for house visitation and even giving alms to those that don’t have anything to make life easier for them. Now after his death, he is looking for the MASTER(LOVE) whom he has been following when he was on earth.
3: 1c, it says :but I found him not
Once one dies on earth, he immediately loses CONSCIOUSNESS for few minutes before he regains his CONSCIOUSNESS again. That interval of one LOSING consciousness and regaining it is when one becomes AWARE that he is no longer a FLESH BUT a SPIRIT and at that interval, the SPIRITS of the dead will begin to APPEAR at some distance from the man who was once in the FLESH(in the world) but later he begins to feel some UNCONTROLABLE uneasiness because they whom he knows are not the ones coming to him. If the man is a SINNER he sees some people whom he once committed fornication with but with time he sees himself completely covered with a thick darkness which cannot be uttered with words. The more he tries to run away from the darkness, the more the darkness keeps on covering him . When he continues with FUTILE effort, he finally gives up. With time he senses that someone is coming behind him but when he turns, he sees no one . With time he begins to run, immediately he starts running he cannot STOP until he gets into the PIT( HELL). If the man is a HOLY MAN, he sees all the faithful who he once knew on earth coming to him, with time he begins to SEE that the BRIGHTNESS of LIGHT surrounding him is increasing at every interval and those faithful too are also clothed in the same GLORIOUS garments as him. With time he sees them no MORE and he immediately feels a STRONG PULL drawing him UP. As he ascends, he feels as a man WALKING down the LANE yet the SPEED of his ascension is five hundred times the fastest man made craft which is known as Helios 2 as at the year 2015, which has speed of 252, 792km/h. At that speed, the HOLY MAN’S ascension is a walk in the upward DIRECTION unknown to him that he is ascending with this GREAT SPEED. At certain DISTANCE he begins to hear the GLORIOUS SONGS of SAINTS with a voice of thundering as of many waters( Revelation 19: 6). At that MOMENT, an overflowing joy fills the HOLY MAN’S inward being as he is APPROACHING toward the KINGDOM of GOD . He immediately becomes SURROUNDED by SAINTS and ANGELS who welcome him into the KINGDOM of LIGHT.

Books by the writer is available on Amazon( Search - books by Anthony Orji)


Read the book, " the courtship of the king". It will be out on shelves in 2022


I wish he would have addressed the watchmen beating her in chapter 5


From the song of Solomon 3: 2a, it says: I will rise now,
From the scripture, the bible says that the HOLY MAN will rise now. From the night of love, the HOLY MAN died and was taken to heaven by the power of the HOLY GHOST on reaching into the kingdom of God, he was welcomed by saints and angels. But where is his LOVE (CHRIST)? The HOLYMAN had to rise and look for his LOVE (CHRIST) . For a HOLY MAN to rise does not necessarily mean to stand up, because he was welcomed by the angels and saints while he was standing. But to rise means to ascend from the dead and walk in the midst of the LIVING (John 11: 24).
3: 2b, it says: and go about the city in the streets,
From the scripture above, the HOLY MAN has to go about the streets in the city. If you observe from the scripture above, the city is in the “SINGULAR”, which means we BELIEVERS when we shall sleep in the LORD, we will have one city( CHURCH) and no longer cities. There will not be mountain of fire nor will there be living faith or Christ embassy BUT one city (CHURCH) for OVERCOMERS. Yet in this city( CHURCH, JERUSALEM- Revelation 3: 12) there are MANY streets which means there are many MANSIONS for saints, for there to be streets in this city( John 14: 2-3). Streets made of PURE GOLD, streets made with the HANDS of GOD ALMIGHTY, streets that is not named after anybody’s name as it is on earth BUT each streets that the over comer passes by is the name of that street provided that he is the only one along the street. It is very unfortunate that many who died without CHRIST have missed this LIFE TIME opportunity. Although there won’t be time again when the trumpet will SOUND but OVERCOMERS will LIVE from ETERNITY to ETERNITY, life without end.


The truth about the 2 week and get married. Married about 2 months after meeting. Married 23 yrs and went to poo


All Scripture points to Jesus. If it's just a drama, then why is it in the Bible?  

Luke 24:27, 44 And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in ALL the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.44 Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me."

Ephesians 5:31-32 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the Church."

if marriage. is a reflection of Christ and the Church, and Song of Solomon is a book/ drama about a beautiful wedding/ marriage, then how is it not about Christ? And why would it be in the Bible as an "ideal marriage" if Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines?


From the book of Song of Solomon 1 vs 1a, it says: The song of songs,
From the scripture above, the Bible recorded the song sang by a MAN of WISDOM. The song was known as the BEST of all SONGS to be sang by ANYBODY because this song was given to HIM by the HOLY GHOST. The song has SPIRITUAL MEANING to a MAN of WISDOM but to a man in the FLESH, the song will always have a SINFUL MEANING to him. The song was inspired by the HOLY GHOST by this MAN of WISDOM in order to EXPOSE mysteries of the KINGDOM of GOD. According to the SON of MAN(JESUS), He said that the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field ;the which when a man hath found he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field (Matthew 13: 44). In the song of Solomon, there is a treasure hid in the songs which when men who have WISDOM read they will find a GREAT TREASURE which they will make use of in this world and in the world to come. This treasure is EVERLASTING LIFE. That is life without end. I have seen song sang by men yet I have not seen song sang by ANGELS( IMMORTALS). The song sang by men is earthly after they finish singing, it is either gestured by the listeners, by either clapping or shouting which is used to show that the song was at least interesting . Yet I have not seen ANGELS sing BUT I have seen ANGELS sing whenever I open the book of the Song of Songs. The song was sang by IMMORTALS yet by a MORTAL was the song written and inspired by the HOLY GHOST. The ANGELS sing before the THRONE OF GOD with instruments. They sing EVEN when it is FOOLISH for them to do so because they are CHARGED by GOD to do so ( Job 4: 18b). The song they sing before GOD is in HEAVENLY LANGUAGE yet HOLY GHOST has to translate it to earthly through his servants he put no trust in ( Job 4:18a) in order to make MORTALS sing song of ANGELS in EARTHLY meaning. A man that is LIVING in sin, when he sings the song is just like when MANNA was left after the children of Israel were told not to leave any left OVER till the next day . Yet some left and it bred worms and stank( Exodus 16 :20). Likewise a SINNER who reads the song of Solomon will only get the EARTHLY MEANING ( heavenly manna that fell on earth) and just like how those DISOBEDIENTS ( SINNERS) ones left the MANNA till the next day and it stank and bred worms LIKEWISE those SINNERS that read the song of Solomon will GET MORE POLLUTION rather than SANCTIFICATION.
1vs 1b, it says : which is Solomon’s
From the scripture, This BEST song sang by man( SOLOMON) belongs to the IMMORTAL( ANGELS) . Yet it was the will of the HOLY GHOST that it is sang by a MORTAL( SOLOMON). Any song that was sang on earth and that will be sang in times to come is not to be compared to the song of Solomon because it is the song of songs The song is meant for MEN of WISDOM ( BORN AGAIN). It becomes EDIBLE to SINNERS when the MYSTERIES are understood by HOLYMEN by the help of the HOLY GHOST in PLAIN LANGUAGE.

Books by the writer is available on Amazon( Search - books by Anthony Orji)
