Atozuke and Furiten - Riichi Mahjong Guide

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In this episode of Riichi Mahjong Guide, we discuss the concept of takame and yasume, as well as the rules about atozuke and furiten. Furiten basically prevents you from winning by ron if you passed up a winning tile, but you can still win by tsumo.

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Seeing how this video has no comments I just want to thank you for making these videos! It helped me a lot!


Not only is this game incredibly complex in terms of what you have to know and what you have to keep track of for your own hand, but also in terms of what you have to keep track of for what other players are doing. I am really glad for software that helps you simplify some of those things for new players (right now I am playing on Clubhouse Games for the switch) and incredibly thankful for your videos to help cover for some of the complexity that they couldn’t possibly cover within the game itself.


Thanks, I finally understand Furiten. I kept getting it online and wasn't sure why (although, I ended up still winning by tsumo one of these times).


Thanks a lot man, never understood why the Furiten applied. It made it quite clear.


Scenario: Player C in Tenpai, waiting for one or four bamboo (only Yaku is Tanyao). Player A discards one bamboo putting player C in temporary Furiten. Player B now discards four bamboo, on which player C may not Ron. Can player C now draw, discard and also declare Riichi? If answer is yes, may player now Ron a one or four bamboo from other players?


My Japanese friend declared riichi, then realized he previously threw one of his two wait cards. Friend said it was a chumbo and he should pay a chumbo penalty because by declaring Riichi, he made opponents start discarding cards he already threw to play defensive. I said he did not chumbo, and though in furiten, could still go out by tsumo. Who was correct?
Secondly, my wife plays with women who have an instruction sheet that states when in furiten, you must announce you are in furiten verbally to opponents. Have you ever heard of this furiten declaration?


In practice, how do people enforce furiten? Do they examine your hand and discard and waits?


I swear I’ve been put in furiten when I didn’t discard anything I need to win on. (I play Doman Mahjong on FFXIV)

I find myself in Furiten a lot! I always see a winning hand and I’m like yessss! But then it’s forcing me to discard something and I realize I’m in furiten somehow


When you took the 1 man out of the discards to show that when you draw a 1 man you are in furiten, that's if there was a 1 man in the discards right?


May I know if I have 23456 man, and I have thrown out the 1 man before, that means I can’t Ron on the 1, 4, 7 man is it ?
Does furiten apply to multiple waits ?


If being in tenpai (with open hand), two way wait of one and four bamboo, but only yaku is tanyao, refusing a one bamboo is not considered furiten, as there would be no yaku and thus was not a winning hand. There is no penalty for technically only waiting for the four bamboo. Am I correct? Also, if same hand, but closed and not riichi, declining a one bamboo has no restrictions, but declining a ron four bamboo puts you in permanent furiten. Is this also correct?


There’s still a couple things I’m unclear on regarding atozuke nashi rules (and I couldn’t find clear answers online):
1) Can an open atozuke hand still win by tsumo?
2) I heard that a hand where all the waits have a yaku, but nothing that applies to all of them (for example, 11456m456p55667s, where 4-sou has sanshoku and 7-sou has ippeikou) still counts as atozuke. Is that true? If it is, does it also apply to a shanpon wait on two different yakuhai, since those are technically different yaku?


Friend ended draw game with a no yakuza's hand but was waiting to try and sumo, to attain her yaku. . Does friend get to claim 1000 point for being in tenpin at end of draw game?


Today I declared riichi with a one card wait for a three bamboo. The player across from me threw a three bamboo, but I was distracted and missed it and did not call ron. The game proceeded. About three rounds later, same player threw another three bamboo and I called ron. Was this permissible, or was I in furiten and could only win by drawing a three bamboo myself? Thanks.


3:29 So, drawing the shape of a winning hand regardless of the yaku of that hand puts you in permanent furiten?


Furiten seems like a pretty terrible rule designed to fuck you over because reasons.
