What Is Hypnotherapy and How Does It Work?

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What Is Hypnotherapy and How Does It Work?

Hypnotherapy is an empowering tool for significant change that can help you take control by tapping into your mind’s power, and uninstalling those old programs that are holding you back.

I'll explain:
Do you notice that once a negative patterns starts, that your mind keeps wanting to do the same thing over and over again?

You’ve probably done your best to change, but unfortunately, there is a kind of firewall that is keeping the good stuff from getting in. This is where hypnotherapy can help.

While in a state of what feels like deep relaxation, the walls come down, creating a window of opportunity where we can input positive suggestions that train your mind to succeed.

That is hypnotherapy in a nutshell. It's so relaxing that people tend to say that it's like a mental massage. It's definitely something that you want to experience.

About Sasha Carrion:
Sasha is a Certified Hypnotherapist / Life Coach residing in Los Angeles, CA. Her reason for deciding to work in the self-help and personal Development world was a very personal one. At the age of five, her parents disappeared without a trace. It wouldn’t be until 24 years later that she would find out the chilling truth of what had happened. During this time, Hypnosis in the form Hypnotherapy and NLP were the only things that helped relieve her anxiety and depression from having lived through so much trauma. She now focuses on helping people overcome their blocks so they can live the lives they choose to live.

You can see Sasha's empathetic and caring style on both English and Spanish speaking TV and radio shows. This proud Latina coach always makes sure that every video is always available to Spanish speakers.

Connect with Sasha @
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