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This is not just a song, it is a Response to the kingdom of darkness!
This is not just a song, it is the Believers Anthem!
This is not just a song, it is the Renewing of your Mind to Truth!
This is not just a song, it is making your Boast in the LORD!
This is not just a song, it is an Assurance for true Believers!
This is not just a song, it is the Knowledge of your Security in GOD!
This is not just a song, it is the Understanding of that which is Written concerning you
This is not just a song, it is the knowledge of your Covering when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death!


I GET BACKING is not just a song, it was my Response to the devil and his witches when they came for me and it will always be my response if they dare try again.

I can boast in THE GOD OF HEAVEN that I serve, because I know Him! If you don't know Him come and surrender yourself to Him, so you can truly enjoy His Salvation, Security, Protection, Deliverance, Joy, Peace, Provision, Love and Assurance like none other.

Video - carelfilms
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"Wherever they call or mention your name for evil, God will answer for you in Jesus name!’

Please spread the word! Rewatch it again and again until this TRUTH becomes your REALITY! We are backed by The TRINITY plus all the Hosts Of Heaven! I GET BACKING! YOU GET BACKING! WE GET BACKING!!!!
Keep living in this reality! God bless you!!!❤


Law School will not be the end of me.
I walk with God the father, God the son, and the host of angels on this journey.
It will end in praise. Amen


True testimony: I had a legal battle as a result of a Christian friend (so called friend), who fabricated lies against me because she desperately wanted me to loose my job. I then danced to this song literally the whole night like I was insane the day my sister Victoria first uploaded it (not this video). Have you ever seen a mad person dancing nonstop? The next thing, I got a request for a meeting from gate keepers because they wanted to apologize for believing lies. Yet I had not even defended myself to them. They said they knew I could not have done what I was accused of because I have been loyal for years. The case was withdrawn and the so called friend was fired instead. Sadly, she is still jobless and her car was repossessed. We have got backing saints.


Today November 2024 was feeling lonely not loved, depressed and totally down emotionally, I go to social media and write*help me God, I need therapy* I slept off and as I was lying on me bed 🛌, I had smthg telling me that someone will call, soo i leave my phone in loud mode and I slept off, later in the night a phone call comes through and this person was asking me if I was OK, within me I knew this call was just heavenly sent, I jazz with him how I was feeling and he just gave me his testimony and I gained confidence that Jesus watches me, am not alone,
He recommends this song and indeed its the the greatest therapy to my soul
Have gat God's backing
I know am not alone

I have gat God the Father
God the son
God the Spirit
U know am not alone


I was born in a Muslim family ...but the love that I have in my heart for Jesus Christ is huge ..I can proudly say that I am a Christian now and GOD has shown that he loves me too...


My visa has been approved because I get backing 🙌🙌🙌🙌


My wife is 8 months pregnant and as she was driving today, she got involved in a terrible head collision accident. Her car was pushed 15 metres away while she was inside. She was displaced from the driving seat to the passenger seat. I thank God she survived without any injuries except swellings. After checkups, the baby is 100% okay. God is great.


Who's still watching in October 🎉🎉❤🎉


NIGERIANS, please adopt me🤣♥️🙏 your worship is too much


I sang this song into delivery room, and God indeed backed me up, despite all, He came through. Mummy and baby strong and healthy. Thank you God


The Holy Spirit woke me up to this song in my spirit today. My friend was going to be taken off of life support later. This song helped me to stand on His Word. I am grateful to say that she was taken off life support AND IS FULLY RECOVERED!!!!


I’m a Afghan Christian and this song has truly blessed me and will bless my nation.


I am here to give my testimony on How God protected me. I was from church and I was heading home. A car slowed down and they asked if I was going in their direction and I said yes I entered the car. In my mind I was like these are people from our church but the minute I stepped in the car and saw the driver with cigarette I smelled kidnap! I was so tensed but God calmed me even when I was chatting I never sounded like someone who was tensed. In that moment this song dropped in my Spirit and I started singing to my soul "I getting backing I no dey walk alone" and I remember the same testimony I read this morning as I was listening to this song today morning before heading to church. I thank God because when I reached to my destination they let me go without any harm. I choose to Give God all the glory because it is not my strength or knowledge that saved me it is only by his grace.... during the chat they asked me where I was coming from and I said church and the co driver told me that the driver worships the devil😢😢😢 brethrens help me thank God because He is so real. I was one of the people who used to think that when people commented about the encounters they had by just listening to a song was nothing short of a lie but today I take back those words and I am here to tell you that the songs that are born in the secret place are very prophetic and by just singing this song to my spirit and surrendering to God.... I have seen the hand of God. Thank you Jesus!

Continuation: thank you so much for the likes and the replies, I was and still am overwhelmed by how you have joined in praising God with me. I couldn't reply to every comment dropped below but I love you lots and may God create testimonies for you and may your life be a testimony in your country as well as to the ends of the world in Jesus's name. Amen


I was Muslim and converted to being a follower of our lLord Jesus Christ..I prayed to God one time with all my heart and asked him to show me if he’s real then Jesus came into my life. The holly spirit is guiding me and I will start preaching in God’s name one day to bring this gift of true love and happiness to less fortunate and lost souls.Amen ❤❤❤❤🙏😇


My visa is approved because I get God’s backing 🥰🥰. No stress. 🙏🏾


*I was paralyzed in bed last year and I heard Jesus say out loud to me - If you believe in me get up and walk💜🕊💜 I got up and not only walked but went for a walk outside. Praise GOD IS ALWAYS WORKING!!!! ✌💜🕊🙏*


If you are going to soak this song the whole year, gather here. Continous playing


The level at which Victoria Orenze is walking in spirit is beyond human understanding....
Regardless of the distance...you can just feel the presence✅


The power behind this song is supernatural. Healed from excruciating pain in the ribs. All glory to God


I get backing, whosoever want to do evil to me will face God's wrath in Jesus name
