Elderhood rising -- the dawn of a new world age | Bill Thomas | TEDxSF

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William H. Thomas, M.D. is an international authority on geriatric medicine and eldercare. A graduate of Harvard Medical School in 1986, he completed graduate medical training at the Highland Hospital/University of Rochester Family Medicine Residency.

While pursuing a career in Emergency Medicine, a part-time position as the medical director of a small rural nursing home turned into a full-time and life-long passion for improving the well-being of older people. In the early 1990's, he and his wife Judith Meyers-Thomas developed the Eden Alternative, now a non-profit organization with international reach, which includes affiliates in Japan, Australia, Scandinavia, Europe, Canada, the United Kingdom, and across the United States. Dr. Thomas' groundbreaking work in person-directed care also led him to imagine a new approach to long-term care that became known as the Green House. He oversaw the construction of the nation's first Green Houses, and this model of care is now being replicated nationwide as an alternative to traditionally-designed nursing homes.

The author of six books, Dr. Thomas is also the recipient of several prestigious awards and honors, among them, the Heinz Award for the Human Condition, 2009 Picker Award for Excellence® in the Advancement of Patient-Centered Care, and being named as one of the ten most influential people in long-term care.

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I love this so much and I'm a 24-year-old. Thank you, Dr. WIlliam Thomas. I want to be an ambassador from elderhood someday as well. But for now, I want to be an ambassador for elderhood. "We are all elders in the making!"


I LOVE this man. What an amazing human being. If only we cared more about our elderly.


I totally agree with and love this idea of giving respect and honouring the grand-parenting and great-grand-parenting age. Yes, it is time to give it a proper name: Elder-hood. I am a Baby-boomer and therefore, I am in my glorious elder-hood now. And I am loving it!


This guy is funny ! He’s making a great point ! I’ve always thought like this but it’s so refreshing to here and see someone talk about it. God bless him ! Hope he’s doing well !


Marvelous and passionate message reflective of the true soul of Dr. Bill T. He is the ambassador for Elderhood and a person that is helping all of us embrace our next stage of life. Keep it up Bill we want you to blaze the trail!!!


I just discovered this talk. Thank you so much, Dr. Thomas, for this powerful message.


I work with Dementia patients in an Eden setting, and I absolutely LOVE my job! These wonderful people I get to see everyday make my life worthwhile. The Eden Alternative makes such a difference in the care we give. Thank you so much!


Thank you Bill for addressing such an important subject in such a compassionate and understanding way. Elderhood is just as important as any other stage in life. Our elders deserve the honoring and valuing that they have earned by arriving at this stage in life. I hope to hear more from you! Robbie Kaye - Beauty and Wisdom


Empowering. Dynamic. Eye-opening. But who could expect anything less. Caregiving has arrived when Dr. Thomas has the stage at TEDx. Very cool.


This totally awesome. I showed my classes this presentation and the students loved it. It generated a lot of discussion.


*SO SO SO* important and this is coming from a 25-year-old medical student. Ageism is horrible and I hope Dr. Thomas' talk spurs lots of conversation


I'm looking forward to seeing Bill Thomas speak at the downtown Seattle library tonight. A coworker is joining me and I know it will undoubtedly help me in my work with elders. It will also help me plan for my own elderhood--something I see not as a sad inevitability, but as an opportunity I can approach with eagerness and confidence!


Bill is a genuine national treasure! This should be required viewing in every gerontology, sociology and marketing class.


What a great foreshadowing of things to come Bill! So great to hear you speak and meet you last night at the Villages! Thanks for continuing to be the elderhood ambassador! I look forward to continuing to follow your work! ♥


Go, Bill Thomas! Your books - IN THE ARMS OF ELDERS and WHAT ARE OLD PEOPLE FOR? and SECOND WIND (not to mention LIFE WORTH LIVING) need all to become bestsellers. Maybe they will as we all keep aging and realize how ageism really has harmed the chances for our country to be all that it can be.


As an aging boomer, I embrace Elderhood. We shall radicalize and transform it the way we have transformed everything else. It shall mark a period of intense self-actualization which will contribute much wisdom to our culture..


Thank you so much for putting this into words, I am writing a sociology paper about agism, thank you so much! I have been researching this subject and your video explains it all!


Dr Thomas is one of my heroes. He and Dr Robert Butler (who passed away last year) are probably the two most vocal and articulate advocates for elderhood and voices against the prevalent and destructive ageism in our society that mostly goes unchallenged. But, as Dr Thomas says, the boomers are coming. ;) It's gonna be interesting!


What an inspiring public speaker in such a 'controversial' matter!


Could close my eyes and think it's Robin Williams RIP dearest funny man and deep thinker
