Police Car Cartoons for children. 60 Minutes. Police for kids. Trucks Cartoons for children.

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Speaker: Royal diamond has been sent to a city bank today for storage. It will be safe there! It’s the most protected building in the city!
Boss (worried\seriously):I’vebeenchasingthisdiamondfor 10 years. And now it’s so close to me! I'm not sure that you will be able to open the safe there, so you’ll need to steal it and take it here!
Razer (puzzled):Buttherearesomanypoliceofficers. How can we get to the storage?
Boss (seriously): I’ve got the plan of the building. There is an abandoned railway tunnel under the building. If you walk there you will be under the storage and have opportunity to cut the hole in the floor and just do what you have to do.
Rocko (unhappy):But I think that the safe is very heavy…
Boss(abitannoyed):Takethetrolleywithyou. Put the safe on it and you’ll push it fasttothecar.
Rocko (anxiety): Boss….Ihavebadfeeling…
Boss (sarcastically): IhadthesamefeelingwhenIhiredyou. Stoptalking. Go!
MajorHarry (puzzled):The diamond is going to be at the storage for 3 days. I’m pretty sure that Boss will try to steal it.
Handy-Andy (lively):We are going to catch him!
Officer(seriously): Wewillmakeanambushinthebank. YouandEmmystaynotfarfromhere. Youcanhelpustochasethemonyourflyingcar, if it's necessary.
Handy-Andy (lively): Ok! Wewillbeready!
Emmy (decisively):Forsure!
Bigcarisgoingonthestreet. Rocko is driving.
Rocko (worried):A black cat ran across my road this morning – it’s a bad sign!
Razer (ironically):I think that the cat had a bad day too.
Rocko (worried):Whythat?
Razer(sarcastic): Well, it met you in the morning! (laughing)
The car stops near the entrance in the abandoned tunnel. Guysgetoutofthecarandclear the entrance. Putthetrolleyontherails.
Razer(kindly):We’ve completed half a mission!
Rocko throws something into the trolley.
Razer (angrily): What is that?
Rocko (lively):It’s a rabbit paw for good luck!
Razer (getting more angry):You are going too far!
There is a trolley in the tunnel. Guysarestandingaside. Razerhasamaskonhisface. Hehasanequipmenttocutthemetal. Heismakingaholeinthetunnel’sceiling. Sparksareflying.
Rocko (nervous): Come on, faster!
Razer (annoyed): Would you like to do it yourself?
At that moment, the ceiling falls through and a safe lands beside guys. Theyloaditonthetrolleyandpush.
Razer (groaning, withindignation): It’sapitythatwecannotopenithere… come up with this..(behind the frame now) There is a limb lock in this safe. On the outside, this is a rotary knob with numbers. A pin is attached to it, which transmits the signal to the lock mechanism itself. If you do not know the exact combination, then the handle can be turned to infinity. But even knowing, you need to be very careful. When typing a new number, you need to change the direction of rotation!
They take the safe out of the trolley and load it.
Rocko (nervous): Thealarmstilldoesn’twork, itmeansthatwehaveenoughtimetoescape.
Car starts to move.
Speaker:You will see the rest of this part in the next cartoon, my friends!
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