Vampires in Anime

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It's spooky month, so let's talk about some spooky anime with spooky vampires in em!

#Anime #vampire #halloween

0:00 Dracula Backwardses
1:13 Fighty Vampires
8:27 Funny Vampires
11:54 Freaky Vampires (Figurative)
14:45 Freaky Vampires (Literal)

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In the depths of his Mother's Basement, Geoff Thew creates videos analyzing the storytelling techniques of anime and video games. He has been named the number one Worst YouTube Anime Reviewer by The Top Tens.
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Dio is simply one of those characters where they'd be genuinely terrifying, if they simply weren't memed to death


the fact that there still isn't a buffy the vampire slayer anime is a crime against humanity


Discussing Rosario+Vampire, I feel obligated to mention that the manga and the anime are completely different. The anime is pretty much pure fanservice harem comedy, while the manga turns more and more into a character driven battle series as it goes. And the art from late in the manga is jaw droppingly good.


Part of the reason "vampires" in anime are often way off the stereotype is because the English word has more specific connotations than "kyuuketsuki" - that is, "blood-sucking oni". Just as English localisation will brand pretty much anything that drinks blood as a vampire, so too does the Japanese word lump a lot of creatures into the term. The difference is that there are a lot of Asian blood-suckers that most of us aren't that familiar with.

There are several creatures across Asia that share the trait of a woman's head leaving her body, flying off, and draining people's blood at night. There's Jiangshi, which originally fed on qi, but became blood-suckers due to cultural osmosis.

Basically, Japanese vampires often draw from more Asian cultures than what we typically associate with the word "vampire".


Well to be fair to Vanitas, it can get pretty brutal at times. I mean, they showed 4 kids getting mauled and one beheaded at the end of episode 5, and it’s not the last time something like that will happen. Knowing MochiJun the plot twists with this won’t ever stop until it’s finished.

And I quite like how they use their power system, it’s a nice take on it


*Other Anime Vampires:* _sonorous, eerie orchestral music_

*Alucard:* "Party! Party! Party! I wanna have a Party! I need to have a Party! You better have a Party! Woah, Party! Party! Party! You got to party hardy!


Fun fact: Hellsing Ultimate Abridged is a fantastic vampire dark comedy


I like how Irina worldbuilds around its vampires, and makes them downright mundane.
It's not a stretch of the imagination to believe that there could be some incredibly cold-adapted "race" of humans that live in the remotest reaches of russia.
Nocturalism and extremely pale skin would be great traits to have in regions with less than 3 hours of daylight, but would cause horrific sunburns and discomfort being out and about during the day.
The other traits, - like Irina's strength, and the fangs - are equally possible, and I just love that sort of attention to detail.
Plus those mouth shots are strangely hot.


Thank you Geoff for inspiring me to write gay vampire anime fanfic in the last half day before Halloween. I'll try my best.
For you.


I remember discovering Shiki. A family friend's daughter, who had a Japanese sword and knife collection and slept on the floor instead of her bed, kinda cornered me in her room and kept talking about this creepy series she's been watching while playing with one of her knives. Needless to say both during and especially after watching it I was scared enough to not be able to sleep


Castlevania was such a good show and the vampires have surprisingly interesting philosophies to them, as far as pride and their need for a sense of superiority is concerned. So many good things to talk about in that show, I love it.


I'm always amazed at Geoff's ability to make transitions from one anime to another so seamlessly


Something that deserves to mentioned regarding "sexy vampires" is that there's an entire subgenre of yuri featuring vampires. Geoff, you don't seem to be very into yuri so I'll forgive you for not mentioning it, but seriously, when I was last in Japan (before the thing that happened in 2020 that complicated travel), the yuri section in the Akihabara manga store I visited had an entire subsection marked "vampire". Although given the "lesbian vampire" trope, that probably isn't all that surprising.


The one I was sad you missed is "Ms. Vampire lives in my neighborhood". Its a slice of life that provides an interesting look into what difficulties and conveniences vampires would face in our modern world in a way that makes them relatable and human. Its a good watch.


I agree about the Monogatari series, mostly. The vampire aspects are easy to overlook in the main series (except in a few arcs), but the Kizumonogatari trilogy has become one of my all-time favorite vampire movies/series of all time, up there with Bram Stoker's Dracula, Let the Right One In, and Interview with the Vampire.


INTERVIEWS WITH MONSTER GIRLS, MY that series has my whole heart, it's so good and dodges so many tropes in the MOST fun ways!


I'm happy that someone is actually talking about Shiki, such a hidden gem.


Shiki is my favorite anime ever. It's a really great psychological horror. I alwars cry during the Nao ova. The buildup to the villagers finally getting the upperhand is amazing! You even feel bad for the vampires a lot of the time. And Buck-Tick 's music really makes the first opening and second ending very spooky and somber.


My favorite vampire in anime is Camilla from Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Just because she adds to the series ridiculous world building, by mentioning that vampires used to exist in the yugioh world, until a human-vampire war where only one survived. Then the existence of vampires, and the war against them, is never mentioned again.


Interviews with Monster Girls is surprisingly wholesome with its namesake demi-humans. Its message in one episode, that we shouldn't say, "Demis are just like us, " that we shouldn't just gloss over their differences, but accept them, really hits home.
