Christian Wife Talks About SEX

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#christianwife #wifetalk

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I feel like sex in the church is definitely not talked about enough. It's a huge part of married life as well as a Christian lifestyle and is vital for healthy marriage. Thank you for taking the time to dive into this subject.


I would love to hear you & Keiran talk about his role as a father. I see SO MANY women say things like "my husband hasn't ever changed a diaper, is this normal?" Or "my husband plays video games & I don't trust him with the baby."
Just curious how you guys tend to delegate things like this? My husband is super helpful with our children even though we have more "typical" household roles.


I never understood people's arguments of "you're missing out" when it comes to having multiple sexual partners. I'd rather just have my husband. Sex is sex, it's the emotional intimacy that makes it worthwhile.


!!Marriage is Sacrificial!! She is coming from her perspective as a wife. What she sees as her responsibility. I can promise you if Kieran made a video on the topic of a Christian husband it would be to please her and make her home/life a paradise. It goes both ways. So yes it is our jobs as woman to make our husbands feel as comforted as possible but it is also there responsibility to do the same. Everyone is listening to only half of what she’s saying.


It’s up to both partners to make the home a paradise not just one person especially if both are working Individuals and not a home maker


The husbands Paradise thing. It goes both ways.Husbands or which ever partner is the one coming home. Nothing worst than someone bring home all their problems and making an uncomfortable environment for everyone.


Also I feel that it is so important for Moms especially to have open conversations with their daughters to allow them to feel safe in asking questions about sex, thats how my mom raised me and I am so thankfull because Im still saving myself for marriage, but I dont feel as scared and uninformed, 💐❤️


"make your home your husbands paradise because it will give you a happy, healthy man, and thats what you want." --this line of thinking frustrates me! i don't think anybody should be responsible for anybody else's happiness and it sets up unrealistic expectations. furthermore, if a man is thinking about going home in a negative light on his way from work, maybe he should ask himself how he let it get that way. these things are not always the woman's fault.


WE'D LOVE A PODCAST!!! You could name it Reheating your coffee with Sarah 😂


The biggest way to be "good at sex" is to be willing to communicate and learn together and care for each other


I remember doing a study on the word "sex" from the Bible, and anytime "sex" was used the term translated to "sexual immorality" and was often used as a warning (primarily by Paul). "Sex" was never used as a term by the Holy Spirit, but instead the context fell along the lines of "And Adam knew his wife, Eve." The context for sex in God's perspective fell under knowing each other on the deepest and most intimate level. Doing that study really helped my perspective of sex and the right way for sex.


wife can also "doesn't want to be in this home" and husband should make it a paradise for her ;)


What about vice versa? Husbands making a home for the wife to come home to. Since many women are not homemakers anymore, is It the sole responsibility of the wife to make the home a paradise for the husband?


I grew up in a very conservative baptist household where sex was absolutely not talked about and it was seen as a very dirty thing.. I had a lot of guilt (even after marriage) about having sex. We have been married almost 7 years and let me tell you.. now that I have read the Bible, prayed about the subject and have found my confidence... Sex is amazing and is absolutely created by God for marriage!


As a fellow Christian Woman and someone who is saving myself till marriage I highly enjoy and appreciate you talking so openly abou these topics! I looovvvee your videos and pray that God truly blesses your growing family❤️


I still feel dirty/sinful after sex, even though I'm married. It's just a consequence of the toxic purity culture that I was raised in.


I really needed a wife talk, the past video of you talking about the kids was my mom talk that I needed the most too and the healthy habits, those 3 videos are like your basics. The other day I was caught up watching all your healthy habits and mom talk and wife talk and I just enjoy them so much. Thanks for your content👍🏻


I'm never going to understand this Christian perspective. Guess what? Sex exists outside heteronormativity. Queer love and marriage exists. To speak in this manner to ignore queer love and sex is such an act of cruelty and hatred. You can frame it in peace and love and say it's just your religion, but this is a cop out. My marriage happens to include a man and a woman. But there is no way in the world I'll be teaching our children it's the only way to live on this earth. Love is love people.


I really resent the notion that many Christians have in regards to jealousy of past partners. I’m married and we both were not virgins before our marriage. We’ve never had feelings of jealous or comparison to past experiences because we have a solid, healthy relationship built on trust and communication. Having sex before marriage does not doom a person to being perpetually unhappy in future relationships. I hope any young Christians watching this who might have had sex and are feeling shamed about it and worried about how they’ll perceive their future relationships knows that it will be okay. Period.


My midwife straight up said to wait 6weeks+ postpartum for any penetration to promote optimal healing, which would lead to the best intimacy in the longer term.
