How Norwegian girls describe boys in Norway?

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I went to Norway last summer and I can definitely say that Norwegians boys are extremely respectful towards womens, it's amazing ! They are quite shy because they are used to that girls come for them. Moreover they are the most georgous and handsome guys I have ever seen. It is very rare to have this kind of men so please Norwegian boys : keep being like that !


They look to be shy, but it is absolutely for they are taught to respect people's privacy specifically for women. I really liked Norwegian men's behavior.


I’m dating a Norwegian guy, and sure he was shy at first, but I didn’t have to get him drunk to be open with me. Lol i was just nice and talked to him. I ended up falling in love with him, and one of his best attributes is that he is VERY respectful. :)


I love how nice the commentary of most women are towards the men. It proves that men and women respect each other for the most part 😊❤️


In a short answer on a cold evening on the street, shy is an ok answer. But as a norwegian guy, I can tell that it's not really so. Norwegians have a lot of personal space, or bubble, and don't easily intrude on others. People in Norway get annoyed if they forcefully need to interact with others too often. Especially with strangers. This is mutually respected. With alcohol this bubble bursts and we get social, and eventually too drunk. We are usually more openminded towards tourists or foreigners, as we don't expect them to have this understanding. It's actually a bit entertaining if you want to study it. Look at us when we use public transport. While waiting we keep the distance so the other person would feel awkward to start a conversation, and the full body expression when we fill up a bus. Good distance between everyone, and a "don't sit with me" posing. When it fills up, the slight annoyance on everyone as the bubble shrinks. If you see someone you know, just nod. Don't talk to them. We are weird that way :)


My husband is a Norwegian. He's shy at first but crazy when you know him more😊. He is kind and loving.. Must of all he have big respect to me and my family specially to my culture.😊😊


It's not that they are that shy, but just reserved in many situations. Norwegians have a very compartmentalized framework for social interactions, so people are going to be reserved about stepping out of that. There are just situations that are seen as more appropriate to approach someone than others. I also think Norwegian guys take some time to figure out if the girl is into them before making a move, or maybe I'm wrong? It's a tough question these girls has to answer. I don't believe they meant anything negative about it, though. In cultures where the boys are expected to come on strong, the girls are supposed to play hard to get. I don't think that is any better, personally. I like the idea that girls are expected to be more straight forward. That way, the boy doesn't have to nag you to find out if you are interested or not. It solves a lot of problems for me as a girl, I think, so I'm grateful :)

I've seen comments that says this has to do with feminism, but this isn't a recent development, as far as I know. As others have pointed out, it has less to do with the dynamics between genders specifically, and a lot more to do with the Norwegian views on personal space and that we don't want to infringe on other's privacy. Let's just say that people in Norway will look at you with a confused* expression if you try to talk to us on the bus or in line at the grocery store :P

(*confused, but not offended. Our brains are just struggling to make sense of the situation )


As a Norwegian man. It's not so much that i'm "shy", but it's more the fact that i respect women and their right to privacy. I'm not going to just randomly walk up to some girl and start talking to her, that's absurd (to me).


Pretty guys don’t have to be aggressive and thirsty Lol


So many Norwegian people have blue eyes.

Big beautiful blue eyes.


Those that i met were cool, loved their mannerism.
Its nice to be able to have a conversation with a guy, without him constantly trying to shift it towards a sexual topic.. Unlike over here in the south of europe.


Shyness? It's a very difficult thing to found these days. Know their value! And I think they are very handsome.


I think thats cause all scandinavian men have a tendention to respect wamen


im Norwegian and not shy or anything they are trust me


Shy and respectful men sounds extremely attactive. I think l can't find one single shy man in my country. Truths hurt:)


Norwegian dudes don't shy but they grow up in society that remove their initiative as the same form Sweden.


Norway is nice! The people don't randomly say hello to strangers, if you do it they don't find it offensive it's just not normal. Norwegians are pretty chill ✌❤🇳🇴


Northern Europe countries have such a nice culture. preserve it and don't let globalism destroy it...


get it straight its respect its not shyness all of northern europe is not afraid of women we are afraid for women and youve made it this way


So the good looking tall men or Norway are shy and need booze to talk to women? Why do I suddenly feel really good about myself lol.
