Disaster, Recovery, and Hope | Brooke Hartman | TEDxWrigleyville

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TEDxWrigleyville 2020 Theme: “Humanity, a View From Inside the Pandemic,” filmed inside Wrigley Field (Chicago) amidst civil unrest and with full compliance of Covid-19 related quarantine restrictions.

[Ms. Hartman delivered her talk during significant rebuilding and construction noise following massive protests throughout the Chicago area.]

Disasters expose new and old traumas. How does the human brain and psyche cope with and emerge from them? Brooke Hartman’s hopeful talk “Disaster, Recovery, and Hope” guides viewers on this path of recovery. Brooke Hartman is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, trained in International Social Work and Disaster Mental Health, and has about 8 professional lives happening simultaneously, including a small counseling practice in Chicago, a Disruptive Event Responder through R3 Continuum in Illinois and Wisconsin, a certified Traumatologist through The Green Cross, a certified Disaster Mental Health responder through the Red Cross, an instructor for both organizations, and adjunct teaching of Disaster Trauma and Compassion Stress Management at Moody Theological Seminary in Chicago.

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