FTC Chair HOUNDED By Tech-Funded Republicans

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"During her two years as chair of the Federal Trade Commission, Lina Khan has racked up many critics among mega corporations. She’s been busy advancing a rule banning non-compete clauses, a rule that would make it easier for people to cancel subscriptions, and launching lawsuits against Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook that go after what she sees as the anti-competitive practices of these businesses.

The heads of Big Tech companies and their allies in the media are not happy about it. According to the anti-monopoly group American Economic Liberties Project, the Wall Street Journal has published at least 69 op-eds, editorials, or letters criticizing Khan."


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Gym has finally and publicly admitted that he is being bribed.


When are they going to investigate Gym Jordan for his role in covering up sexual abuse in the Ohio State wrestling program?


Jordan should be forced to wear the pearls he's clutching


It's actually complicated. The FTC DOES need to be investigated. If you followed the court case the FTC put forwards to have an injunction against MS in their MS/Activision merger, it's depressing how bad the FTC case is.

First it seems they chose to block the merger before even reviewing the case. That's not right, that's not their job. Their job is to do an in-depth assessment of the case to determine the risks and possible outcomes. At least it should be.

Regardless of what side your on, it was such an unprofessionally put together case that got so easily dismantled. It was the kind of case you'd expect from a business studies student at a community college putting together a power point presentation as part of course work.

So the FTC loses the case, and now they're trying to appeal and have until midnight tonight to have the 9th district court block it, which is unlikely.

The CMA did the same thing, blocking the merger this time because of cloud gaming, a business no one ever got working and Google completely dropped Stadia because it didn't work.

And I was really bummed. Because I thought these regulators were doing in-depth reports analysing the outcomes and making decisions based on that. It's a bit depressing to realise that these government bodies that have told us they're doing a job, are actually only doing shallow research and putting together lazy cases.

And after the judge denied the injunction, the FTC was trying to say, that they only have to show what "may" happen. Like, what is this? If you are going to stand in the way of massive deals, I'd rather you do a proper analysis and ACTUALLY SHOW us what could happen based on the economy and markets etc.

If you're going to block a merger, fine. But give a good professionally based in-depth reason. Not "if", "mays" and "maybes".


Here in the UK those donations would be classed as bribery, and they’re not allowed
If a politician has anything to do with the company, for example, his wife works for it, or he has shares in it they have to recuse themselves from anything investigation all votes on policy that would involve the company. It seems when they don’t want to hear the answer, they shout down the person they’re interviewing. Mind you with Jim Jordan, it could be, he doesn’t understand the answer


I'm a progressive but after the Activision Xbox merger stuff I have no pity for this woman. She obviously doesn't know how to do her job. I thought she was good choice originally. I regret that. She obviously has something out for Americans tech companies. I can't stand Elon musk. Her job is protect the consumer not companies like Sony.


the Microsoft merger isn't bad all the other ones yeah go ahead and do whatever.


I'm for the Microsoft ABK deal soley because it will be union worker's friendly...so I'm against the FTC on that matter


These PAC's and donors are the problem with politics today.


If I was Lina Khan, I might've asked Gym Jordan why he was so obsessed with getting bribes from his corporate overlords.


It's amazing how anyone can look at how bad Lina Khan has been, how poor the stats are and how much the confidence in the FTC has dropped since she took over - and think she is doing a good job!!


Ftc just allowed Microsoft to buy Activision.


These bribes should be against the law.


Luckily Big Tech always have GOP to protect and serve them.


The problem is she ain't doing her job right


My answer if I was Lina Khan would have been to ask Jordan to disclose how much money he had received from X Corp.


Gym Jordan needs to be thrown in jail.


Why is Jordan still in office. Better yet why is he a Chairman of any committee in Washington


Lobbyist to rep: I would like to convince you why our merger should go though.
Rep: Okay. What's your argument?
Lobbyist: How's $50k?
Rep: Good argument.


Gym had no intelligent question to which he wanted an answer. He just wanted to pontificate in front of the camera, even if that required him to be rude, impolite and uncivil. Those are the characteristics all American cherish, because his behaviors mirror their biases. Why bother with a question, when you have a paragraph to read to the TV cameras.
