The Canadian Retribution at Normandy | History Traveler Episode 196

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Throughout the Battle of Normandy, the Canadians of the 3rd Infantry Division and the Germans of the 12th SS Panzer Division found themselves locked in a battle of attrition that would mark some of the most vicious fighting of the entire campaign. After suffering a blow at Buron and Authie (as seen in the last episode) the fight shifted over to a place that has now become legendary in Canadian military history: Bretteville-l'Orgueilleuse. In this episode, we're joined by Paul Woodadge of @WW2TV to show a small part of one of the most epic fights in the battle to take Normandy.

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As an aussie, the Canadians punched well above there weight in both world wars, like the Australian and new Zealand forces, not enough has been written about the contribution of these very proud and efficient troops, especially Canada


Never forget the commonwealth troops including Indians (including Sikhs), South Africans, the magnificent Australians in North Africa(as well as other destinations) the incredibly brave Canadians and all the other nations that came to our assistance. We give thanks to all of you. 🌟🌟🌟🇬🇧


American here...We love our neighbors to the north. Although we may not think about it often, having Canada as our ally and sharing a very long border with them has had a profound effect on American history and our development. Put in simple terms, we don't have to worry about Canada, and in fact the US wouldn't be the military superpower able to project force worldwide...if we had a northern border with a less solid, or god forbid, an unfriendly nation up there.
America loves you guys and we have the utmost respect for your history of bravery in battle. Thank you.


As an Englishman, I thank our Canadian brothers for their sacrifice 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🇬🇧


As a very proud Canadian, one who is very proud of what our men accomplished, I am very greatful that you are presenting these vlogs of Canadians in Normandy. Thanks very much, well done


Being British I'm very proud of what our forces did during the second world war, the trouble for me is that it's nearly always the Americans and British that's mentioned. The Canadians are always over looked as far as I'm concerned. Let it be said, what a great fighting nation they was and still are.


My father was a Canadian soldier in ww2 and he told me stories in his later years about actions the Canadians were involved with. We were prized as shock troops and had been battle tested. We may be a small nation in population but we are proud of our soldiers, then and now, and we honor those memories every November 11.


I dont think there is enough coverage of the brave Canadians who gave their lives in WW2. I remember as a kid traveling France and seeing the massive cenotaph at Vimy ridge and asking my dad what it was for/who it was for and this was in WW1.
Canadian blood has been spilled in Europe for over 100 years yet we never mention them. As an Englishman I for one salute them and will never forget them, RIP.


“Free men from all nations, remember that in June 1944 brave soldiers from the Regina Rifles died here in this village for your freedom” wow…that’s beautiful.


Our "friendly" neighbors to the north weren't so friendly when it came to dealing with the SS.
They've always been excellent soldiers. Good people to have on your side in a fight. They don't run.


Many congratulations on a very well constructed documentary. As an Englishman, I don’t think Canada has ever been given the proper recognition it made in both WW1 and in particular WW2. My father was in the British infantry during WW2 and always described Canadian troops as ‘first class’!


When my mother was in her mid 80's, she mentioned how "we" (U.S.) won WW2. I shocked her by saying that 80% of German soldiers killed were on the Eastern Front. She seemed puzzled at first as though learning something for the first time. I told her Pacific War was pretty much U.S. led, which later I found to my chagrin just how little I knew about how much British/ Aussie/New Zealanders etc etc. contributed. The Germans feared the Canadians after the way they massacred them in Normandy, for good reason too. Sadly, I think many in U.S. still don't appreciate how our brothers and sisters from other countries send their sons and daughters to fight alongside our own sons and daughters! I do though, thank you brother's sisters for always standing by us, and even when our arrogance forces a well deserved rebuke from you!


Hey JD, As a Canadian, I appreciate your coverage of the contributions that our forces added to the overall invasion efforts. Population-wise we are a much smaller country than the U.S. but our men fought just as hard & valiantly as any of the other Allied countries. My father fought in Italy, at the raid on Dieppe and then later in Holland. My uncle was a bombardier flying out of England until being seriously injured in a crash landing. There are many great & heroic actions taken by soldiers of all the various forces. Thank you for touching on them all.


Something that's worth noting about the Canadians in Normandy: They were all volunteer (this would change as the NW Europe campaign went on). You see the battle honors for the Regina Rifles dating back to Vimy and Paschendaele. Many of these Canadians had family who fought in WWI, and the desire to live up to that history and do it again 20 years later was absolutely a motivation for some of these Canadian troops.


So cool J.D, an American doing a Canadian story! We really appreciate all your videos thank you!!🇨🇦🇱🇷


Every year the town of Courseulles celebrates the bravery of the Canadians who landed there. A few years back I actually spoke with villagers who witnessed the landings, although sadly these will be decreasing in numbers. It’s a heartwarming day.


I served 25 years in the Canadian Army, my Father served WW 2 as a Canadian Soldier, as well as my 2 Nephews both served in the Canadian Army, I am so grateful for finding your channel, thank you so much for what you do. I will pass on to my brothers in arms that your channel is a must watch and that they should subscribe. Wow so well done.


I had the privilege of knowing a number of the Regina Rifles who fought there. They were fine men. You have honoured their memory, the memory of our Regiment and our Country. Thank you for your efforts. Up the Johns.


I am glad your last video on the Canadian story in Normandy didn't end with Kurt Meyer. The Canadian Army fought many battles that most Canadians barely know ...but the people of France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark know....
