Can I Get ALL MAX Level 100 Paragons In 1 Game? (Bloons TD 6)

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How Fast Can I Get ALL Level 100 Paragons In 1 Game? BTD6 / Bloons TD 6 - the challenge is simple: get all 7 paragons to degree 100 as early as possible! Unfortunately due to power limitations this is only possible past round 350... watch and see how long this ends up taking me.

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The recent effects size slider change is certainly nice to have... even though late game is still powerpoint simulator with it at 0.


The Boat Paragon has gotta feel quite bad when a dude with a potion almost had as much pops as him.
Round of applause for BMA 👏


The fact, that the BMA got placed 170 rounds after the boat paragon and got only 100M pops less is insane


There used to be a mod which let paragons gain tiers based on their pop count, it was pretty cool since you could buy it at level one and after several rounds check-up on it and it would be like tier 20.


Wow, 3.6 billion on a tower that costs couple 100 times less than any paragon


If the BMA is doing that much damage, I shudder to imagine what the alchemist paragon will look like.


actually the geraldo totem numbers work out very nicely
if you have all the requirements, you need 45 totems in single player, and then each player of coop accounts for 15 totems, (one 5th tier is the equivalent of 5 totems), so in two player its 30 totems, 3 player its 15 totems, and in 4 player you have exactly enough points to get a degree 100 with 0 totems.


I love the combinations of the Dart and Boomerang Paragon's upgrade sprites and the depth of the Doomship's sprite.

edit: I just want to clarify I am not in production of any of the replies down below such as certain ones...


I really enjoy these lengthy super late game videos. It shows the extent of ISAB's skill and knowledge outside of Battles 2, which is pretty satisfying imo.


Supreme Avocado's max round on Cubism 💀


It’s insane to see how hard the game is now. I remember back about 5 years ago I got to 680 I think? Somewhere in the upper 600’s. No paragons. No vengeful. And I did that on moon landing 😂😂😂 free play couldn’t scale fast enough back then.


Those that are asking, it is most likely that SupremeAvacado got Round 3440 on Impoppable due to an earlier version of the game.
Also, it's no surprise that getting 7 Degree 100 Paragons without mods nor Co-op would take frickin' forever.


They should really make a "low graphics mode" to use in late game rounds where everything is very simplified but can only be accessed in-game after round 100 to avoid cheeses. The one issue with this game is that its not very graphics-friendly since in late game there are so many projectiles that have to be calculated at once. A potential way they could do this is by:

- Applying a constant DPS on bloons from single-target towers like a x-0-x sniper and applying the stunning effect on towers like 4-0-x and 5-0-x snipers every amount of time it takes to do 1 shot
- For glaive ricochet and other target-seeking projectiles do the same but to all of the closest bloons to the targeted bloon until it hits the pierce cap. For towers like the wizard which technically seek but usually expire first, that pierce cap could be adjusted specifically for low graphics mode to have close balancing to the main game.
- For explosions apply the DPS to bloons inside the radius of the bomb's explosion radius (until it hits the pierce cap). For towers like the recursive cluster this damage would be adjusted for balancing. Also, the offset on the mortar's inaccuracy would be simplified into basically a grid that roughly forms a circle around the target thing, which would have something like 64 potential different landing points that would follow an "RNG" pattern based on the time you launched the game (not like that would make a difference though).

- idek just make bloon's hitboxes simpler I've had enough ranting about something that wont ever happen


If you had the alchemist a little sooner, it probably could have beaten the boat paragon in pops. Very laggy but thanks for doing what I would never attempt to do since I am bad at BTD6.


Thank you ISAB, for challenging God himself


Fire video as always. can’t wait to see the next one one the Banana farm paragon comes out


I think the whole lesson learned from this video is that the BMA is easily the best late game tower


ISAB, what tower paragon are you most looking forward to (obviously that isn’t currently released)?

I think a glue paragon would be interesting.


For anyone trying this at home:
1. Do boat paragon last, it’s global range makes it difficult to get the pops requirement on later paragons
2. Put the weakest tier 5 at the back of the track and every other tower at the front. This way, you can place your paragon at the back while still taking as many pops as possible (this can also be done using chinook heli)
3. Do the hardest paragons first, this negates the chance of other paragons stealing pops


0:42 Fun fact: Regrow Farming for pops is now patched in 38.0; ISAB played in 37.0
