How to Source Profitable Inventory Like a Pro

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One tip I left out of the video is to use Google Lens to help identify items that you don't recognize. It's amazing how accurate it is! Do you have any other tips for identifying hard-to-identify inventory? Let me know below!


In a land loaded with goofball reseller YouTubers heavy on corny schtick, obnoxious videos, and downright phony picking trips, here's a serious guy with nothing but useful information, presented in a pragmatic, straightforward manner. Thank you.


“Put the pitchfork down” 🤣 I’m using that statement in my future - so funny!!!


LMAO.. did you say "raw dogging" it !! Haha cracked me up


The biggest thing in this video for me is “STAY CURIOUS”! ….some things I never knew were valuable, has me constantly looking things up. Sometimes I think it’s a waste of my time when I’m out sourcing each time to look something up, but each time it gets filed away in my data bank in my head of what to look for. During the past few months, I have found things That were either free or I paid maybe a dollar for that have brought me one to $300 easily. I wish the best of luck to everyone because I have really realized that there is a lot of stuff on this planet and to keep it from going into the landfill is a noble pursuit.


God lead me into starting a junk removal company. Through it I have a large warehouse with items I eBay everyday. Just a thought for people. May God prosper your businesses.


Even if we’re pretty sure of the value because we sold it in the past, it still doesn’t hurt to look it up again because markets can change. Thanks for the video!


I treat it like a treasure hunt and game. My boyfriend and I have friendly competition for the most profitable finds. Currently scaling up my reselling. You are an incredibly valuable resource!


Great video. I give myself a pep talk every time I go into the thrift store and it's: "you gotta show up", "show up and you'll be rewarded." And you're 100 percent right with your advice - show up with a positive mindset. Secondly, don't be afraid to use your phone. Like you also said, it's no one's business what I'm doing. We're sourcing items for people who may or may not have thrift stores in their area. And let's also be real, every time we step into a thrift store, I see a half dozen resellers doing the same thing. No one cares.


Just wanted to say that I watched just a couple of your videos and applied some of what you've said. Primarily focusing on listing more items and listing faster, and my sales are way up. Not sure if it's a q4 correlation but focusing on volume rather than long-winded descriptions that no one will read has really helped. Thanks.


All good suggestions. I add packing difficulty to my decision process. If it is going to be harder to ship, it has to have higher margin and sell through rates. And some items I will not ship. So unless it's a give away price and I feel I can resell locally, I pass. Also I pass on items that are very expensive, even if they sell for a lot. I don't want to have $2000 items, where one problem customer can result in a big loss (or one overlooked flaw). I also avoid VERO items and stuff that has a high likelihood of fakes. Forget your own personal taste and focus on what people will buy. Thats where the phone is a big help.


I think you have stated it in a pretty simple and succinct way, "grow your knowledge of what is profitable to resell beyond the obvious".


Thank you for this video! I just restarted my selling on eBay. I have just sold item number 2 with a very good profit margin. I watch all of your videos several times and implemented flipwise. I am 67 years old and don’t want to let my brain turn to mush!!! Thank you for all the efforts you have put in to help others get off to a good start.


This is one of the most helpful videos I've ever seen! Thank you!! Just getting started here. Now I'm going to watch your starter kit video❤❤


You can show this video to some people, and their next FB post will still be "Anyone know what this is worth??"

I call it job security


Very clear, concise, and to the point. Very knowledgeable. I repeat his videos so the information stays in my brain. This guy is my favorite.

Nice information. Could you do another video where you walk us through your approach upon entering a Thrift Store? What do you look for first? What categories garner most attention from you? How long do you typically shop during a single trip? Maybe even record while you're there? It would provide a nice guide for us that are clueless where to start when we enter a store.



I’ve been at this about a year now. Everything you explained is what I know now but wish I had known then. 🙂 What I have to add- I get a feeling that I just don’t want to buy something, even if logically it seems like a good idea. I have found I need to listen to that feeling- when I ignore it, something is wrong with the item or it’s no longer selling for some random reason. On the flip side, when I get this pleasant tingle of excitement, there’s something good there and I don’t second guess it anymore. So along with the logic of determining sell- thru rate is the art of trusting the gut or the tingle or yourself. 😉


I have only been reselling properly for about 3 months and was not good at finding stuff to sell I went for stuff I liked but not necessary what others did so has been sat in my ebay store. Your channel popped up on here and I have watched a few videos and would like to say thank you for your tutorials things are beginning to make sense now and I am loving google lens. look forward to watching some more. Jenny UK


Great advice as always!

I'm learning by listing stuff I have around the house. (There's a LOT!) For pricing ideas, sometimes I look at Amazon or Etsy, and there is a website I go to for prices for books - both new and used. Been experimenting with calculated shipping vs free shipping, and sales are good either way. Just ordered a ton of free Priority boxes in different sizes from USPS to beat the holiday rush.
