11 REAL Creatures People Thought Were FAKE, But AREN'T!

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From that were "too monstrous" to be real, to birds that inspired myths, and more! Join me as I tell you about 11 creatures you thought were fake, but aren’t!

11. The Mine Creature
In Siberia in 2016, in the Mirminsky district of the Sakha Republic in far northeastern Russia, a very unique carcass of a creature was found. As for what the creature was, no one is sure. Usually this would be an indication that the creature was a fake or a hoax, but that's not the case here. This is a very real dried out something!! It was very well preserved and had very sharp teeth! You can see the miner holding it here and it is known as the demon of the mine!

10. "African Unicorn"
When European explorers began to take expeditions into Africa, they saw a creature that looked like a horse, but had a horn, a singular horn. To them, they thought that this was the Unicorn of legend. Further adding to this speculation was that the "Unicorn" was rare to be seen, and only traveled with members of its pack.

9. Oarfish
If you wish to see a fish that is definitely creepy in its form and shape that has been found by divers and more, that would be the Oarfish. This is a large fish that is the largest "bony fish" alive. In fact, the largest one found was 36 feet long.

8. Platypus
There are many names for the Platypus, or as some call it "nature's reject". Why? Because this animal literally looks like it was sewn together by a mad scientist. Or as one cartoon depicted, God running out of ideas and just throwing something together. Which if you think about what the Platypus is, and isn't, it kind of makes sense.

7. The Devil Bird
There are many creatures of folklore and mythology that many people believe in one form or another are real, even though a vast majority of them are too "fantastical" to be real. In Sri Lanka, one of their most popular tales of a Cryptid is the "Devil Bird".

6. Monkey Pig
There are many creatures in the world that have names of multiple animals in their own, but usually they're a reference to the skills of a creature, like a Spider-Monkey. But in the case of the Monkey Pig, it's another story entirely, one that is very real for the record. For proof, it was born in San Juan y Martinez area of western Cuba's Pinar del Rio in 2016.

5. Blobfish
The Blobfish is actually a very unique specimen when it comes to the world we live in. For you see, the Blobfish are a species that lives in incredibly deep waters within the oceans, and are used to living in places with incredible pressure. So when they're not in those high pressure areas, they actually transform (in a way) into a more jelly like state, which is why it looks like a blob when it is on the surface.

4. Tasmanian Devil
Despite what Looney Tunes would have you believe, the Tasmanian Devil is not a several foot tall creature that can spin around so fast it creates a tornado and eats everything in sight. Rather, it's called the Tasmanian Devil because when it was discovered, it had very "devil-like" features. Such as a wide jaw, sharp teeth, red ears, and the ability to create very scary sounds, including screeches and squeals. Thus, the Tasmanian Devil was born.

3. Colossal and Giant Squids
The Kraken is a legend that continues to thrive in the world despite many people "believing" that it was an exaggeration of a now known creature. According to the legends, the Kraken is a squid of such size that it would dwarf and consume massive vessels. But despite this story being born in the time of sailboats, there have been many modern day accounts of the Kraken, including a testimony of a sailor from World War I, and a "Google Earth Sighting" near the Antarctic.

2. Horned Baby
A picture surface on the internet of a skeleton of what can only be described as a "horned baby". But what made people think it was fake was not that the skull of the baby had horns, but rather that it looked like two babies were put together in the head region, and then they both had horns. Looking at this from the objective sense, such a thing does feel fake, but that's not exactly what's going on here.

1. One-Eyed Shark
There are an infinite amount of stories where a picture is used as "proof" of something, and yet it is fake, especially when it comes to animals. This connects to when a fisherman off of Baja, California took pictures of a "One-Eyed Shark" and posted them around. People immediately started crying out that this was fake. Even when pictures of the shark were taken from another angle and seemed to be legit, no one believed it.

#creatures #realorfake #worldlist
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Am I the only one that noticed they didn't show the picture of the so-called monkey pig?


This was just a list of things YOU didn’t know. This was all common knowledge to the rest of the world. And you need to fact check your info before making these videos! And stop talking about one thing while showing pictures of something completely different! That’s how you spread false information!


Th Okapi has been known since the early 1900's not the 1990's. Their have been examples in American zoos since the 1930's.


It's not the Okapi that where the unicorn myth it was the Rhino because they both have 1 horn .. Which is the reason that they still use it's horn...


Did u say number 2 even though it was number 3


I’ve actually seen a platypus because I’m Australian


I I did know the Platypus was real I bet you didn't know that one is under water has its eyes closed and that uses feel sensors on its peak to move around


its actually pronounced OH-KAP-EEE not OH-KOP-EEE


I wish tasmenian devil spin like cartoon


Already know this go be a good video👍
